Commit 3165dbaf authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

r654@erker: lars | 2010-02-14 10:50:43 +0100

 rotation is implemented properly

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent fd910d4d
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class GLView:
dist = self.view["distance"]
self.view["distance"] = (dist[0] * scale, dist[1] * scale, dist[2] * scale)
elif state == self.mouse["button"] == BUTTON_MOVE:
elif (state == self.mouse["button"] == BUTTON_MOVE) or (state == self.mouse["button"] == BUTTON_ROTATE):
start_x, start_y = self.mouse["start_pos"]
self.mouse["start_pos"] = [x, y]
height = self.area.allocation.height
......@@ -199,14 +199,48 @@ class GLView:
# relation of x/y movement to the respective screen dimension
win_x_rel = (0.0 + x - start_x)/width
win_y_rel = (0.0 + y - start_y)/height
# update the model position that should be centered on the screen
old_center = self.view["center"]
new_center = []
for i in range(3):
new_center.append(old_center[i] + max_dim * (win_x_rel * factors_x[i] + win_y_rel * factors_y[i]))
self.view["center"] = tuple(new_center)
elif state == self.mouse["button"] == BUTTON_ROTATE:
if (state == BUTTON_MOVE):
# update the model position that should be centered on the screen
old_center = self.view["center"]
new_center = []
for i in range(3):
new_center.append(old_center[i] + max_dim * (win_x_rel * factors_x[i] + win_y_rel * factors_y[i]))
self.view["center"] = tuple(new_center)
# update the camera position according to the mouse movement
# store original distance length ("rotation radius")
distv = self.view["distance"]
orig_distance = Point(distv[0], distv[1], distv[2])
# calculate rotation factors - based on the distance to the center (between -1 and 1)
rot_x_factor = (0.0 + start_x)/(width/2) - 1
rot_y_factor = (0.0 + start_y)/(height/2) - 1
# calculate rotation angles (between -90 and +90 degrees)
rot_x_angle = rot_x_factor * math.pi/2 * (y - start_y)/height
rot_y_angle = rot_y_factor * math.pi/2 * (x - start_x)/width
# calculate sinus / cosinus
rot_x_sin = math.sin(rot_x_angle)
rot_x_cos = math.cos(rot_x_angle)
rot_y_sin = math.sin(rot_y_angle)
rot_y_cos = math.cos(rot_y_angle)
# rotation of an original vector around a normalized "rot" vector
# see
def rotate(orig, rot, sin, cos):
rot_matrix = ((cos + rot[0]*rot[0]*(1-cos), rot[0]*rot[1]*(1-cos) - rot[2]*sin, rot[0]*rot[2]*(1-cos) + rot[1]*sin),
(rot[1]*rot[0]*(1-cos) + rot[2]*sin, cos + rot[1]*rot[1]*(1-cos), rot[1]*rot[2]*(1-cos) - rot[0]*sin),
(rot[2]*rot[0]*(1-cos) - rot[1]*sin, rot[2]*rot[1]*(1-cos) + rot[0]*sin, cos + rot[2]*rot[2]*(1-cos)))
return (orig[0]*rot_matrix[0][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[0][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[0][2],
orig[0]*rot_matrix[1][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[1][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[1][2],
orig[0]*rot_matrix[2][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[2][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[2][2])
# rotate around the "up" vector with the y-axis rotation
original_distance = self.view["distance"]
original_up = self.view["up"]
new_distance = rotate(original_distance, factors_y, rot_y_sin, rot_y_cos)
new_up = rotate(original_up, factors_y, rot_y_sin, rot_y_cos)
# rotate around the cross vector with the x-axis rotation
new_distance = rotate(new_distance, factors_x, rot_x_sin, rot_x_cos)
new_up = rotate(new_up, factors_x, rot_x_sin, rot_x_cos)
self.view["distance"] = new_distance
self.view["up"] = new_up
# button was released
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