Commit ea604380 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Cleanup duration estimation

Estimation duration now uses the already parsed GCode instead of reparsing it.
It also computes a per layer duration estimation which can probably be used to
produce better ETAs.

The only difference is that it does not compute duration for Z layers changes,                                                                                                                        but it was probably super wrong already given how it is done (it only changes
the estimation by than 2s over 2 hours of print and 54 layers, and the feedrate
stuff mixes all the axes together).

I also detected a few potential issues in the code, which are marked by FIXMEs.
parent 9816ea7c
......@@ -19,15 +19,6 @@ import re
import math
import datetime
def get_coordinate_value(axis, parts):
for i in parts:
if (axis in i):
return float(i[1:])
return None
def hypot3d(X1, Y1, Z1, X2 = 0.0, Y2 = 0.0, Z2 = 0.0):
return math.hypot(X2-X1, math.hypot(Y2-Y1, Z2-Z1))
gcode_parsed_args = ["x", "y", "e", "f", "z", "p"]
class Line(object):
......@@ -47,6 +38,8 @@ class Line(object):
command = None
is_move = False
duration = None
def __init__(self, l):
self.raw = l.lower()
if ";" in self.raw:
......@@ -67,14 +60,17 @@ class Line(object):
if code in gcode_parsed_args and len(bit) > 1:
setattr(self, code, float(bit[1:]))
def __str__(self):
return self.raw
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw.upper()
class Layer(object):
def __init__(self,lines):
lines = None
duration = None
def __init__(self, lines):
self.lines = lines
def measure(self):
xmin = float("inf")
ymin = float("inf")
......@@ -121,9 +117,12 @@ class Layer(object):
current_z = z or current_z
return (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax)
class GCode(object):
lines = None
layers = None
def __init__(self,data):
self.lines = [Line(l2) for l2 in
(l.strip() for l in data)
......@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class GCode(object):
def _preprocess(self):
#checks for G20, G21, G90 and G91, sets imperial and relative flags
"""Checks for G20, G21, G90 and G91, sets imperial and relative flags"""
imperial = False
relative = False
relative_e = False
......@@ -155,16 +154,14 @@ class GCode(object):
line.relative = relative
line.relative_e = relative_e
# FIXME : looks like this needs to be tested with list Z on move
def _create_layers(self):
self.layers = []
layers = {}
prev_z = None
cur_z = 0
cur_lines = []
layer_index = []
temp_layers = {}
for line in self.lines:
if line.command == "G92" and line.z != None:
cur_z = line.z
......@@ -174,40 +171,35 @@ class GCode(object):
cur_z += line.z
cur_z = line.z
if cur_z != prev_z:
old_lines = temp_layers.pop(prev_z,[])
old_lines = layers.get(prev_z, [])
old_lines += cur_lines
temp_layers[prev_z] = old_lines
if not prev_z in layer_index:
layers[prev_z] = old_lines
cur_lines = []
prev_z = cur_z
old_lines = temp_layers.pop(prev_z,[])
old_lines = layers.pop(prev_z, [])
old_lines += cur_lines
temp_layers[prev_z] = old_lines
layers[prev_z] = old_lines
if not prev_z in layer_index:
for idx in layer_index:
cur_lines = temp_layers[idx]
for idx in layers.keys():
cur_lines = layers[idx]
has_movement = False
for l in cur_lines:
for l in layers[idx]:
if l.is_move and l.e != None:
has_movement = True
if idx > 15:
print idx, has_movement, cur_lines
if has_movement:
layers[idx] = Layer(layers[idx])
del layers[idx]
self.layers = layers
def num_layers(self):
return len(self.layers)
......@@ -220,7 +212,7 @@ class GCode(object):
ymax = float("-inf")
zmax = float("-inf")
for l in self.layers:
for l in self.layers.values():
(xm, xM), (ym, yM), (zm, zM) = l.measure()
xmin = min(xm, xmin)
xmax = max(xM, xmax)
......@@ -257,7 +249,7 @@ class GCode(object):
return total_e
def estimate_duration(self, g):
def estimate_duration(self):
lastx = lasty = lastz = laste = lastf = 0.0
x = y = z = e = f = 0.0
currenttravel = 0.0
......@@ -272,58 +264,53 @@ class GCode(object):
