Commit 065300f0 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Import release scripts for Windows from Kliment

parent 3d4c191e
d:\python27\python.exe py2exe -v
xcopy images dist\images\ /Y /E
xcopy locale dist\locale\ /Y /E
xcopy Slic3r dist\Slic3r\ /Y /E
copy MSVCP90.DLL dist\
from distutils.core import setup
setup(windows = [{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "P-face.ico")]},
{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "plater.ico")]},
console = [{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "pronsole.ico")]},
options = {"py2exe": {"bundle_files": 1,
"dll_excludes": ["w9xpopen.exe"],
"compressed": 1,
"excludes": ['_ssl', 'pickle', 'calendar', 'Tkconstants', 'Tkinter', 'tcl', 'email']
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