Commit 8e2e3fa7 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Moar speedup by using numpy.fromiter instead of numpy.array

parent 1d3a2562
......@@ -427,10 +427,14 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
self.count_travel_indices = count_travel_indices
self.count_print_indices = count_print_indices
self.count_print_vertices = count_print_vertices
self.travels = numpy.array(travel_vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat)
self.vertices = numpy.array(vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat)
self.indices = numpy.array(index_list, dtype = GLuint)
self.colors = numpy.array(color_list, dtype = GLfloat)
self.travels = numpy.fromiter(travel_vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat,
count = len(travel_vertex_list))
self.vertices = numpy.fromiter(vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat,
count = len(vertex_list))
self.indices = numpy.fromiter(index_list, dtype = GLuint,
count = len(index_list))
self.colors = numpy.fromiter(color_list, dtype = GLfloat,
count = len(color_list))
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
......@@ -652,8 +656,10 @@ class GcodeModelLight(Model):
if callback:
callback(layer_idx + 1, num_layers)
self.vertices = numpy.array(vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat)
self.colors = numpy.array(color_list, dtype = GLfloat)
self.vertices = numpy.fromiter(vertex_list, dtype = GLfloat,
count = len(vertex_list))
self.colors = numpy.fromiter(color_list, dtype = GLfloat,
count = len(color_list))
self.max_layers = len(self.layer_stops) - 1
self.num_layers_to_draw = self.max_layers + 1
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