# get device caps from firmware: max speed, acceleration/axis (including extruder)
# calculate the maximum move duration accounting for above ;)
# self.log(".... estimating ....")
for i in g:
i = i.split(";")[0]
if "G4" in i or "G1" in i:
if "G4" in i:
parts = i.split(" ")
moveduration = get_coordinate_value("P", parts[1:])
if moveduration is None:
zs = self.layers.keys()
for z in zs:
layer = self.layers[z]
for line in layer.lines:
if line.command not in ["G4", "G1"]:
if line.command == "G4":
moveduration = line.p
if not moveduration:
moveduration /= 1000.0
if "G1" in i:
parts = i.split(" ")
x = get_coordinate_value("X", parts[1:])
if x is None: x = lastx
y = get_coordinate_value("Y", parts[1:])
if y is None: y = lasty
z = get_coordinate_value("Z", parts[1:])
if (z is None) or (z<lastz): z = lastz # Do not increment z if it's below the previous (Lift z on move fix)
e = get_coordinate_value("E", parts[1:])
if e is None: e = laste
f = get_coordinate_value("F", parts[1:])
if f is None: f = lastf
else: f /= 60.0 # mm/s vs mm/m
elif line.command == "G1":
x = line.x if line.x != None else lastx
y = line.y if line.y != None else lasty
e = line.e if line.e != None else laste
f = line.f / 60.0 if line.f != None else lastf # mm/s vs mm/m
# given last feedrate and current feedrate calculate the distance needed to achieve current feedrate.
# if travel is longer than req'd distance, then subtract distance to achieve full speed, and add the time it took to get there.
# then calculate the time taken to complete the remaining distance
currenttravel = hypot3d(x, y, z, lastx, lasty, lastz)
distance = abs(2* ((lastf+f) * (f-lastf) * 0.5 ) / acceleration) #2x because we have to accelerate and decelerate
if distance <= currenttravel and ( lastf + f )!=0 and f!=0:
moveduration = 2 * distance / ( lastf + f )
currenttravel = math.hypot(x - lastx, y - lasty)
# FIXME: review this better
# this looks wrong : there's little chance that the feedrate we'll decelerate to is the previous feedrate
# shouldn't we instead look at three consecutive moves ?
distance = 2 * abs(((lastf + f) * (f - lastf) * 0.5) / acceleration) # multiply by 2 because we have to accelerate and decelerate
if distance <= currenttravel and lastf + f != 0 and f != 0:
# Unsure about this formula -- iXce reviewing this code
moveduration = 2 * distance / (lastf + f)
currenttravel -= distance
moveduration += currenttravel/f
moveduration = math.sqrt( 2 * distance / acceleration )
moveduration = math.sqrt(2 * distance / acceleration) # probably buggy : not taking actual travel into account
totalduration += moveduration
if z > lastz:
layercount +=1
#self.log("layer z: ", lastz, " will take: ", time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration-layerbeginduration)))
layerbeginduration = totalduration
lastx = x
lasty = y
lastz = z
laste = e
lastf = f
#self.log("Total Duration: " #, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration)))
return "{0:d} layers, ".format(int(layercount)) + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(totalduration)))
layer.duration = totalduration - layerbeginduration
layerbeginduration = totalduration
return "%d layers, %s" % (len(self.layers), str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(totalduration))))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
......@@ -332,8 +319,7 @@ def main():
# d = [i.replace("\n","") for i in open(sys.argv[1])]
# gcode = GCode(d)
d = list(open(sys.argv[1]))
gcode = GCode(d)
gcode = GCode(open(sys.argv[1]))
......@@ -343,7 +329,7 @@ def main():
print "\tZ: %0.02f - %0.02f (%0.02f)" % (gcode.zmin,gcode.zmax,gcode.height)
print "Filament used: %0.02fmm" % gcode.filament_length()
print "Number of layers: %d" % gcode.num_layers()
print "Estimated duration (pessimistic): ", gcode.estimate_duration(d)
print "Estimated duration (pessimistic): %s" % gcode.estimate_duration()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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