Commit 8a495942 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Also draw circular beds in standalone view

parent 44bb60b4
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class GcodeViewFrame(GvizBaseFrame):
def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, build_dimensions, objects = None,
pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, root = None):
style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, root = None, circular = False):
super(GcodeViewFrame, self).__init__(parent, ID, title,
pos, size, style)
self.root = root
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class GcodeViewFrame(GvizBaseFrame):
self.refresh_timer = wx.CallLater(100, self.Refresh)
self.p = self # Hack for backwards compatibility with gviz API
self.clonefrom = objects
self.platform = actors.Platform(build_dimensions)
self.platform = actors.Platform(build_dimensions, circular = circular)
if objects:
self.model = objects[1].model
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class VizPane(wx.BoxSizer):
objects = None
if isinstance(root.gviz, printrun.gcview.GcodeViewMainWrapper):
objects = root.gviz.objects
root.gwindow = printrun.gcview.GcodeViewFrame(None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Gcode view, shift to move view, mousewheel to set layer', size = (600, 600), build_dimensions = root.build_dimensions_list, objects = objects, root = root)
root.gwindow = printrun.gcview.GcodeViewFrame(None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Gcode view, shift to move view, mousewheel to set layer', size = (600, 600), build_dimensions = root.build_dimensions_list, objects = objects, root = root, circular = root.settings.circular_bed)
use3dview = False
print "3D view mode requested, but we failed to initialize it."
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