Commit 8f94f962 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Store current_tool in the upper bits of status to save 8 more bytes

parent 9a273b79
......@@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ cdef enum BitPos:
pos_f = 1 << 4
pos_i = 1 << 5
pos_j = 1 << 6
pos_is_move = 1 << 9
pos_relative = 1 << 10
pos_relative_e = 1 << 11
pos_extruding = 1 << 12
pos_current_x = 1 << 13
pos_current_y = 1 << 14
pos_current_z = 1 << 15
pos_current_tool = 1 << 16
pos_raw = 1 << 17
pos_command = 1 << 18
pos_gcview_end_vertex = 1 << 19
pos_is_move = 1 << 7
pos_relative = 1 << 8
pos_relative_e = 1 << 9
pos_extruding = 1 << 10
pos_current_x = 1 << 11
pos_current_y = 1 << 12
pos_current_z = 1 << 13
pos_current_tool = 1 << 14
pos_raw = 1 << 15
pos_command = 1 << 16
pos_gcview_end_vertex = 1 << 17
# WARNING: don't use bits 24 to 31 as we store current_tool there
cdef inline uint32_t has_var(uint32_t status, uint32_t pos):
return status & pos
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ cdef class GLine:
cdef float _current_x, _current_y, _current_z
cdef uint32_t _gcview_end_vertex
cdef uint32_t _status
cdef char _current_tool
__slots__ = ()
......@@ -182,10 +181,10 @@ cdef class GLine:
self._status = set_has_var(self._status, pos_current_z)
property current_tool:
def __get__(self):
if has_var(self._status, pos_current_tool): return self._current_tool
if has_var(self._status, pos_current_tool): return self._status >> 24
else: return None
def __set__(self, value):
self._current_tool = value
self._status = (self._status & ((1 << 24) - 1)) | (value << 24)
self._status = set_has_var(self._status, pos_current_tool)
property gcview_end_vertex:
def __get__(self):
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