Source: pycamSection: pythonPriority: extraMaintainer: Sebastian Kuzminsky <>Build-Depends: python-dev, debhelper (>= 7), cdbs, patchutilsBuild-Depends-Indep: python-supportStandards-Version: 3.8.3Homepage: python-pycamArchitecture: allDepends: python-gtk2, python-opengl (>>3.0.0~b6-3), python-gtkglext1, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}Recommends: python-pyode (>>1.2.0-3)Description: CAM program & library written in Python This is a set of Python modules for toolpath generation for 3-Axis CNC machining, and a GUI program that uses them. . Features: * read and write STL model files * generate and export toolpaths (gcode) for various strategies and drill definitions * manage processing templates (e.g. rough, semi-finish and finish operations) * scale, move, rotate, flip and transform the model * interactive 3D model view * non-interactive 'STL to GCode' processing via commandline