Commit cb5cda3b authored by root's avatar root

First push

parent 88d42775
import Tkinter as tk
class Excellon(file):
def __init__(self, file):
self.header = []
self.drills = {}
row_index = 0
while row_index < len(file):
if file[row_index].startswith('M48'):
row_index += 1
while not file[row_index].startswith('%'):
self.header.append(file[row_index].replace('\n', ''))
row_index += 1
if file[row_index].startswith('T'):
toolNumber = file[row_index].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
self.drills[toolNumber] = []
row_index += 1
while row_index < len(file) and not file[row_index].startswith('T') and not file[row_index].startswith('M30'):
self.drills[toolNumber].append(file[row_index].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''))
row_index += 1
row_index += 1
class GcodeISO:
def __init__(self, excellonFile, parameters):
self.units, self.zSafe, self.zDepth, self.inCutFeed = parameters
self.header = ['G17 G40 G54 G64 G90 ']
if self.units.get() == 'mm':
elif self.units.get() == 'inch':
self.body = []
for tool in excellonFile.drills:
self.body.append(tool + ' M6\n')
self.body.append('G0 Z' + str(self.zSafe) + '\n')
for hole in excellonFile.drills[tool]:
self.body.append('G98 G81 ' + hole.replace('Y', ' Y') + ' Z-' + str(self.zDepth) + ' R' + str(self.zSafe) + ' F' + str(self.inCutFeed) + '\n')
def toText(self):
return self.header + self.body
def excellonToGcode(file, parameters):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
file = f.readlines()
excellonFile = Excellon(file)
gcodeFile = GcodeISO(excellonFile, parameters)
return gcodeFile.toText()
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