Commit e3108874 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Improve description and name of the 3D viewer setting

parent 9181adba
......@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("clamp_jogging", False, _("Clamp manual moves"), _("Prevent manual moves from leaving the specified build dimensions"), "Printer"))
self.settings._add(StringSetting("bgcolor", "#FFFFFF", _("Background color"), _("Pronterface background color"), "UI"))
self.settings._add(ComboSetting("uimode", "Standard", ["Standard", "Compact", "Tabbed"], _("Interface mode"), _("Standard interface is a one-page, three columns layout with controls/visualization/log\nCompact mode is a one-page, two columns layout with controls + log/visualization\nTabbed mode is a two-pages mode, where the first page shows controls and the second one shows visualization and log."), "UI"))
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("viz3d", False, _("Enable 3D viewer"), _("Use 3D visualization instead of 2D layered visualization"), "UI"))
self.settings._add(ComboSetting("mainviz", "2D", ["2D", "3D", "None"], _("Main visualization"), _("Select visualization for main window."), "UI"))
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("viz3d", False, _("Use 3D in GCode viewer window"), _("Use 3D mode instead of 2D layered mode in the visualization window"), "UI"))
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("tempgraph", True, _("Display temperature graph"), _("Display time-lapse temperature graph"), "UI"))
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("tempgauges", False, _("Display temperature gauges"), _("Display graphical gauges for temperatures visualization"), "UI"))
self.settings._add(BooleanSetting("lockbox", False, _("Display interface lock checkbox"), _("Display a checkbox that, when check, locks most of Pronterface"), "UI"))
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