Changelog 3.98 KB
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Version 0.2.3 - UNRELEASED
sumpfralle's avatar
sumpfralle committed
 * GUI change: tool and process settings can be combined into tasks
 * added export of EMC tool definitions
 * fixed "overlap" calculation
 * added a warning dialog (GUI) for missing dependencies during startup (especially useful for Windows)
 * improved GUI for model scaling
 * allow to configure if the tool should move inside/along/around the boundary limits
sumpfralle's avatar
sumpfralle committed
8 9
 * prevent invalid input values (zero tool radius, ...)
 * reduced memory consumption of toolpaths for python 2.6 or above

lode_leroy's avatar
lode_leroy committed
Version 0.2.2 - 2010-03-17
 * added a graphical installer for Windows (via distutils)
13 14
 * fixed broken commandline parameter "--template"
 * added workaround for ODE collision detection, that is broken under specific circumstances
 * fixed hang with PushCutter and ODE on Windows
 * fixed "division by zero" error in non-ODE mode
 * allow to disable ODE via commandline option
lode_leroy's avatar
lode_leroy committed
 * bugs fixed in cylindrical and toroidal cutter when using dropcutter on horizontal triangles
 * fixed "" for distutils packaging (contributed by Arthur Magill)

Version 0.2.1 - 2010-03-09
 * fixed code that depended on GTK 2.16 (instead of 2.12)
 * view settings "light", "shadow" and "polygon fill" are now configurable
 * documented version problems with Debian "Lenny" and Ubuntu (before "Karmic")
25 26

Version 0.2 - 2010-03-04
 * added an alternative GTK interface with additional features:
  * configurable 3D view settings: model / toolpath / axis / drill progress / frame rate / colors
29 30 31 32 33
  * manipulation of the model: rotation, flip, swap, scale, move
  * saving the model to an ascii STL file
  * load/save processing settings from/to a file
  * handling of multiple processing templates (e.g. "Rough", "Semi-finish" and "Finish")
  * configure "material allowance" for a minimum distance between drill and model
sumpfralle's avatar
sumpfralle committed
  * configure the "safety height" for the machine
  * allow to manage and export (gcode) multiple toolpaths at once
  * based on GtkGlExt (for OpenGL)
  * visualize invalid processing setting combinations
38 39
  * configure "overlap" instead of "lines" and "samples"
  * configure "maximum step down" instead of "layers"
sumpfralle's avatar
sumpfralle committed
  * show a progress bar during calculations
  * basic lightning for the OpenGL view
42 43
 * improved performance by (optionally) using the "Open Dynamics Engine" (ODE) for
   collision detection
44 45 46

Version 0.1.11b - 2010-02-25
 * fix minor release mistake (missing "STLExporter")
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

Version 0.1.11 - 2010-02-19
 * fix detection of binary STL
 * added Simulation mode
 * ignore invalid triangles (caused by high-resolotion models)
 * automatic boundary fits to the model
 * add ubuntu specific note
 * code cleanups

Version 0.1.10 - 2009-07-13
 * support binary STL
 * close contours

Version 0.1.9 - 2009-06-18
 * linux compatibility
 * integrated kdtree
 * fix speedup shortcuts

Version 0.1.8 - 2009-04-14
 * some feature requests
 * fixes by Dan Falck
 * fix bug in torus-point intersection
 * specify model in cfg
 * fixed opengl representation
 * update tests

Version 0.1.7b - 2009-02-10
 * fix glutInit bug

Version 0.1.7 - 2009-01-27
 * another try at fixing PushCutter
 * remove MGED exporter

Version 0.1.6b - 2009-01-15
 * fix save
 * follow api updates
 * fix gcode parameter strings

Version 0.1.6 - 2009-01-14
 * fix verticals intersection
 * add ContourCutter
 * guard against float division
 * add x/y direction
 * add ContourCutter
 * minor layout improvements
 * make speed configurable
 * enable command line driven operation
 * debug output
 * SVG output

Version 0.1.5 - 2008-11-26
 * add direction switch
 * add reading pre-model default values from config file
 * fix verticals in DropCutter

Version 0.1.4 - 2008-11-16
 * make tool come outside the stock while cutting
 * make safety height higher than stock

Version 0.1.3 - 2008-09-17
 * fix redraw

Version 0.1.2 - 2008-09-11
 * added unit option mm/in
 * fix coordinate system for Art of Illusion exported STL files
 * added view control buttons
 * added bounding box calculation

Version 0.1.1 - 2008-09-01
 * second release

Version 0.1 - 2008-08-29
 * initial release