Commit 88f24178 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Add not fully tested rotation support to gcodeplater

parent 8e7162c4
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ install_locale('pronterface')
import wx
import sys
import types
import re
import math
from printrun import gcview
from printrun import gcoder
......@@ -38,6 +40,34 @@ def gcoder_write(self, f, line, store = False):
self.append(line, store = store)
rewrite_exp = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(["X([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)",
def rewrite_gline(centeroffset, gline, cosr, sinr):
if gline.is_move and (gline.x is not None or gline.y is not None):
if gline.relative:
xc = yc = 0
cox = coy = 0
if gline.x is not None:
xc = gline.x
if gline.y is not None:
yc = gline.y
xc = gline.current_x + centeroffset[0]
yc = gline.current_y + centeroffset[1]
cox = centeroffset[0]
coy = centeroffset[1]
new_x = "X%.04f" % (xc * cosr - yc * sinr - cox)
new_y = "Y%.04f" % (xc * sinr + yc * cosr - coy)
new = {"X": new_x, "Y": new_y}
new_line = rewrite_exp.sub(lambda ax: new[[0]], gline.raw)
new_line = new_line.split(";")[0]
if gline.x is None: new_line += " " + new_x
if gline.y is None: new_line += " " + new_y
return new_line
return gline.raw
class GcodePlater(Plater):
load_wildcard = _("GCODE files (*.gcode;*.GCODE;*.g)") + "|*.gcode;*.gco;*.g"
......@@ -100,7 +130,9 @@ class GcodePlater(Plater):
models.sort(key = lambda x: x.dims[-1])
alllayers = []
for (model_i, model) in enumerate(models):
alllayers += [(layer.z, model_i, layer_i)
def add_offset(layer):
return layer.z + model.offsets[2] if layer.z is not None else layer.z
alllayers += [(add_offset(layer), model_i, layer_i)
for (layer_i, layer) in enumerate(model.gcode.all_layers) if layer]
laste = [0] * len(models)
......@@ -112,10 +144,7 @@ class GcodePlater(Plater):
for (layer_z, model_i, layer_i) in alllayers:
model = models[model_i]
layer = model.gcode.all_layers[layer_i]
r = model.rot # no rotation support for now
if r != 0 and layer_i == 0:
print _("Warning: no rotation support for now, "
"object won't be correctly rotated")
r = math.radians(model.rot)
o = model.offsets
co = model.centeroffset
offset_pos = last_real_position if last_real_position is not None else (0, 0, 0)
......@@ -137,7 +166,10 @@ class GcodePlater(Plater):
analyzer.write("G92 E%.5f\n" % laste[model_i])
for l in layer:
if l.command != "G28" and (l.command != "G92" or extrusion_only(l)):
analyzer.write(l.raw + "\n")
if r == 0:
analyzer.write(l.raw + "\n")
analyzer.write(rewrite_gline(co, l, math.cos(r), math.sin(r)) + "\n")
# Find the current real position & E
last_real_position = analyzer.current_pos
laste[model_i] = analyzer.current_e
......@@ -152,10 +184,7 @@ class GcodePlater(Plater):
models.sort(key = lambda x: x.dims[-1])
with open(name, "w") as f:
for model_i, model in enumerate(models):
r = model.rot # no rotation support for now
if r != 0:
print _("Warning: no rotation support for now, "
"object won't be correctly rotated")
r = math.radians(model.rot)
o = model.offsets
co = model.centeroffset
offset_pos = last_real_position if last_real_position is not None else (0, 0, 0)
......@@ -171,7 +200,10 @@ class GcodePlater(Plater):
f.write("G1 X%.5f Y%.5f" % (-co[0], -co[1]))
for l in model.gcode:
if l.command != "G28" and (l.command != "G92" or extrusion_only(l)):
f.write(l.raw + "\n")
if r == 0:
f.write(l.raw + "\n")
f.write(rewrite_gline(co, l, math.cos(r), math.sin(r)) + "\n")
# Find the current real position
for i in xrange(len(model.gcode) - 1, -1, -1):
gline = model.gcode.lines[i]
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