Commit 66fe3ab6 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

"simulation mode" now shows the toolpath over time (good for visualizing machine moves)

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 40f69b00
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Version 0.4.1 - UNRELEASED
* added support for single-line fonts text (based on fonts from QCAD)
* parallel and distributed processing is configurable in a dialog
* visualize movements up to safety height properly
* changed "simulation mode" for visualizing the machine moves
* added support for DXF feature "LWPOLYLINE"
* unify DropCutter behaviour for models that are higher than the defined bounding box
* always move up to safety height in this case
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -777,7 +777,9 @@ def draw_complete_model_view(settings):
# draw the model
if settings.get("show_model"):
if settings.get("show_model") \
and not (settings.get("show_simulation") \
and settings.get("simulation_toolpath_moves")):
model = settings.get("model")
min_area = abs(model.maxx - model.minx) * abs(model.maxy - model.miny) / 100
......@@ -801,12 +803,21 @@ def draw_complete_model_view(settings):
if settings.get("show_support_grid") and settings.get("support_grid"):
# draw the toolpath simulation
if settings.get("show_simulation"):
moves = settings.get("simulation_toolpath_moves")
if not moves is None:
draw_toolpath(moves, settings.get("color_toolpath_cut"),
# draw the toolpath
# don't do it, if a new toolpath is just being calculated
safety_height = settings.get("gcode_safety_height")
if settings.get("show_toolpath") \
and not (settings.get("show_drill_progress") \
and (not settings.get("toolpath_in_progress") is None)):
and (not settings.get("toolpath_in_progress") is None)) \
and not (settings.get("show_simulation") \
and settings.get("simulation_toolpath_moves")):
for toolpath_obj in settings.get("toolpath"):
if toolpath_obj.visible:
......@@ -756,6 +756,17 @@ class ProjectGui:
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_simulate").connect("clicked", self.toolpath_table_event, "simulate")
self.gui.get_object("ExitSimulationButton").connect("clicked", self.finish_toolpath_simulation)
self.gui.get_object("UpdateSimulationButton").connect("clicked", self.update_toolpath_simulation)
speed_factor_widget = self.gui.get_object("SimulationSpeedFactor")
lambda: pow(10, speed_factor_widget.get_value()),
lambda value: speed_factor_widget.set_value(math.log10(max(0.001, value))))
# update the speed factor label
lambda widget: self.gui.get_object("SimulationSpeedFactorValueLabel").set_label(
"%g" % self.settings.get("simulation_speed_factor")))
self.simulation_window = self.gui.get_object("SimulationDialog")
self.simulation_window.connect("delete-event", self.toggle_about_window, False)
self.gui.get_object("SimulationCancelButton").connect("clicked", self.cancel_progress)
# store the original content (for adding the number of current toolpaths in "update_toolpath_table")
self._original_toolpath_tab_label = self.gui.get_object("ToolPathTabLabel").get_text()
# tool editor
......@@ -2974,7 +2985,7 @@ class ProjectGui:
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_up").set_sensitive((not new_index is None) and (new_index > 0))
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_delete").set_sensitive(not new_index is None)
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_down").set_sensitive((not new_index is None) and (new_index + 1 < len(self.toolpath)))
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_simulate").set_sensitive((not new_index is None) and pycam.Physics.ode_physics.is_ode_available())
self.gui.get_object("toolpath_simulate").set_sensitive(not new_index is None)
def save_task_settings_file(self, widget=None, filename=None):
......@@ -3082,15 +3093,47 @@ class ProjectGui:
def finish_toolpath_simulation(self, widget=None):
# hide the simulation tab
# enable all other tabs again
self.settings.set("simulate_object", None)
self.settings.set("simulation_object", None)
self.settings.set("simulation_toolpath_moves", None)
self.settings.set("show_simulation", False)
def update_toolpath_simulation(self, widget=None, toolpath=None):
# get the currently selected toolpath, if none is give
if toolpath is None:
toolpath_index = self._treeview_get_active_index(self.toolpath_table, self.toolpath)
if toolpath_index is None:
toolpath = self.toolpath[toolpath_index]
# set the current cutter
self.cutter = toolpath.toolpath_settings.get_tool()
# calculate steps
safety_height = self.settings.get("gcode_safety_height")
machine_time = toolpath.get_machine_time(safety_height=safety_height)
complete_distance = toolpath.get_machine_movement_distance(
current_distance = 0
time_step = 1.0 / self.settings.get("drill_progress_max_fps")
feedrate = toolpath.toolpath_settings.get_tool_settings()["feedrate"]
self.update_progress_bar("Simulating movements")
while current_distance <= complete_distance:
current_distance += self.settings.get("simulation_speed_factor") * time_step * feedrate / 60
progress_value_percent = 100.0 * current_distance / complete_distance
moves = toolpath.get_moves(safety_height=safety_height,
self.settings.set("simulation_toolpath_moves", moves)
if self.update_progress_bar(percent=progress_value_percent):
def update_toolpath_simulation_ode(self, widget=None, toolpath=None):
import pycam.Simulation.ODEBlocks as ODEBlocks
# get the currently selected toolpath, if none is give
if toolpath is None:
......@@ -3153,9 +3196,7 @@ class ProjectGui:
# disable the main controls
# show the simulation controls
# switch to the simulation tab
# start the simulation
self.settings.set("show_simulation", True)
......@@ -101,20 +101,54 @@ class Toolpath(object):
self.color = color
def get_moves(self, safety_height):
result = []
paths = self.get_paths()
def get_moves(self, safety_height, max_movement=None):
class move_container(object):
def __init__(self, max_movement):
self.max_movement = max_movement
self.moved_distance = 0
self.moves = []
self.last_pos = None
if max_movement is None:
self.append = self.append_without_movement_limit
self.append = self.append_with_movement_limit
def append_with_movement_limit(self, new_position, rapid):
if self.last_pos is None:
# first movement with unknown start position - thus we ignore it
self.moves.append((new_position, rapid))
self.last_pos = new_position
return True
distance = new_position.sub(self.last_pos).norm
if self.moved_distance + distance > self.max_movement:
partial = (self.max_movement - self.moved_distance) / distance
partial_dest = p_last.add(new_position.sub(
self.moves.append((partial_dest, rapid))
self.last_pos = partial_dest
# we are finished
return False
self.moves.append((new_position, rapid))
self.moved_distance += distance
self.last_pos = new_position
return True
def append_without_movement_limit(self, new_position, rapid):
self.moves.append((new_position, rapid))
return True
p_last = None
max_safe_distance = 2 * self.toolpath_settings.get_tool().radius \
+ epsilon
for path in paths:
result = move_container(max_movement)
for path in self.get_paths():
if not path:
# ignore empty paths
p_next = path.points[0]
if p_last is None:
p_last = Point(p_next.x, p_next.y, safety_height)
result.append((p_last, True))
if not result.append(p_last, True):
return result.moves
if ((abs(p_last.x - p_next.x) > epsilon) \
or (abs(p_last.y - p_next.y) > epsilon)):
# Draw the connection between the last and the next path.
......@@ -126,15 +160,18 @@ class Toolpath(object):
# adjacent lines.
safety_last = Point(p_last.x, p_last.y, safety_height)
safety_next = Point(p_next.x, p_next.y, safety_height)
result.append((safety_last, True))
result.append((safety_next, True))
if not result.append(safety_last, True):
return result.moves
if not result.append(safety_next, True):
return result.moves
for p in path.points:
result.append((p, False))
if not result.append(p, False):
return result.moves
p_last = path.points[-1]
if not p_last is None:
p_last_safety = Point(p_last.x, p_last.y, safety_height)
result.append((p_last_safety, True))
return result
result.append(p_last_safety, True)
return result.moves
def get_machine_time(self, safety_height=0.0):
""" calculate an estimation of the time required for processing the
......@@ -157,6 +194,17 @@ class Toolpath(object):
current_position = new_pos
return result
def get_machine_movement_distance(self, safety_height=0.0):
result = 0
safety_height = number(safety_height)
current_position = None
# go through all points of the path
for new_pos, rapid in self.get_moves(safety_height):
if not current_position is None:
result += new_pos.sub(current_position).norm
current_position = new_pos
return result
class Bounds:
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