Commit 659ece8a authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

implemented cropping for contour models

 * now EngraveCutter respects the defined boundary box

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 3d1f8a86
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ along with PyCAM. If not, see <>.
from pycam.Geometry import TransformableContainer
from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point
from pycam.Geometry.Plane import Plane
from pycam.Geometry.utils import epsilon
import pycam.Geometry.Matrix as Matrix
import math
......@@ -196,6 +197,60 @@ class Line(TransformableContainer):
# intersection outside of the length of line(x1, x2)
return None
def get_cropped_line(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
if (minx <= self.minx() <= self.maxx() <= maxx) \
and (miny <= self.miny() <= self.maxy() <= maxy) \
and (minz <= self.minz() <= self.maxz() <= maxz):
return Line(line.p1, line.p2)
elif (maxx < self.minx()) or (self.maxx() < minx) \
or (maxy < self.miny()) or (self.maxy() < miny) \
or (maxz < self.minz()) or (self.maxz() < minz):
return None
# the line needs to be cropped
# generate the six planes of the cube for possible intersections
minp = Point(minx, miny, minz)
maxp = Point(maxx, maxy, maxz)
planes = [
Plane(minp, Point(1, 0, 0)),
Plane(minp, Point(0, 1, 0)),
Plane(minp, Point(0, 0, 1)),
Plane(maxp, Point(1, 0, 0)),
Plane(maxp, Point(0, 1, 0)),
Plane(maxp, Point(0, 0, 1)),
# calculate all intersections
intersections = [plane.intersect_point(self.dir(), self.p1)
for plane in planes]
# remove all intersections outside the box and outside the line
valid_intersections = [(cp, dist) for cp, dist in intersections
if cp and (0 <= dist <= self.len()) \
and (minx <= cp.x <= maxx) \
and (miny <= cp.y <= maxy) \
and (minz <= cp.z <= maxz)]
# sort the intersections according to their distance to self.p1
cmp=lambda (cp1, l1), (cp2, l2): cmp(l1, l2))
# Check if p1 is within the box - otherwise use the closest
# intersection.
if (minx <= self.p1.x <= maxx) and (miny <= self.p1.y <= maxy) \
and (minz <= self.p1.z <= maxz):
new_p1 = self.p1
new_p1 = valid_intersections[0][0]
# Check if p2 is within the box - otherwise use the intersection
# most distant from p1.
if (minx <= self.p2.x <= maxx) and (miny <= self.p2.y <= maxy) \
and (minz <= self.p2.z <= maxz):
new_p2 = self.p2
new_p2 = valid_intersections[-1][0]
if new_p1 == new_p2:
# no real line
return None
return Line(new_p1, new_p2)
class LineGroup(TransformableContainer):
......@@ -435,3 +490,41 @@ class LineGroup(TransformableContainer):
return group
def get_cropped_line_groups(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
""" crop a line group according to a 3d bounding box
The result is a list of LineGroups, since the bounding box can possibly
break the original line group into several non-connected pieces.
new_groups = []
for line in self._lines:
new_line = None
if (minx <= line.minx() <= line.maxx() <= maxx) \
and (miny <= line.miny() <= line.maxy() <= maxy) \
and (minz <= line.minz() <= line.maxz() <= maxz):
new_line = line
cropped_line = line.get_cropped_line(minx, maxx, miny, maxy,
minz, maxz)
if not cropped_line is None:
new_line = cropped_line
# add the new line to one of the line groups
if not new_line is None:
# try to find a suitable line group
for new_group in new_groups:
except ValueError:
# the line did not fit to this group (segment is broken)
# no suitable group was found - we create a new one
new_group = LineGroup(self.get_offset_matrix())
if len(new_groups) > 0:
return new_groups
return None
......@@ -231,6 +231,21 @@ class ContourModel(BaseModel):
def get_line_groups(self):
return self._line_groups
def get_cropped_model(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
new_line_groups = []
for group in self._line_groups:
new_groups = group.get_cropped_line_groups(minx, maxx, miny, maxy,
minz, maxz)
if not new_groups is None:
if len(new_line_groups) > 0:
result = ContourModel()
for group in new_line_groups:
return result
return None
def get_offset_model(self, offset, callback=None):
""" calculate a contour model that surrounds the current model with
a given offset.
......@@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ def generate_toolpath(model, tool_settings=None,
# no collisions and no user interruption
# limit the contour model to the bounding box
if contour_model:
contour_model = contour_model.get_cropped_model(minx, maxx, miny, maxy,
minz, maxz)
if contour_model is None:
return "No part of the contour model is within the bounding box."
# Due to some weirdness the height of the drill must be bigger than the
# object's size. Otherwise some collisions are not detected.
cutter_height = 4 * (maxy - miny)
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