Commit a9b58b92 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Remove cairosvg from repo, add it to dependencies

parent b0932f79
...@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ To use pronterface, you need: ...@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ To use pronterface, you need:
* argparse (installed by default with python >= 2.7) * argparse (installed by default with python >= 2.7)
* wxPython (some features such as Tabbed mode work better with wx 2.9) * wxPython (some features such as Tabbed mode work better with wx 2.9)
* pycairo (to use Projector feature) * pycairo (to use Projector feature)
* cairosvg (to use Projector feature)
Please see specific instructions for Windows and Mac OS X below. Under Linux, you should use your package manager directly (see the "GETTING PRINTRUN" section) Please see specific instructions for Windows and Mac OS X below. Under Linux, you should use your package manager directly (see the "GETTING PRINTRUN" section)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
CairoSVG - A simple SVG converter for Cairo.
import os
import sys
import optparse
from . import surface
VERSION = '1.0.dev0'
'SVG': surface.SVGSurface, # Tell us if you actually use this one!
'PNG': surface.PNGSurface,
'PDF': surface.PDFSurface,
'PS': surface.PSSurface}
# Generate the svg2* functions from SURFACES
for _output_format, _surface_type in SURFACES.items():
_function = (
# Two lambdas needed for the closure
lambda surface_type: lambda *args, **kwargs: # pylint: disable=W0108
surface_type.convert(*args, **kwargs))(_surface_type)
_name = 'svg2%s' % _output_format.lower()
_function.__name__ = _name
_function.__doc__ = surface.Surface.convert.__doc__.replace(
'the format for this class', _output_format)
setattr(sys.modules[__name__], _name, _function)
def main():
"""Entry-point of the executable."""
# Get command-line options
option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(
usage="usage: %prog filename [options]", version=VERSION)
"-f", "--format", help="output format")
"-d", "--dpi", help="ratio between 1in and 1px", default=96)
"-o", "--output",
default="", help="output filename")
options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
# Print help if no argument is given
if not args:
kwargs = {'dpi': float(options.dpi)}
if not options.output or options.output == '-':
# Python 2/3 hack
bytes_stdout = getattr(sys.stdout, "buffer", sys.stdout)
kwargs['write_to'] = bytes_stdout
kwargs['write_to'] = options.output
url = args[0]
if url == "-":
# Python 2/3 hack
bytes_stdin = getattr(sys.stdin, "buffer", sys.stdin)
kwargs['file_obj'] = bytes_stdin
kwargs['url'] = url
output_format = (
options.format or
os.path.splitext(options.output)[1].lstrip(".") or
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Optionally handle CSS stylesheets.
import os
from .parser import HAS_LXML
# Detect optional depedencies
# pylint: disable=W0611
import tinycss
import cssselect
except ImportError:
# pylint: enable=W0611
# Python 2/3 compat
iteritems = getattr(dict, "iteritems", dict.items) # pylint: disable=C0103
def find_stylesheets(tree):
"""Find the stylesheets included in ``tree``."""
# TODO: support contentStyleType on <svg>
default_type = "text/css"
for element in tree.iter():
if (element.tag == "style" and
element.get("type", default_type) == "text/css"):
# TODO: pass href for relative URLs
# TODO: support media types
# TODO: what if <style> has children elements?
yield tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(element.text)
# TODO: support <?xml-stylesheet ... ?>
def find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, url):
"""Find the rules in a stylesheet."""
for rule in stylesheet.rules:
if isinstance(rule, tinycss.css21.ImportRule):
css_path = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(url), rule.uri))
if not os.path.exists(css_path):
with open(css_path) as f:
stylesheet = tinycss.make_parser().parse_stylesheet(
for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, css_path):
yield rule
if not rule.at_keyword:
yield rule
def find_style_rules(tree):
"""Find the style rules in ``tree``."""
for stylesheet in find_stylesheets(tree.xml_tree):
# TODO: warn for each stylesheet.errors
for rule in find_stylesheets_rules(stylesheet, tree.url):
yield rule
def get_declarations(rule):
"""Get the declarations in ``rule``."""
for declaration in rule.declarations:
# Ignore properties prefixed by "-"
# TODO: filter out invalid values
yield (,
def match_selector(rule, tree):
"""Yield the ``(element, specificity)`` in ``tree`` matching ``rule``."""
selector_list = cssselect.parse(rule.selector.as_css())
translator = cssselect.GenericTranslator()
for selector in selector_list:
if not selector.pseudo_element:
specificity = selector.specificity()
for element in tree.xpath(translator.selector_to_xpath(selector)):
yield element, specificity
def apply_stylesheets(tree):
"""Apply the stylesheet in ``tree`` to ``tree``."""
# TODO: warn?
style_by_element = {}
for rule in find_style_rules(tree):
declarations = list(get_declarations(rule))
for element, specificity in match_selector(rule, tree.xml_tree):
style = style_by_element.setdefault(element, {})
for name, value, important in declarations:
weight = important, specificity
if name in style:
_old_value, old_weight = style[name]
if old_weight > weight:
style[name] = value, weight
for element, style in iteritems(style_by_element):
values = ["%s: %s" % (name, value)
for name, (value, weight) in iteritems(style)]
element.set("_style", ";".join(values))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Helpers related to SVG conditional processing.
import locale
ROOT = ""
LOCALE = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
ROOT + "#" + feature for feature in [
def has_features(features):
"""Check whether ``features`` are supported by CairoSVG."""
return SUPPORTED_FEATURES >= set(features.strip().split(" "))
def support_languages(languages):
"""Check whether one of ``languages`` is part of the user locales."""
for language in languages.split(","):
language = language.strip()
if language and LOCALE.startswith(language):
return True
return False
def match_features(node):
"""Check the node match the conditional processing attributes."""
if "requiredExtensions" in node.attrib:
return False
if not has_features(node.attrib.get("requiredFeatures", ROOT + "#SVG")):
return False
if not support_languages(node.attrib.get("systemLanguage", LOCALE)):
return False
return True
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
SVG colors.
"aliceblue": "rgb(240, 248, 255)",
"antiquewhite": "rgb(250, 235, 215)",
"aqua": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",
"aquamarine": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
"azure": "rgb(240, 255, 255)",
"beige": "rgb(245, 245, 220)",
"bisque": "rgb(255, 228, 196)",
"black": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
"blanchedalmond": "rgb(255, 235, 205)",
"blue": "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
"blueviolet": "rgb(138, 43, 226)",
"brown": "rgb(165, 42, 42)",
"burlywood": "rgb(222, 184, 135)",
"cadetblue": "rgb(95, 158, 160)",
"chartreuse": "rgb(127, 255, 0)",
"chocolate": "rgb(210, 105, 30)",
"coral": "rgb(255, 127, 80)",
"cornflowerblue": "rgb(100, 149, 237)",
"cornsilk": "rgb(255, 248, 220)",
"crimson": "rgb(220, 20, 60)",
"cyan": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",
"darkblue": "rgb(0, 0, 139)",
"darkcyan": "rgb(0, 139, 139)",
"darkgoldenrod": "rgb(184, 134, 11)",
"darkgray": "rgb(169, 169, 169)",
"darkgreen": "rgb(0, 100, 0)",
"darkgrey": "rgb(169, 169, 169)",
"darkkhaki": "rgb(189, 183, 107)",
"darkmagenta": "rgb(139, 0, 139)",
"darkolivegreen": "rgb(85, 107, 47)",
"darkorange": "rgb(255, 140, 0)",
"darkorchid": "rgb(153, 50, 204)",
"darkred": "rgb(139, 0, 0)",
"darksalmon": "rgb(233, 150, 122)",
"darkseagreen": "rgb(143, 188, 143)",
"darkslateblue": "rgb(72, 61, 139)",
"darkslategray": "rgb(47, 79, 79)",
"darkslategrey": "rgb(47, 79, 79)",
"darkturquoise": "rgb(0, 206, 209)",
"darkviolet": "rgb(148, 0, 211)",
"deeppink": "rgb(255, 20, 147)",
"deepskyblue": "rgb(0, 191, 255)",
"dimgray": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"dimgrey": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"dodgerblue": "rgb(30, 144, 255)",
"firebrick": "rgb(178, 34, 34)",
"floralwhite": "rgb(255, 250, 240)",
"forestgreen": "rgb(34, 139, 34)",
"fuchsia": "rgb(255, 0, 255)",
"gainsboro": "rgb(220, 220, 220)",
"ghostwhite": "rgb(248, 248, 255)",
"gold": "rgb(255, 215, 0)",
"goldenrod": "rgb(218, 165, 32)",
"gray": "rgb(128, 128, 128)",
"grey": "rgb(128, 128, 128)",
"green": "rgb(0, 128, 0)",
"greenyellow": "rgb(173, 255, 47)",
"honeydew": "rgb(240, 255, 240)",
"hotpink": "rgb(255, 105, 180)",
"indianred": "rgb(205, 92, 92)",
"indigo": "rgb(75, 0, 130)",
"ivory": "rgb(255, 255, 240)",
"khaki": "rgb(240, 230, 140)",
"lavender": "rgb(230, 230, 250)",
"lavenderblush": "rgb(255, 240, 245)",
