// Comment the following line to disable PID and enable bang-bang.
#define PIDTEMP
#if defined(PIDTEMP)
#ifdef PIDTEMP
//#define PID_DEBUG // Sends debug data to the serial port.
//#define PID_OPENLOOP 1 // Puts PID in open loop. M104/M140 sets the output power from 0 to PID_MAX
//#define SLOW_PWM_HEATERS // PWM with very low frequency (roughly 0.125Hz=8s) and minimum state time of approximately 1s useful for heaters driven by a relay
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
//#define PID_BED_DEBUG // Sends debug data to the serial port.
#if defined(PIDTEMPBED)
#define PID_BED_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX MAX_BED_POWER // limit for the integral term
//120v 250W silicone heater into 4mm borosilicate (MendelMax 1.5+)
//from FOPDT model - kp=.39 Tp=405 Tdead=66, Tc set to 79.2, aggressive factor of .15 (vs .1, 1, 10)
@@ -469,15 +469,17 @@
//========================== EXTRA SETTINGS ON SD ===========================
// Uncomment SD SETTINGS to enable the firmware to write some configuration, that require frequent update, on the SD card.
//#define SD_SETTINGS
#define SD_CFG_SECONDS 300 //seconds between update
#define CFG_SD_FILE "INFO.CFG" //name of the configuration file
#define CFG_SD_MAX_KEY_LEN 3+1 //icrease this if you add key name longer than the actual value.
#define CFG_SD_MAX_VALUE_LEN 12+1 //this should be enought for int, long and float if you need to retrive strings increase this carefully
#define FILAMENT_SENSOR_EXTRUDER_NUM 0 //The number of the extruder that has the filament sensor (0,1,2,3)
#define MEASUREMENT_DELAY_CM 14 //measurement delay in cm. This is the distance from filament sensor to middle of barrel
#define DEFAULT_NOMINAL_FILAMENT_DIA 1.75 //Enter the diameter (in mm) of the filament generally used (3.0 mm or 1.75 mm) - this is then used in the slicer software. Used for sensor reading validation
#define MEASURED_UPPER_LIMIT 2.00 //upper limit factor used for sensor reading validation in mm
#define MEASURED_LOWER_LIMIT 1.35 //lower limit factor for sensor reading validation in mm
#define POWER_VOLTAGE 12.00 //(V) The power supply OUT voltage
#define POWER_ZERO 2.54459 //(V) The /\V coming out from the sensor when no current flow.
#define POWER_SENSITIVITY 0.066 //(V/A) How much increase V for 1A of increase
@@ -574,6 +575,7 @@
//When using an LCD, uncomment the line below to display the Power consumption sensor data on the last line instead of status. Status will appear for 5 sec.