Commit e4309d47 authored by Deomid Ryabkov's avatar Deomid Ryabkov Committed by Cesanta Bot

Annotate cs_log_printf with format attribute

This adds compile-time checks for format strings.

Fix issues exposed by this.

parent c5452fc2
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ IPATH = . ../.. $(REPO_PATH)
VPATH = ../..
# -DTARGET_IS_CC3200 would reduce code size by using functions in ROM
......@@ -230,7 +230,11 @@ void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level);
void cs_log_set_file(FILE *file);
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold;
void cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *func);
void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
#define LOG(l, x) \
do { \
......@@ -2918,7 +2922,7 @@ int mg_check_ip_acl(const char *acl, uint32_t remote_ip) {
DBG(("%08x %c", remote_ip, allowed));
DBG(("%08x %c", (unsigned int) remote_ip, allowed));
return allowed == '+';
......@@ -2936,7 +2940,7 @@ double mg_set_timer(struct mg_connection *c, double timestamp) {
* connections, so not processed yet. It has a DNS resolver connection
* linked to it. Set up a timer for the DNS connection.
DBG(("%p %p %d -> %lu", c, c->priv_2, c->flags & MG_F_RESOLVING,
DBG(("%p %p %d -> %lu", c, c->priv_2, (c->flags & MG_F_RESOLVING ? 1 : 0),
(unsigned long) timestamp));
if ((c->flags & MG_F_RESOLVING) && c->priv_2 != NULL) {
((struct mg_connection *) c->priv_2)->ev_timer_time = timestamp;
......@@ -3883,7 +3887,7 @@ void mg_tun_if_tcp_send(struct mg_connection *nc, const void *buf, size_t len) {
char hex[512];
mg_hexdump(buf, len, hex, sizeof(hex));
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("sending to stream %zu:\n%s", stream_id, hex));
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("sending to stream 0x%x:\n%s", (unsigned int) stream_id, hex));
mg_tun_send_frame(client->disp, stream_id, MG_TUN_DATA_FRAME, 0, msg);
......@@ -3914,7 +3918,7 @@ void mg_tun_if_destroy_conn(struct mg_connection *nc) {
uint32_t stream_id = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) nc->mgr_data;
struct mg_str msg = {NULL, 0};
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("closing %zu:", stream_id));
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("closing 0x%x:", (unsigned int) stream_id));
mg_tun_send_frame(client->disp, stream_id, MG_TUN_DATA_FRAME,
......@@ -3970,13 +3974,14 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_tun_if_find_conn(struct mg_tun_client *client,
if (stream_id > client->last_stream_id) {
/* create a new connection */
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("new stream 0x%lx, accepting", stream_id));
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("new stream 0x%x, accepting", (unsigned int) stream_id));
nc = mg_if_accept_new_conn(client->listener);
nc->mgr_data = (void *) (uintptr_t) stream_id;
client->last_stream_id = stream_id;
} else {
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("Ignoring stream 0x%lx (last_stream_id 0x%lx)", stream_id,
("Ignoring stream 0x%x (last_stream_id 0x%x)", (unsigned int) stream_id,
(unsigned int) client->last_stream_id));
return nc;
......@@ -9897,7 +9902,7 @@ MG_INTERNAL int parse_mqtt(struct mbuf *io, struct mg_mqtt_message *mm) {
("%d %2x %d proto [%.*s] client_id [%.*s] will_topic [%.*s] "
"will_msg [%.*s] user_name [%.*s] password [%.*s]",
len, (int) mm->connect_flags, (int) mm->keep_alive_timer,
(int) len, (int) mm->connect_flags, (int) mm->keep_alive_timer,
(int) mm->protocol_name.len, mm->protocol_name.p,
(int) mm->client_id.len, mm->client_id.p, (int) mm->will_topic.len,
mm->will_topic.p, (int) mm->will_message.len, mm->will_message.p,
......@@ -11771,9 +11776,10 @@ static void mg_tun_init_client(struct mg_tun_client *client, struct mg_mgr *mgr,
void mg_tun_log_frame(struct mg_tun_frame *frame) {
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("Got TUN frame: type=0x%x, flags=0x%x stream_id=0x%lx, "
frame->type, frame->flags, frame->stream_id, frame->body.len));
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("Got TUN frame: type=0x%x, flags=0x%x stream_id=0x%x, "
frame->type, frame->flags, (unsigned int) frame->stream_id,
(int) frame->body.len));
char hex[512];
......@@ -11836,7 +11842,7 @@ static void mg_tun_client_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev,
struct mg_tun_frame frame;
if (mg_tun_parse_frame(wm->data, wm->size, &frame) == -1) {
LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Got invalid tun frame dropping", wm->size));
LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Got invalid tun frame dropping"));
......@@ -14279,10 +14285,10 @@ static void mg_lwip_handle_recv_tcp(struct mg_connection *nc) {
static err_t mg_lwip_tcp_sent_cb(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb,
u16_t num_sent) {
struct mg_connection *nc = (struct mg_connection *) arg;
DBG(("%p %p %u %u %u", nc, tpcb, num_sent, tpcb->unsent, tpcb->unacked));
DBG(("%p %p %u %p %p", nc, tpcb, num_sent, tpcb->unsent, tpcb->unacked));
if (nc == NULL) return ERR_OK;
if ((nc->flags & MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE) && !(nc->flags & MG_F_WANT_WRITE) &&
nc->send_mbuf.len == 0 && tpcb->unsent == 0 && tpcb->unacked == 0) {
nc->send_mbuf.len == 0 && tpcb->unsent == NULL && tpcb->unacked == NULL) {
mg_lwip_post_signal(MG_SIG_CLOSE_CONN, nc);
return ERR_OK;
......@@ -14897,7 +14903,7 @@ void mg_ev_mgr_lwip_process_signals(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
void mg_lwip_if_init(struct mg_iface *iface) {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p Mongoose init"));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p Mongoose init", iface));
iface->data = MG_CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct mg_ev_mgr_lwip_data));
......@@ -15076,7 +15082,7 @@ void mg_lwip_ssl_do_hs(struct mg_connection *nc) {
enum mg_ssl_if_result res;
if (nc->flags & MG_F_CLOSE_IMMEDIATELY) return;
res = mg_ssl_if_handshake(nc);
DBG(("%p %d %d %d", nc, nc->flags, server_side, res));
DBG(("%p %lu %d %d", nc, nc->flags, server_side, res));
if (res != MG_SSL_OK) {
if (res == MG_SSL_WANT_WRITE) {
nc->flags |= MG_F_WANT_WRITE;
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