"lawngreen": "rgb(124, 252, 0)",
"lemonchiffon": "rgb(255, 250, 205)",
"lightblue": "rgb(173, 216, 230)",
"lightcoral": "rgb(240, 128, 128)",
"lightcyan": "rgb(224, 255, 255)",
"lightgoldenrodyellow": "rgb(250, 250, 210)",
"lightgray": "rgb(211, 211, 211)",
"lightgreen": "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
"lightgrey": "rgb(211, 211, 211)",
"lightpink": "rgb(255, 182, 193)",
"lightsalmon": "rgb(255, 160, 122)",
"lightseagreen": "rgb(32, 178, 170)",
"lightskyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 250)",
"lightslategray": "rgb(119, 136, 153)",
"lightslategrey": "rgb(119, 136, 153)",
"lightsteelblue": "rgb(176, 196, 222)",
"lightyellow": "rgb(255, 255, 224)",
"lime": "rgb(0, 255, 0)",
"limegreen": "rgb(50, 205, 50)",
"linen": "rgb(250, 240, 230)",
"magenta": "rgb(255, 0, 255)",
"maroon": "rgb(128, 0, 0)",
"mediumaquamarine": "rgb(102, 205, 170)",
"mediumblue": "rgb(0, 0, 205)",
"mediumorchid": "rgb(186, 85, 211)",
"mediumpurple": "rgb(147, 112, 219)",
"mediumseagreen": "rgb(60, 179, 113)",
"mediumslateblue": "rgb(123, 104, 238)",
"mediumspringgreen": "rgb(0, 250, 154)",
"mediumturquoise": "rgb(72, 209, 204)",
"mediumvioletred": "rgb(199, 21, 133)",
"midnightblue": "rgb(25, 25, 112)",
"mintcream": "rgb(245, 255, 250)",
"mistyrose": "rgb(255, 228, 225)",
"moccasin": "rgb(255, 228, 181)",
"navajowhite": "rgb(255, 222, 173)",
"navy": "rgb(0, 0, 128)",
"oldlace": "rgb(253, 245, 230)",
"olive": "rgb(128, 128, 0)",
"olivedrab": "rgb(107, 142, 35)",
"orange": "rgb(255, 165, 0)",
"orangered": "rgb(255, 69, 0)",
"orchid": "rgb(218, 112, 214)",
"palegoldenrod": "rgb(238, 232, 170)",
"palegreen": "rgb(152, 251, 152)",
"paleturquoise": "rgb(175, 238, 238)",
"palevioletred": "rgb(219, 112, 147)",
"papayawhip": "rgb(255, 239, 213)",
"peachpuff": "rgb(255, 218, 185)",
"peru": "rgb(205, 133, 63)",
"pink": "rgb(255, 192, 203)",
"plum": "rgb(221, 160, 221)",
"powderblue": "rgb(176, 224, 230)",
"purple": "rgb(128, 0, 128)",
"red": "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
"rosybrown": "rgb(188, 143, 143)",
"royalblue": "rgb(65, 105, 225)",
"saddlebrown": "rgb(139, 69, 19)",
"salmon": "rgb(250, 128, 114)",
"sandybrown": "rgb(244, 164, 96)",
"seagreen": "rgb(46, 139, 87)",
"seashell": "rgb(255, 245, 238)",
"sienna": "rgb(160, 82, 45)",
"silver": "rgb(192, 192, 192)",
"skyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 235)",
"slateblue": "rgb(106, 90, 205)",
"slategray": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
"slategrey": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
"snow": "rgb(255, 250, 250)",
"springgreen": "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
"steelblue": "rgb(70, 130, 180)",
"tan": "rgb(210, 180, 140)",
"teal": "rgb(0, 128, 128)",
"thistle": "rgb(216, 191, 216)",
"tomato": "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
"turquoise": "rgb(64, 224, 208)",
"violet": "rgb(238, 130, 238)",
"wheat": "rgb(245, 222, 179)",
"white": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"whitesmoke": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
"yellow": "rgb(255, 255, 0)",
"yellowgreen": "rgb(154, 205, 50)",
"activeborder": "#0000ff",
"activecaption": "#0000ff",
"appworkspace": "#ffffff",
"background": "#ffffff",
"buttonface": "#000000",
"buttonhighlight": "#cccccc",
"buttonshadow": "#333333",
"buttontext": "#000000",
"captiontext": "#000000",
"graytext": "#333333",
"highlight": "#0000ff",
"highlighttext": "#cccccc",
"inactiveborder": "#333333",
"inactivecaption": "#cccccc",
"inactivecaptiontext": "#333333",
"infobackground": "#cccccc",
"infotext": "#000000",
"menu": "#cccccc",
"menutext": "#333333",
"scrollbar": "#cccccc",
"threeddarkshadow": "#333333",
"threedface": "#cccccc",
"threedhighlight": "#ffffff",
"threedlightshadow": "#333333",
"threedshadow": "#333333",
"window": "#cccccc",
"windowframe": "#cccccc",
"windowtext": "#000000"}
def color(string=None, opacity=1):
"""Replace ``string`` representing a color by a RGBA tuple."""
if not string or string in ("none", "transparent"):
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
string = string.strip().lower()
if string in COLORS:
string = COLORS[string]
if string.startswith("rgba"):
r, g, b, a = tuple(
float(i.strip(" %")) * 2.55 if "%" in i else float(i)
for i in string.strip(" rgba()").split(","))
return r / 255, g / 255, b / 255, a * opacity
elif string.startswith("rgb"):
r, g, b = tuple(
float(i.strip(" %")) / 100 if "%" in i else float(i) / 255
for i in string.strip(" rgb()").split(","))
return r, g, b, opacity
if len(string) in (4, 5):
string = "#" + "".join(2 * char for char in string[1:])
if len(string) == 9:
opacity *= int(string[7:9], 16) / 255
plain_color = tuple(
int(value, 16) / 255. for value in (
string[1:3], string[3:5], string[5:7]))
except ValueError:
# Unknown color, return black
return (0, 0, 0, 1)
return plain_color + (opacity,)
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Surface helpers.
from math import cos, sin, tan, atan2, radians
from . import cairo
from .units import size
# Python 2/3 management
# pylint: disable=C0103
Error = cairo.Error
except AttributeError:
Error = SystemError
# pylint: enable=C0103
class PointError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when parsing a point fails."""
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
"""Get the distance between two points."""
return ((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5
def paint(value):
"""Extract from value an uri and a color.
if not value:
return None, None
value = value.strip()
if value.startswith("url"):
source = urls(value.split(")")[0])[0][1:]
color = value.split(")", 1)[-1].strip() or None
source = None
color = value.strip() or None
return (source, color)
def node_format(surface, node):
"""Return ``(width, height, viewbox)`` of ``node``."""
width = size(surface, node.get("width"), "x")
height = size(surface, node.get("height"), "y")
viewbox = node.get("viewBox")
if viewbox:
viewbox = tuple(float(position) for position in viewbox.split())
width = width or viewbox[2]
height = height or viewbox[3]
return width, height, viewbox
def normalize(string=None):
"""Normalize a string corresponding to an array of various values."""
string = string.replace("-", " -")
string = string.replace(",", " ")
while " " in string:
string = string.replace(" ", " ")
string = string.replace("e -", "e-")
string = string.replace("E -", "E-")
values = string.split(" ")
string = ""
for value in values:
if value.count(".") > 1:
numbers = value.split(".")
string += "%s.%s " % (numbers.pop(0), numbers.pop(0))
string += ".%s " % " .".join(numbers)
string += value + " "
return string.strip()
def point(surface, string=None):
"""Return ``(x, y, trailing_text)`` from ``string``."""
if not string:
return (0, 0, "")
x, y, string = (string.strip() + " ").split(" ", 2)
except ValueError:
raise PointError("The point cannot be found in string %s" % string)
return size(surface, x, "x"), size(surface, y, "y"), string
def point_angle(cx, cy, px, py):
"""Return angle between x axis and point knowing given center."""
return atan2(py - cy, px - cx)
def preserve_ratio(surface, node):
"""Manage the ratio preservation."""
if node.tag == "marker":
scale_x = size(surface, node.get("markerWidth", "3"), "x")
scale_y = size(surface, node.get("markerHeight", "3"), "y")
translate_x = -size(surface, node.get("refX"))
translate_y = -size(surface, node.get("refY"))
elif node.tag in ("svg", "image"):
width, height, _ = node_format(surface, node)
scale_x = width / node.image_width
scale_y = height / node.image_height
align = node.get("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid").split(" ")[0]
if align == "none":
return scale_x, scale_y, 0, 0
mos_properties = node.get("preserveAspectRatio", "").split()
meet_or_slice = (
mos_properties[1] if len(mos_properties) > 1 else None)
if meet_or_slice == "slice":
scale_value = max(scale_x, scale_y)
scale_value = min(scale_x, scale_y)
scale_x = scale_y = scale_value
x_position = align[1:4].lower()
y_position = align[5:].lower()
if x_position == "min":
translate_x = 0
if y_position == "min":
translate_y = 0
if x_position == "mid":
translate_x = (width / scale_x - node.image_width) / 2.
if y_position == "mid":
translate_y = (height / scale_y - node.image_height) / 2.
if x_position == "max":
translate_x = width / scale_x - node.image_width
if y_position == "max":
translate_y = height / scale_y - node.image_height
return scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y
def quadratic_points(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
"""Return the quadratic points to create quadratic curves."""
xq1 = x2 * 2 / 3 + x1 / 3
yq1 = y2 * 2 / 3 + y1 / 3
xq2 = x2 * 2 / 3 + x3 / 3
yq2 = y2 * 2 / 3 + y3 / 3
return xq1, yq1, xq2, yq2, x3, y3
def rotate(x, y, angle):
"""Rotate a point of an angle around the origin point."""
return x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle), y * cos(angle) + x * sin(angle)
def transform(surface, string):
"""Update ``surface`` matrix according to transformation ``string``."""
if not string:
transformations = string.split(")")
matrix = cairo.Matrix()
for transformation in transformations:
for ttype in ("scale", "translate", "matrix", "rotate", "skewX",
if ttype in transformation:
transformation = transformation.replace(ttype, "")
transformation = transformation.replace("(", "")
transformation = normalize(transformation).strip() + " "
values = []
while transformation:
value, transformation = transformation.split(" ", 1)
# TODO: manage the x/y sizes here
values.append(size(surface, value))
if ttype == "matrix":
matrix = cairo.Matrix(*values).multiply(matrix)
elif ttype == "rotate":
angle = radians(float(values.pop(0)))
x, y = values or (0, 0)
matrix.translate(x, y)
matrix.translate(-x, -y)
elif ttype == "skewX":
tangent = tan(radians(float(values[0])))
matrix = \
cairo.Matrix(1, 0, tangent, 1, 0, 0).multiply(matrix)
elif ttype == "skewY":
tangent = tan(radians(float(values[0])))
matrix = \
cairo.Matrix(1, tangent, 0, 1, 0, 0).multiply(matrix)
elif ttype == "translate":
if len(values) == 1:
values += (0,)
elif ttype == "scale":
if len(values) == 1:
values = 2 * values
apply_matrix_transform(surface, matrix)
def apply_matrix_transform(surface, matrix):
except Error:
# Matrix not invertible, clip the surface to an empty path
active_path = surface.context.copy_path()
def urls(string):
"""Parse a comma-separated list of url() strings."""
if not string:
return []
string = string.strip()
if string.startswith("url"):
string = string[3:]
return [
link.strip("() ") for link in string.rsplit(")")[0].split(",")
if link.strip("() ")]
def rect(string):
"""Parse the rect value of a clip."""
if not string:
return []
string = string.strip()
if string.startswith("rect"):
return string[4:].strip('() ').split(',')
return []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Images manager.
import base64
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
from urllib import urlopen, unquote
import urlparse
unquote_to_bytes = lambda data: unquote(
data.encode('ascii') if isinstance(data, unicode) else data)
except ImportError:
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib import parse as urlparse # Python 3
from urllib.parse import unquote_to_bytes
from . import cairo
from .helpers import node_format, size, preserve_ratio
from ..parser import Tree
def open_data_url(url):
"""Decode URLs with the 'data' scheme. urllib can handle them
in Python 2, but that is broken in Python 3.
Inspired from Python 2.7.2’s
# syntax of data URLs:
# dataurl := "data:" [ mediatype ] [ ";base64" ] "," data
# mediatype := [ type "/" subtype ] *( ";" parameter )
# data := *urlchar
# parameter := attribute "=" value
header, data = url.split(",", 1)
except ValueError:
raise IOError("bad data URL")
header = header[5:] # len("data:") == 5
if header:
semi = header.rfind(";")
if semi >= 0 and "=" not in header[semi:]:
encoding = header[semi+1:]
encoding = ""
encoding = ""
data = unquote_to_bytes(data)
if encoding == "base64":
missing_padding = 4 - len(data) % 4
if missing_padding:
data += b"=" * missing_padding
return base64.decodestring(data)
return data
def image(surface, node):
"""Draw an image ``node``."""
url = node.get("{}href")
if not url:
if url.startswith("data:"):
image_bytes = open_data_url(url)
base_url = node.get("{}base")
if base_url:
url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, url)
if node.url:
url = urlparse.urljoin(node.url, url)
if urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme:
input_ = urlopen(url)
input_ = open(url, 'rb') # filename
image_bytes =
if len(image_bytes) < 5:
x, y = size(surface, node.get("x"), "x"), size(surface, node.get("y"), "y")
width = size(surface, node.get("width"), "x")
height = size(surface, node.get("height"), "y")
surface.context.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
if image_bytes[:4] == b"\x89PNG":
png_file = BytesIO(image_bytes)
elif (image_bytes[:5] in (b"<svg ", b"<?xml", b"<!DOC") or
image_bytes[:2] == b"\x1f\x8b"):
if image_bytes[:2] == b"\x1f\x8b":
image_bytes = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(image_bytes)).read()
surface.context.translate(x, y)
if "x" in node:
del node["x"]
if "y" in node:
del node["y"]
if "viewBox" in node:
del node["viewBox"]
tree = Tree(
url=url, bytestring=image_bytes, tree_cache=surface.tree_cache)
tree_width, tree_height, viewbox = node_format(surface, tree)
if not tree_width or not tree_height:
tree_width = tree["width"] = width
tree_height = tree["height"] = height
node.image_width = tree_width or width
node.image_height = tree_height or height
scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y = \
preserve_ratio(surface, node)
surface.set_context_size(*node_format(surface, tree))
surface.context.scale(scale_x, scale_y)
surface.context.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
# Restore twice, because draw does not restore at the end of svg tags
from PIL import Image
png_file = BytesIO(), 'PNG')
# No way to handle the image
image_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(png_file)
node.image_width = image_surface.get_width()
node.image_height = image_surface.get_height()
scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y = preserve_ratio(surface, node)
surface.context.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
pattern_pattern = cairo.SurfacePattern(image_surface)
surface.context.scale(scale_x, scale_y)
surface.context.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Shapes drawers.
from math import pi
from .helpers import normalize, point, size
def circle(surface, node):
"""Draw a circle ``node`` on ``surface``."""
r = size(surface, node.get("r"))
if not r:
size(surface, node.get("cx"), "x"),
size(surface, node.get("cy"), "y"),
r, 0, 2 * pi)
def ellipse(surface, node):
"""Draw an ellipse ``node`` on ``surface``."""
rx = size(surface, node.get("rx"), "x")
ry = size(surface, node.get("ry"), "y")
if not rx or not ry:
ratio = ry / rx
surface.context.scale(1, ratio)
size(surface, node.get("x"), "x") + size(surface, node.get("cx"), "x"),
(size(surface, node.get("y"), "y") +
size(surface, node.get("cy"), "y")) / ratio,
size(surface, node.get("rx"), "x"), 0, 2 * pi)
def line(surface, node):
"""Draw a line ``node``."""
x1, y1, x2, y2 = tuple(
size(surface, node.get(position), position[0])
for position in ("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"))
surface.context.move_to(x1, y1)
surface.context.line_to(x2, y2)
def polygon(surface, node):
"""Draw a polygon ``node`` on ``surface``."""
polyline(surface, node)
def polyline(surface, node):
"""Draw a polyline ``node``."""
points = normalize(node.get("points"))
if points:
x, y, points = point(surface, points)
surface.context.move_to(x, y)
while points:
x, y, points = point(surface, points)
surface.context.line_to(x, y)
def rect(surface, node):
"""Draw a rect ``node`` on ``surface``."""
x, y = size(surface, node.get("x"), "x"), size(surface, node.get("y"), "y")
width = size(surface, node.get("width"), "x")
height = size(surface, node.get("height"), "y")
rx = node.get("rx")
ry = node.get("ry")
if rx and ry is None:
ry = rx
elif ry and rx is None:
rx = ry
rx = size(surface, rx, "x")
ry = size(surface, ry, "y")
if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
surface.context.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
if rx > width / 2.:
rx = width / 2.
if ry > height / 2.:
ry = height / 2.
