Commit 252a3d37 authored by Whitham D. Reeve II's avatar Whitham D. Reeve II

Some efficiency toolpath rendering pathway efficiency improvements

Made changes to remove consecutive duplicate points, combined two loops that iterated through points into one.
parent 911d16a4
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class Toolpath(object):
distance = psub(p2, p1)
length = pnorm(distance)
direction = pnormalized(distance)
if direction is None:
if direction is None or length < 0.5:
# zero-length line
return []
cone_length = length * size
......@@ -261,49 +261,87 @@ class Toolpath(object):
def get_moves_for_opengl(self, safety_height):
if self.opengl_safety_height != safety_height:
return (self.opengl_coords, self.opengl_indices)
# separate vertex coordinates from line definitions and convert to indices
def make_vbo_for_moves(self):
def make_vbo_for_moves2(self):
index = 0
output = []
store_vertices = {}
vertices = []
for path in self.opengl_lines:
# compress the lines into a centeral array containing all the vertices
# generate a matching index for each line
indices = []
for point in path[0]:
triangles = []
triangle_indices = []
for idx in range(len(path[0]) - 1):
point = path[0][idx]
if not point in store_vertices:
store_vertices[point] = index
vertices.insert(store_vertices[point], point)
vertices.insert(index, point)
index += 1
# this list comprehension removes consecutive duplicate points.
indices = array([x[0] for x in groupby(indices)],dtype=numpy.int32)
# generate mesh for each direction cone
# also put these vertices in the vertex array above
# also generate indices for each triangle
triangles = []
for idx in range(len(path[0]) - 1):
some_triangles = self.draw_direction_cone_mesh(path[0][idx], path[0][idx + 1])
for triangle in some_triangles:
triangle_indices = []
for t in triangles:
for p in t:
if not p in store_vertices:
store_vertices[p] = index
vertices.insert(store_vertices[p], p)
index += 1
point2 = path[0][idx + 1]
if not point2 in store_vertices:
store_vertices[point2] = index
vertices.insert(index, point2)
index += 1
triangles.extend(self.draw_direction_cone_mesh(path[0][idx], path[0][idx + 1]))
for t in triangles:
for p in t:
if not p in store_vertices:
store_vertices[p] = index
vertices.insert(index, p)
index += 1
triangle_indices = array(triangle_indices, dtype=numpy.int32)
indices = array([x[0] for x in groupby(indices)],dtype=numpy.int32)
output.append((indices, triangle_indices, path[1]))
vertices = array(vertices,dtype=numpy.float32)
coords = vbo.VBO(vertices)
self.opengl_coords = coords
vertices = array(vertices, dtype=numpy.float32)
self.opengl_coords = vbo.VBO(vertices)
self.opengl_indices = output
# separate vertex coordinates from line definitions and convert to indices
#def make_vbo_for_moves(self):
# index = 0
# output = []
# store_vertices = {}
# vertices = []
# for path in self.opengl_lines:
# # compress the lines into a centeral array containing all the vertices
# # generate a matching index for each line
# indices = []
# for point in path[0]:
# if not point in store_vertices:
# store_vertices[point] = index
# vertices.insert(store_vertices[point], point)
# index += 1
# indices.append(store_vertices[point])
# # this list comprehension removes consecutive duplicate points.
# indices = array([x[0] for x in groupby(indices)],dtype=numpy.int32)
# # generate mesh for each direction cone
# # also put these vertices in the vertex array above
# # also generate indices for each triangle
# triangles = []
# for idx in range(len(path[0]) - 1):
# some_triangles =
# for triangle in some_triangles:
# triangles.append(triangle)
# triangle_indices = []
# for t in triangles:
# for p in t:
# if not p in store_vertices:
# store_vertices[p] = index
# vertices.insert(store_vertices[p], p)
# index += 1
# triangle_indices.append(store_vertices[p])
# triangle_indices = array(triangle_indices, dtype=numpy.int32)
# output.append((indices, triangle_indices, path[1]))
# vertices = array(vertices,dtype=numpy.float32)
# coords = vbo.VBO(vertices)
# self.opengl_coords = coords
# self.opengl_indices = output
#convert moves into lines for dispaly with opengl
def make_moves_for_opengl(self, safety_height):
......@@ -319,7 +357,7 @@ class Toolpath(object):
working_path.append((path[0][0], path[0][1], safety_height))
if ((abs(lastp[0] - path[0][0]) > epsilon) or (abs(lastp[1] - path[0][1]) > epsilon)):
if (abs(lastp[2] - path[0][2]) > epsilon) or (pnorm(psub(lastp, path[0])) > self._max_safe_distance + epsilon):
outpaths.append((working_path, True))
outpaths.append((tuple([x[0] for x in groupby(working_path)]), True))
working_path.append((path[0][0], path[0][1], safety_height))
......@@ -329,11 +367,12 @@ class Toolpath(object):
if outpaths[-1][1] == False:
outpaths[-1] = (outpaths[-1][0] + tuple(path), False)
outpaths.append(((outpaths[-1][0][-1],) + tuple(path), False))
# last move was rapid, so add last point of rapid to beginning of path
outpaths.append((tuple([x[0] for x in groupby((outpaths[-1][0][-1],) + tuple(path))]), False))
working_path = []
working_path.append((path[-1][0], path[-1][1], safety_height))
outpaths.append((working_path, True))
outpaths.append((tuple([x[0] for x in groupby(working_path)]), True))
self.opengl_safety_height = safety_height
self.opengl_lines = outpaths
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