# Sample .pronsolerc file - copy this into your home directory and rename it to .pronsolerc
!print "Loaded " + self.rc_filename
macro fan
!global _fan
!if '_fan' in globals() and _fan:
!_fan = 0
!if hasattr(self,"cur_button") and self.cur_button is not None:
!self.onecmd('button %d "fan (off)" /c green fan' % self.cur_button)
!_fan = 1
!if hasattr(self,"cur_button") and self.cur_button is not None:
!self.onecmd('button %d "fan (on)" /c yellow fan' % self.cur_button)
button 0 "fan (off)" /c "green" fan
Markus Hitter authored
As this is now part of the standard interface, it's pointless to list it as possible extension code.