Commit 234c0fa9 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

generate the man file directly from the output of "pycam --help" (via "help2man")

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent e9ff489d
# BEWARE: this makefile is solely used for preparing a release - it is not useful for compiling/installing the program
# export SVN_REPO_BASE=. if you want to use the local version instead of trunk
# from the subversion repository.
# use something like "VERSION=0.2 make" to override the VERSION on the command line
VERSION ?= $(shell sed -n "s/^.*[\t ]*VERSION[\t ]*=[\t ]*[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/gp" src/pycam/
......@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ DISTUTILS_PLAT_NAME = $(shell $(PYTHON_EXE) --help build_ext | grep -q
# turn the destination directory into an absolute path
.PHONY: zip tgz win32 clean dist svn_export upload create_archive_dir
.PHONY: zip tgz win32 clean dist svn_export upload create_archive_dir man
dist: zip tgz win32
@# remove the tmp directory when everything is done
......@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ dist: zip tgz win32
@rm -rf "$(EXPORT_DIR)"
man: svn_export
@make -C "$(EXPORT_DIR)/man"
svn_export: clean
@if svn info &>/dev/null;\
then svn export --quiet "$(SVN_REPO_BASE)" "$(EXPORT_DIR)";\
......@@ -39,13 +43,13 @@ svn_export: clean
mkdir -p "$(ARCHIVE_DIR)"
zip: create_archive_dir svn_export
zip: create_archive_dir man svn_export
cd "$(EXPORT_DIR)"; $(PYTHON_EXE) sdist --format zip --dist-dir "$(ARCHIVE_DIR)"
tgz: create_archive_dir svn_export
tgz: create_archive_dir man svn_export
cd "$(EXPORT_DIR)"; $(PYTHON_EXE) sdist --format gztar --dist-dir "$(ARCHIVE_DIR)"
win32: create_archive_dir svn_export
win32: create_archive_dir man svn_export
# this is a binary release
cd "$(EXPORT_DIR)"; $(PYTHON_EXE) bdist --format wininst --dist-dir "$(ARCHIVE_DIR)" $(DISTUTILS_PLAT_NAME)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Section: python
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Sebastian Kuzminsky <>
Build-Depends: python, debhelper (>= 7), cdbs, patchutils
Build-Depends-Indep: python-support
Build-Depends-Indep: python-support, help2man
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
.PHONY: clean
pycam.1: ../pycam
help2man --no-info --name="Toolpath Generation for 3-Axis CNC machining" \
--section=1 --manual="PyCAM manual" --output=pycam.1 ../pycam
@rm -f pycam.1
.TH PyCAM 1 "April 02010" "PyCAM" "PyCAM manual"
pycam \- start the graphical user interface of the \fBPyCAM\fR Toolpath Generator
for 3-Axis CNC machining
.B pycam
[\fIoptions\fR] [\fISTL_input\fR [\fIGCode_output\fR]]
\fBPyCAM\fR is a toolpath generator for 3-axis CNC machining.
You can configure different cutter shapes and differen path strategies for preparing
multiple passes.
The output of \fBPyCAM\fR is G-Code suitable for EMC2 or other machine controllers.
The following options control the behaviour of \fBPyCAM\fR:
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
show the available options and exit
don't create the outputfile on the fly - just preset the output filename and show the GUI
use the new GTK interface (default)
use the (old) Tk interface
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-config\fR=\fBCONFIG_FILE\fR
load a task settings file (requires the GTK interface)
choose a specific task from task settings by number
(requires the GTK interface)
disable experimental ODE collision detection
Override the default location of the GTK interface definition files.
You may want to define this variable in case that you installed the
\fBPyCAM\fR python package in a non-default location.
Written by Lars Kruse
Copyright \(co 02010 Lars Kruse
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License <>. There is NO
WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Override the default data directory of PyCAM. This allows
you to provide customized logos, menu files or non-default sample files.
You may want to define this variable in case that you installed the
\fBPyCAM\fR python package in a non-default location.
Take a look at the output of \fBpycam --help\fR to get a slightly better
formatted list of options. The manual that you are reading right now is
derived from this output.
