Commit a224a10c authored by Christopher Olah's avatar Christopher Olah

We make the prompt aware of extruder temperature.

In order to do this, we consolidate handeling of printer status
with a Status class. The status class is updated by recvcb.

This has the side effect of simplifying the implementation of gettemp.

We also detect whether there is a heated build platform or not, and
don't display info about it if there isn't.
parent df0265d4
......@@ -183,15 +183,44 @@ class Settings:
def _all_settings(self):
return dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("_")])
class Status:
def __init__(self):
self.extruder_temp = 0
self.extruder_temp_target = 0
self.bed_temp = 0
self.bed_temp_target = 0
self.print_job = None
self.print_job_progress = 1.0
def update_tempreading(self, tempstr):
r = tempstr.split()
# eg. r = ["ok", "T:20.5", "/0.0", "B:0.0", "/0.0", "@:0"]
if len(r) == 6:
self.extruder_temp = float(r[1][2:])
self.extruder_temp_target = float(r[2][1:])
self.bed_temp = float(r[3][2:])
self.bed_temp_target = float(r[4][1:])
def bed_enabled(self):
return self.bed_temp != 0
def extruder_enabled(self):
return self.extruder_temp != 0
class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self):
if not READLINE:
self.completekey = None
self.status = Status()
self.p = printcore.printcore()
self.p.recvcb = self.recvcb
self.recvlisteners = []
self.prompt = "PC>"
self.in_macro = False
self.p.onlinecb =
self.f = None
......@@ -236,12 +265,23 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
"""A function to generate prompts so that we can do dynamic prompts. """
if self.in_macro:
return "..>"
elif not
return "uninitialized>"
elif self.status.extruder_enabled:# and not self.status.bed_enabled:
if self.status.extruder_temp_target == 0:
return "T:%s>" % self.status.extruder_temp
return "T:%s/%s>" % (self.status.extruder_temp, self.status.extruder_temp_target)
return "PC>"
return "printer>"
def postcmd(self, stop, line):
""" A hook we override to generate prompts after
each command is executed, for the next prompt."""
each command is executed, for the next prompt.
We also use it to send M105 commands so that
temp info gets updated for the prompt."""
self.prompt = self.promptf()
return stop
......@@ -536,6 +576,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def preloop(self):
print "Welcome to the printer console! Type \"help\" for a list of available commands."
self.prompt = self.promptf()
def do_connect(self, l):
......@@ -829,6 +870,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def recvcb(self, l):
if "T:" in l:
self.tempreadings = l
tstring = l.rstrip()
if(tstring!="ok" and not tstring.startswith("ok T") and not tstring.startswith("T:") and not self.listing and not self.monitoring):
print tstring
......@@ -864,16 +906,15 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def help_help(self):
def tempcb(self, l):
if "T:" in l:
print l.replace("\r", "").replace("T", "Hotend").replace("B", "Bed").replace("\n", "").replace("ok ", "")
def do_gettemp(self, l):
if not self.status.bed_enabled:
print "Hotend: %s/%s" % (self.status.extruder_temp, self.status.extruder_temp_target)
print "Hotend: %s/%s" % (self.status.extruder_temp, self.status.extruder_temp_target)
print "Bed: %s/%s" % (self.status.bed_temp, self.status.bed_temp_target)
def help_gettemp(self):
print "Read the extruder and bed temperature."
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