Commit f972ebee authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Fix #524: correctly set status text in gcview

parent e9c59669
......@@ -412,11 +412,26 @@ class GcodeViewFrame(GvizBaseFrame, GcodeViewLoader):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, lambda x: self.glpanel.inject(), id = 6)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, lambda x: self.glpanel.editlayer(), id = 7)
def setlayercb(self, layer):
def update_status(self, extra):
layer = self.model.num_layers_to_draw
filtered = [k for k, v in self.model.layer_idxs_map.iteritems() if v == layer]
if filtered:
z = filtered[0]
message = _("Layer %d -%s Z = %.03f mm") % (layer + 1, extra, z)
message = _("Entire object")
wx.CallAfter(self.SetStatusText, message, 0)
def process_slider(self, event):
new_layer = self.layerslider.GetValue()
new_layer = min(self.model.max_layers + 1, new_layer)
new_layer = max(1, new_layer)
self.model.num_layers_to_draw = new_layer
def set_current_gline(self, gline):
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class GvizWindow(GvizBaseFrame):
def process_slider(self, event):
self.p.layerindex = self.layerslider.GetValue()
z = self.p.get_currentz()
self.SetStatusText(_("Layer %d - Going Up - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.p.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
wx.CallAfter(self.SetStatusText, _("Layer %d - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.p.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
self.p.dirty = True
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class Gviz(wx.Panel):
if self.layerindex + 1 < len(self.layers):
self.layerindex += 1
z = self.get_currentz()
self.parent.SetStatusText(_("Layer %d - Going Up - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
wx.CallAfter(self.parent.SetStatusText, _("Layer %d - Going Up - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
self.dirty = True
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class Gviz(wx.Panel):
if self.layerindex > 0:
self.layerindex -= 1
z = self.get_currentz()
self.parent.SetStatusText(_("Layer %d - Going Down - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
wx.CallAfter(self.parent.SetStatusText, _("Layer %d - Going Down - Z = %.03f mm") % (self.layerindex + 1, z), 0)
self.dirty = True
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