Take a look at the wiki for more information about PyCAM:
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import pycam.Toolpath.Generator
import pycam.Toolpath
from pycam import VERSION
import pycam.Utils.log
import logging
log = pycam.Utils.log.get_logger()
......@@ -100,17 +101,16 @@ def get_default_model():
# check if we were started as a separate program
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser( prog="PyCAM", version="PyCAM v%s" % VERSION,
parser = OptionParser(prog="PyCAM",
usage="usage: %prog [options] [inputfile]\n\n" \
+ "Use any of the '--export-???' parameters to disable " \
+ "the graphical user interface (GUI).\n" \
+ "When starting the GUI (default) all arguments except " \
+ "'inputfile' are ignored.\n" \
+ "When starting the GUI (the default) all arguments " \
+ "except 'inputfile' are ignored.\n" \
+ "'inputfile' may be an STL or DXF file.",
epilog="Use any of the '--export-???' parameters to enable " \
+ "non-interactive mode. Otherwise all options (except " \
+ "'inputfile') are silently ignored and the GUI is " \
+ "started.")
epilog="Take a look at the wiki for more information: " \
+ "\n" \
+ "Bug reports:")
group_general = parser.add_option_group("General options")
group_export = parser.add_option_group("Export formats",
"Export the resulting toolpath or meta-data in various formats. " \
......@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ "place during the mill operation. The support grid can be " \
+ "removed manually afterwards. The support grid can have a " \
+ "rectangular profile. By default the support grid is disabled.")
group_external_programs = parser.add_option_group("External programs",
"Some optional external programs are used for format conversions.")
# general options
group_general.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config_file",
default=None, action="store", type="string",
help="load a task settings file")
......@@ -159,6 +162,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
group_general.add_option("", "--disable-psyco", dest="disable_psyco",
default=False, action="store_true", help="disable the Psyco " \
+ "just-in-time-compiler even when it is available")
group_general.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet",
default=False, action="store_true", help="show only warnings and " \
+ "errors.")
group_general.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="show_version",
default=False, action="store_true", help="show the current " \
+ "version of PyCAM and exit")
# export options
group_export.add_option("", "--export-gcode", dest="export_gcode",
default=None, action="store", type="string",
help="export the generated toolpaths to a file")
......@@ -166,6 +176,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
dest="export_task_config", default=None, action="store",
help="export the current task configuration (mainly for debugging)")
# tool options
group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-shape", dest="tool_shape",
default="cylindrical", action="store", type="choice",
choices=["cylindrical", "spherical", "toroidal"],
......@@ -187,6 +198,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
default=1, action="store", type="int",
help="tool ID - to be used for tool selection via GCode " \
+ "(default: 1)")
# process options
group_process.add_option("", "--process-path-direction",
dest="process_path_direction", default="x", action="store",
type="choice", choices=["x", "y", "xy"],
......@@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
dest="process_engrave_offset", default=0.0, action="store",
type="float", help="engrave along the contour of a model with a " \
+ "given distance (only for 'engrave' strategy)")
# bounds settings
group_bounds.add_option("", "--bounds-type", dest="bounds_type",
default="relative-margin", action="store", type="choice",
choices=["relative-margin", "fixed-margin", "custom"],
......@@ -233,6 +246,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
default="", action="store", type="string",
help="comma-separated x/y/z combination of the upper boundary " \
+ "(e.g. '12,5.5,0')")
# support grid settings
group_support_grid.add_option("", "--enable-support-grid",
dest="support_grid_enabled", default=False, action="store_true",
help="enable the support grid")
......@@ -246,6 +260,15 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
group_support_grid.add_option("", "--support-grid-thickness",
dest="support_grid_thickness", default=0.5, action="store",
type="float", help="width of the support grid profile")
# external program settings
group_external_programs.add_option("", "--location-inkscape",
dest="external_program_inkscape", default="", action="store",
type="string", help="location of the Inkscape executable. " \
+ "This program is required for importing SVG files.")
group_external_programs.add_option("", "--location-pstoedit",
dest="external_program_pstoedit", default="", action="store",
type="string", help="location of the PStoEdit executable. " \
+ "This program is required for importing SVG files.")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) > 0:
......@@ -253,6 +276,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
inputfile = None
if opts.quiet:
# show version and exit
if opts.show_version:
if opts.quiet:
# print only the bare version number
print "PyCAM %s" % VERSION
print "Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lode Leroy"
print "Copyright (C) 2010 Lars Kruse"
print "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>."
print "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
print "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
if not opts.disable_psyco:
import psyco
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