# Inspired by Cairo Cookbook
ARC_TO_BEZIER = 4 * (2 ** .5 - 1) / 3
c1 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * rx
c2 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * ry
surface.context.move_to(x + rx, y)
surface.context.rel_line_to(width - 2 * rx, 0)
surface.context.rel_curve_to(c1, 0, rx, c2, rx, ry)
surface.context.rel_line_to(0, height - 2 * ry)
surface.context.rel_curve_to(0, c2, c1 - rx, ry, -rx, ry)
surface.context.rel_line_to(-width + 2 * rx, 0)
surface.context.rel_curve_to(-c1, 0, -rx, -c2, -rx, -ry)
surface.context.rel_line_to(0, -height + 2 * ry)
surface.context.rel_curve_to(0, -c2, rx - c1, -ry, rx, -ry)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Root tag drawer.
from .helpers import preserve_ratio, node_format
from .units import size
def svg(surface, node):
"""Draw a svg ``node``."""
width, height, viewbox = node_format(surface, node)
if viewbox:
node.image_width = viewbox[2] - viewbox[0]
node.image_height = viewbox[3] - viewbox[1]
node.image_width = size(surface, node["width"], "x")
node.image_height = size(surface, node["height"], "y")
if node.get("preserveAspectRatio", "none") != "none":
scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y = \
preserve_ratio(surface, node)
rect_width, rect_height = width, height
scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y = (1, 1, 0, 0)
rect_width, rect_height = node.image_width, node.image_height
surface.context.rectangle(0, 0, rect_width, rect_height)
surface.context.scale(scale_x, scale_y)
surface.context.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
SVG tags functions.
from .defs import (
clip_path, filter_, linear_gradient, marker, mask, pattern,
radial_gradient, use)
from .image import image
from .path import path
from .shapes import circle, ellipse, line, polygon, polyline, rect
from .svg import svg
from .text import text, text_path, tspan
TAGS = {
"a": tspan,
"circle": circle,
"clipPath": clip_path,
"ellipse": ellipse,
"filter": filter_,
"image": image,
"line": line,
"linearGradient": linear_gradient,
"marker": marker,
"mask": mask,
"path": path,
"pattern": pattern,
"polyline": polyline,
"polygon": polygon,
"radialGradient": radial_gradient,
"rect": rect,
"svg": svg,
"text": text,
"textPath": text_path,
"tspan": tspan,
"use": use}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Text drawers.
from math import cos, sin
# Python 2/3 management
# pylint: disable=E0611
from itertools import zip_longest
except ImportError:
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
# pylint: enable=E0611
from . import cairo
from .colors import color
from .helpers import distance, normalize, point_angle
from .units import size
def path_length(path):
"""Get the length of ``path``."""
total_length = 0
for item in path:
if item[0] == cairo.PATH_MOVE_TO:
old_point = item[1]
elif item[0] == cairo.PATH_LINE_TO:
new_point = item[1]
length = distance(
old_point[0], old_point[1], new_point[0], new_point[1])
total_length += length
old_point = new_point
return total_length
def point_following_path(path, width):
"""Get the point at ``width`` distance on ``path``."""
total_length = 0
for item in path:
if item[0] == cairo.PATH_MOVE_TO:
old_point = item[1]
elif item[0] == cairo.PATH_LINE_TO:
new_point = item[1]
length = distance(
old_point[0], old_point[1], new_point[0], new_point[1])
total_length += length
if total_length < width:
old_point = new_point
length -= total_length - width
angle = point_angle(
old_point[0], old_point[1], new_point[0], new_point[1])
x = cos(angle) * length + old_point[0]
y = sin(angle) * length + old_point[1]
return x, y
def text(surface, node):
"""Draw a text ``node``."""
