Commit 197f0ac1 authored by kliment's avatar kliment

Merge pull request #330 from colah/confirmation

Confirmation on exit
parents 9f0cabae c20b270b
......@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ def estimate_duration(g):
#print "Total Duration: " #, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration))
return "{0:d} layers, ".format(int(layercount)) + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(totalduration)))
def confirm():
y_or_n = raw_input("y/n: ")
if y_or_n == "y":
return True
elif y_or_n != "n":
return confirm()
return False
class Settings:
#def _temperature_alias(self): return {"pla":210, "abs":230, "off":0}
#def _temperature_validate(self, v):
......@@ -956,6 +964,10 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
l = l.replace(i, self.temps[i])
f = float(l)
if f>=0:
if f > 250:
print f, " is a high temperature to set your extruder to. Are you sure you want to do that?"
if not confirm():
self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l)
print "Setting hotend temperature to ", f, " degrees Celsius."
......@@ -1140,8 +1152,14 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
print "Setting bed temp to 0"
self.p.send_now("M140 S0.0")
print "Disconnecting from printer..."
print self.p.printing
if self.p.printing:
print "Are you sure you want to exit while printing?"
print "(this will terminate the print)."
if not confirm():
return False
print "Exiting program. Goodbye!"
return True
def help_exit(self):
......@@ -1331,8 +1349,9 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
line = raw_input(self.prompt)
except EOFError:
print ""
should_exit = self.do_exit("")
if should_exit:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
line = ""
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