Commit 020bc30c authored by Stefan Glatzel's avatar Stefan Glatzel

Made default extrusion length a setting

Added "extrusion_default" to settings and made it editable via settings
file. Setting is not written back when the user changes it through the
parent d6f485a3
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def add_extra_controls(self, root, parentpanel, extra_buttons = None):
esettingspanel = root.newPanel(parentpanel)
esettingssizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
root.edist = wx.SpinCtrl(esettingspanel, -1, "5", min = 0, max = 1000, size = (70, -1))
root.edist = wx.SpinCtrl(esettingspanel, -1, str(root.settings.extrusion_default), min = 0, max = 1000, size = (70, -1))
root.edist.SetBackgroundColour((225, 200, 200))
esettingssizer.Add(root.edist, flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.RIGHT, border = 5)
......@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ class Settings(object):
self._add(SpinSetting("xy_feedrate", 3000, 0, 50000, _("X && Y manual feedrate"), _("Feedrate for Control Panel Moves in X and Y (mm/min)"), "Printer"))
self._add(SpinSetting("z_feedrate", 200, 0, 50000, _("Z manual feedrate"), _("Feedrate for Control Panel Moves in Z (mm/min)"), "Printer"))
self._add(SpinSetting("e_feedrate", 100, 0, 1000, _("E manual feedrate"), _("Feedrate for Control Panel Moves in Extrusions (mm/min)"), "Printer"))
self._add(SpinSetting("extrusion_default", 5, 0, 1000, _("Extrusion length"), _("Extrusion/REtraction (mm)"), "Printer"))
self._add(StringSetting("slicecommand", "python skeinforge/skeinforge_application/skeinforge_utilities/ $s", _("Slice command"), _("Slice command"), "External"))
self._add(StringSetting("sliceoptscommand", "python skeinforge/skeinforge_application/", _("Slicer options command"), _("Slice settings command"), "External"))
self._add(StringSetting("final_command", "", _("Final command"), _("Executable to run when the print is finished"), "External"))
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