# Set black as default text color
if not node.get("fill"):
node["fill"] = "#000000"
font_size = size(surface, node.get("font-size", "12pt"))
font_family = (node.get("font-family") or "sans-serif").split(",")[0]
font_style = getattr(
cairo, ("font_slant_%s" % node.get("font-style")).upper(),
font_weight = getattr(
cairo, ("font_weight_%s" % node.get("font-weight")).upper(),
surface.context.select_font_face(font_family, font_style, font_weight)
text_extents = surface.context.text_extents(node.text)
x_bearing = text_extents[0]
width = text_extents[2]
x, y = size(surface, node.get("x"), "x"), size(surface, node.get("y"), "y")
text_anchor = node.get("text-anchor")
if text_anchor == "middle":
x -= width / 2. + x_bearing
elif text_anchor == "end":
x -= width + x_bearing
surface.context.move_to(x, y)
# Remember the absolute cursor position
surface.cursor_position = surface.context.get_current_point()
def text_path(surface, node):
"""Draw text on a path."""
if "url(#" not in (node.get("fill") or ""):
id_path = node.get("{}href", "")
if not id_path.startswith("#"):
id_path = id_path[1:]
if id_path in surface.paths:
path = surface.paths.get(id_path)
surface.draw(path, False)
cairo_path = surface.context.copy_path_flat()
start_offset = size(
surface, node.get("startOffset", 0), path_length(cairo_path))
surface.total_width += start_offset
x, y = point_following_path(cairo_path, surface.total_width)
letter_spacing = size(surface, node.get("letter-spacing"))
for letter in node.text:
surface.total_width += (
surface.context.text_extents(letter)[4] + letter_spacing)
point_on_path = point_following_path(cairo_path, surface.total_width)
if point_on_path:
x2, y2 = point_on_path
angle = point_angle(x, y, x2, y2)
surface.context.translate(x, y)
surface.context.translate(0, size(surface, node.get("y"), "y"))
surface.context.move_to(0, 0)
x, y = x2, y2
# Remember the relative cursor position
surface.cursor_position = \
size(surface, node.get("x"), "x"), size(surface, node.get("y"), "y")
def tspan(surface, node):
"""Draw a tspan ``node``."""
x, y = [[i] for i in surface.cursor_position]
if "x" in node:
x = [size(surface, i, "x")
for i in normalize(node["x"]).strip().split(" ")]
if "y" in node:
y = [size(surface, i, "y")
for i in normalize(node["y"]).strip().split(" ")]
if not node.text:
fill = node.get("fill")
positions = list(zip_longest(x, y))
letters_positions = list(zip(positions, node.text))
letters_positions = letters_positions[:-1] + [
(letters_positions[-1][0], node.text[len(letters_positions) - 1:])]
for (x, y), letters in letters_positions:
if x is None:
x = surface.cursor_position[0]
if y is None:
y = surface.cursor_position[1]
node["x"] = str(x + size(surface, node.get("dx"), "x"))
node["y"] = str(y + size(surface, node.get("dy"), "y"))
node["fill"] = fill
node.text = letters
if node.parent.tag in ("text", "tspan"):
text(surface, node)
assert node.parent.tag == "textPath"
node["{}href"] = \
node["x"] = str(x + size(surface, node.get("dx"), "x"))
node["y"] = str(y + size(surface, node.get("dy"), "y"))
text_path(surface, node)
if node.parent.children[-1] == node:
surface.total_width = 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of CairoSVG
# Copyright © 2010-2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CairoSVG. If not, see <>.
Units functions.
"mm": 1 / 25.4,
"cm": 1 / 2.54,
"in": 1,
"pt": 1 / 72.,
"pc": 1 / 6.,
"px": None}
def size(surface, string, reference="xy"):
"""Replace a ``string`` with units by a float value.
If ``reference`` is a float, it is used as reference for percentages. If it
is ``'x'``, we use the viewport width as reference. If it is ``'y'``, we
use the viewport height as reference. If it is ``'xy'``, we use
``(viewport_width ** 2 + viewport_height ** 2) ** .5 / 2 ** .5`` as
if not string:
return 0
return float(string)
except ValueError:
# Not a float, try something else
if "%" in string:
if reference == "x":
reference = surface.context_width or 0
elif reference == "y":
reference = surface.context_height or 0
elif reference == "xy":
reference = (
(surface.context_width ** 2 + surface.context_height ** 2)
** .5 / 2 ** .5)
return float(string.strip(" %")) * reference / 100
elif "em" in string:
return surface.font_size * float(string.strip(" em"))
elif "ex" in string:
# Assume that 1em == 2ex
return surface.font_size * float(string.strip(" ex")) / 2
for unit, coefficient in UNITS.items():
if unit in string:
number = float(string.strip(" " + unit))
return number * (surface.dpi * coefficient if coefficient else 1)
# Try to return the number at the beginning of the string
return_string = ""
while string and (string[0].isdigit() or string[0] in "+-."):
return_string += string[0]
string = string[1:]
# Unknown size or multiple sizes
return float(return_string) if return_string else 0
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