Commit 2f58933a authored by Lars Kruse's avatar Lars Kruse

improved TinySidewaysMovesFilter

* skip move to safety height if we go straight down afterwards
parent 118c3b49
......@@ -107,18 +107,22 @@ class TinySidewaysMovesFilter(BaseFilter):
for move_type, args in toolpath:
if in_safety and last_pos:
# check if the last position was very close and at the
# same height
# check if we can skip a possible previous safety move
if (pdist(last_pos, args) < self.settings["tolerance"]) and \
(abs(last_pos[2] - args[2]) < epsilon):
# within tolerance -> remove previous safety move
# same height, within tolerance -> no safety move
elif (abs(last_pos[0] - args[0]) < epsilon) and \
(abs(last_pos[1] - args[1]) < epsilon):
# same position, but different height
in_safety = False
last_pos = args
elif move_type == MOVE_SAFETY:
in_safety = True
# it is not safe to assume that we are still at safety height
in_safety = False
new_path.append((move_type, args))
return new_path
......@@ -181,6 +185,8 @@ class Crop(BaseFilter):
class TransformPosition(BaseFilter):
""" shift or rotate a toolpath based on a given 3x3 or 3x4 matrix
PARAMS = ("matrix", )
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