Commit 1ea631c8 authored by Steven Devijver's avatar Steven Devijver

Nice formating of duration; renamed variables; added extra cost per movement

parent ca5e7f11
......@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ def get_value(axis, parts):
return None
extra_cost_per_movement = 0.05
total_duration = 0
starting_velocity = 0
global_feedrate = 0
fallback_feedrate = 0
initial_feedrate = 0
X_last_position = 0
Y_last_position = 0
......@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ for i in g:
F = get_value("F", parts[1:])
if (X is None and Y is None and F is not None):
global_feedrate = F
fallback_feedrate = F
feedrate = 0
if (F is None):
feedrate = global_feedrate / 60
feedrate = fallback_feedrate / 60
feedrate = F / 60
......@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ for i in g:
duration = (halfway_feedrate * 2 - initial_feedrate) / acceleration
total_duration += duration
total_duration += duration + extra_cost_per_movement
print ("Total duration (in minutes): {0}".format(total_duration / 60))
mod_minutes = total_duration % (60 * 60)
mod_seconds = mod_minutes % 60
print ("Estimated total duration (pessimistic): {0:02d}H{1:02d}M".format(int((total_duration - mod_minutes) / (60 * 60)), int((mod_minutes - mod_seconds) / 60)))
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