Commit b2b43ab0 authored by Sergey Lyubka's avatar Sergey Lyubka

updated user manual

......@@ -294,11 +294,49 @@ must be for a file name only, not including directory name. Example:
so updating the config file might be necessary after executable update.
# Embedding
Embedding Mongoose is easy. Somewhere in the application code, `mg_start()`
function must be called. That starts the web server in a separate thread.
When it is not needed anymore, `mg_stop()` must be called. Application code
can pass configuration options to `mg_start()`, and also specify callback
functions that Mongoose should call at certain events.
Embedding Mongoose is easy. Copy
[mongoose.c]( and
to your application's source tree and include them in the build. For
example, your application's code lives in C++ file `my_app.cpp`, then on UNIX
this command embeds Mongoose:
$ ls
my_app.cpp mongoose.c mongoose.h
$ g++ mongoose.c -o my_app
Somewhere in the application code, call `mg_start()` to start the server.
Pass configuration options and event handlers to `mg_start()`.
Mongoose then calls handlers when certain events happen.
For example, when new request arrives, Mongoose calls `begin_request`
handler function to let user handle the request. In the handler, user code
can get all information about the request -- parsed headers, etcetera.
Mongoose API is logically divided in three categories: server setup/shutdown
functions, functions to be used by user-written event handlers, and
convenience utility functions.
### Starting and stopping embedded web server
To start the embedded web server, call `mg_start()`. To stop it, call
// This structure needs to be passed to mg_start(), to let mongoose know
// which callbacks to invoke. For detailed description, see
struct mg_callbacks {
int (*begin_request)(struct mg_connection *);
void (*end_request)(const struct mg_connection *, int reply_status_code);
int (*log_message)(const struct mg_connection *, const char *message);
int (*init_ssl)(void *ssl_context);
int (*websocket_connect)(const struct mg_connection *);
void (*websocket_ready)(struct mg_connection *);
int (*websocket_data)(struct mg_connection *);
const char * (*open_file)(const struct mg_connection *,
const char *path, size_t *data_len);
void (*init_lua)(struct mg_connection *, void *lua_context);
void (*upload)(struct mg_connection *, const char *file_name);
provides a minimalistic example.
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