// Length of outer support arm Measure arm lengths precisely and enter
#define Linkage_2 150 //mm
#define LINKAGE_2 150 //mm
// SCARA tower offset (position of Tower relative to bed zero position)
// This needs to be reasonably accurate as it defines the printbed position in the SCARA space.
#define SCARA_offset_x 100 //mm
#define SCARA_offset_y -56 //mm
#define SCARA_OFFSET_X 100 //mm
#define SCARA_OFFSET_Y -56 //mm
#define SCARA_RAD2DEG 57.2957795 // to convert RAD to degrees
#define THETA_HOMING_OFFSET 0 //calculatated from Calibration Guide and command M360 / M114 see picture in http://reprap.harleystudio.co.za/?page_id=1073
#define PSI_HOMING_OFFSET 0 // calculatated from Calibration Guide and command M364 / M114 see picture in http://reprap.harleystudio.co.za/?page_id=1073
#error You must enable either DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_JAPAN or DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_WESTERN or DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_CYRILLIC for your LCD controller.
#error CONFLICT ERROR: You must enable either DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_JAPAN or DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_WESTERN or DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_CYRILLIC for your LCD controller.
@@ -132,9 +125,9 @@
#if Z_MIN_PIN == -1
#if Z_PROBE_PIN == -1 || DISABLED(Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP) // It's possible for someone to set a pin for the Z Probe, but not enable it.
#error You must have a Z_MIN or Z_PROBE endstop to enable Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST.
#error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have a Z_MIN or Z_PROBE endstop to enable Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST.
#error AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE requires a Z_MIN or Z_PROBE endstop. Z_MIN_PIN or Z_PROBE_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin.
#error CONFLICT ERROR: AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE requires a Z_MIN or Z_PROBE endstop. Z_MIN_PIN or Z_PROBE_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin.
@@ -144,24 +137,24 @@
#error You must have a Z_PROBE_PIN defined in pins2tool.h file if you enable Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
#error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have a Z_PROBE_PIN defined in pins2tool.h file if you enable Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
#erro sistema pins2tool.h
#if Z_PROBE_PIN == -1
#error You must set Z_PROBE_PIN to a valid pin if you enable Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
#error CONFLICT ERROR: You must set Z_PROBE_PIN to a valid pin if you enable Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// Forcing Servo definitions can break some hall effect sensor setups. Leaving these here for further comment.
// #error You must have NUM_SERVOS defined and there must be at least 1 configured to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have NUM_SERVOS defined and there must be at least 1 configured to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #endif
// #error You must have at least 1 servo defined for NUM_SERVOS to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have at least 1 servo defined for NUM_SERVOS to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #endif
// #error You must have Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR set to at least 0 or above to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR set to at least 0 or above to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #endif
// #error You must have SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES defined for Z Extend and Retract to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.
// #error CONFLICT ERROR: You must have SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES defined for Z Extend and Retract to use Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP.