Commit 1a9b1502 authored by D1plo1d's avatar D1plo1d

Cleaning up the pronserve code

parent 5f195590
......@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ class Pronserve(pronsole.pronsole):
#self.mdns = MdnsServer()
services = ({'type': '_construct._tcp', 'port': 8888, 'domain': "local."})
self.mdns = mdns.publisher().save_group({'name': 'pronserve', 'services': services })
self.recvcb("T:10 B:20")
def run_sensor_loop(self):
......@@ -190,7 +189,6 @@ class Pronserve(pronsole.pronsole):
""" Parses a line of output from the printer via printcore """
l = l.rstrip()
print l
if "T:" in l:
if l!="ok" and not l.startswith("ok T") and not l.startswith("T:"):
......@@ -200,12 +198,10 @@ class Pronserve(pronsole.pronsole):
words = l.split(" ")
d = dict([ s.split(":") for s in words])
print list([ (key, value) for key, value in d.iteritems()])
for key, value in d.iteritems():
self.__update_item(key, value)
print "loop is over""sensor_change")
def __update_item(self, key, value):
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