Commit a6b9c72d authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Protect light gcode model as well with locks

parent aa2da210
......@@ -507,11 +507,11 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
yield layer_idx
layer_idx += 1
self.dims = ((model_data.xmin, model_data.xmax, model_data.width),
(model_data.ymin, model_data.ymax, model_data.depth),
(model_data.zmin, model_data.zmax, model_data.height))
with self.lock:
self.dims = ((model_data.xmin, model_data.xmax, model_data.width),
(model_data.ymin, model_data.ymax, model_data.depth),
(model_data.zmin, model_data.zmax, model_data.height))
self.travels.resize(travel_vertex_k, refcheck = False)
self.vertices.resize(vertex_k, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(color_k, refcheck = False)
......@@ -735,48 +735,49 @@ class GcodeModelLight(Model):
self.printed_until = -1
self.only_current = False
while layer_idx < len(model_data.all_layers):
nlines = len(model_data)
if nlines * 6 != vertices.size:
self.vertices.resize(nlines * 6, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(nlines * 8, refcheck = False)
layer = model_data.all_layers[layer_idx]
has_movement = False
for gline in layer:
if not gline.is_move:
if gline.x is None and gline.y is None and gline.z is None:
has_movement = True
vertices[vertex_k] = prev_pos[0]
vertices[vertex_k + 1] = prev_pos[1]
vertices[vertex_k + 2] = prev_pos[2]
current_pos = (gline.current_x, gline.current_y, gline.current_z)
vertices[vertex_k + 3] = current_pos[0]
vertices[vertex_k + 4] = current_pos[1]
vertices[vertex_k + 5] = current_pos[2]
vertex_k += 6
vertex_color = self.movement_color(gline)
colors[color_k] = vertex_color[0]
colors[color_k + 1] = vertex_color[1]
colors[color_k + 2] = vertex_color[2]
colors[color_k + 3] = vertex_color[3]
colors[color_k + 4] = vertex_color[0]
colors[color_k + 5] = vertex_color[1]
colors[color_k + 6] = vertex_color[2]
colors[color_k + 7] = vertex_color[3]
color_k += 8
prev_pos = current_pos
gline.gcview_end_vertex = vertex_k / 3
if has_movement:
self.layer_stops.append(vertex_k / 3)
self.layer_idxs_map[layer_idx] = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
self.initialized = False
self.loaded = True
with self.lock:
nlines = len(model_data)
if nlines * 6 != vertices.size:
self.vertices.resize(nlines * 6, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(nlines * 8, refcheck = False)
layer = model_data.all_layers[layer_idx]
has_movement = False
for gline in layer:
if not gline.is_move:
if gline.x is None and gline.y is None and gline.z is None:
has_movement = True
vertices[vertex_k] = prev_pos[0]
vertices[vertex_k + 1] = prev_pos[1]
vertices[vertex_k + 2] = prev_pos[2]
current_pos = (gline.current_x, gline.current_y, gline.current_z)
vertices[vertex_k + 3] = current_pos[0]
vertices[vertex_k + 4] = current_pos[1]
vertices[vertex_k + 5] = current_pos[2]
vertex_k += 6
vertex_color = self.movement_color(gline)
colors[color_k] = vertex_color[0]
colors[color_k + 1] = vertex_color[1]
colors[color_k + 2] = vertex_color[2]
colors[color_k + 3] = vertex_color[3]
colors[color_k + 4] = vertex_color[0]
colors[color_k + 5] = vertex_color[1]
colors[color_k + 6] = vertex_color[2]
colors[color_k + 7] = vertex_color[3]
color_k += 8
prev_pos = current_pos
gline.gcview_end_vertex = vertex_k / 3
if has_movement:
self.layer_stops.append(vertex_k / 3)
self.layer_idxs_map[layer_idx] = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
self.initialized = False
self.loaded = True
if callback:
callback(layer_idx + 1)
......@@ -784,16 +785,17 @@ class GcodeModelLight(Model):
yield layer_idx
layer_idx += 1
self.dims = ((model_data.xmin, model_data.xmax, model_data.width),
(model_data.ymin, model_data.ymax, model_data.depth),
(model_data.zmin, model_data.zmax, model_data.height))
with self.lock:
self.dims = ((model_data.xmin, model_data.xmax, model_data.width),
(model_data.ymin, model_data.ymax, model_data.depth),
(model_data.zmin, model_data.zmax, model_data.height))
self.vertices.resize(vertex_k, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(color_k, refcheck = False)
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
self.initialized = False
self.loaded = True
self.vertices.resize(vertex_k, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(color_k, refcheck = False)
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
self.initialized = False
self.loaded = True
t_end = time.time()
......@@ -829,21 +831,24 @@ class GcodeModelLight(Model):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def init(self):
self.vertex_buffer = numpy2vbo(self.vertices, use_vbos = self.use_vbos)
self.vertex_color_buffer = numpy2vbo(self.colors, use_vbos = self.use_vbos) # each pair of vertices shares the color
self.initialized = True
with self.lock:
self.layers_loaded = self.max_layers
self.initialized = True
self.vertex_buffer = numpy2vbo(self.vertices, use_vbos = self.use_vbos)
self.vertex_color_buffer = numpy2vbo(self.colors, use_vbos = self.use_vbos) # each pair of vertices shares the color
def display(self, mode_2d=False):
glTranslatef(self.offset_x, self.offset_y, 0)
with self.lock:
glTranslatef(self.offset_x, self.offset_y, 0)
def _display_movements(self, mode_2d=False):
......@@ -859,12 +864,15 @@ class GcodeModelLight(Model):
glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.vertex_color_buffer.ptr)
# Prevent race condition by using the number of currently loaded layers
max_layers = self.layers_loaded
start = 0
if self.num_layers_to_draw <= self.max_layers:
if self.num_layers_to_draw <= max_layers:
end_prev_layer = self.layer_stops[self.num_layers_to_draw - 1]
end_prev_layer = -1
end = self.layer_stops[min(self.num_layers_to_draw, self.max_layers)]
end = self.layer_stops[min(self.num_layers_to_draw, max_layers)]
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