Commit 5d6eeb5d authored by Deomid Ryabkov's avatar Deomid Ryabkov Committed by rojer

Add a note about Content-Type for form submissions

parent d9b9d71b
......@@ -1804,15 +1804,21 @@ int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
* Host headers. `extra_headers` is an extra HTTP headers to send, e.g.
* `"User-Agent: my-app\r\n"`.
* If `post_data` is NULL, then GET request is created. Otherwise, POST request
* is created with the specified POST data. Examples:
* is created with the specified POST data. Note that if the data being posted
* is a form submission, the `Content-Type` header should be set accordingly
* (see example below).
* Examples:
* [source,c]
* ----
* nc1 = mg_connect_http(mgr, ev_handler_1, "", NULL,
* NULL);
* nc2 = mg_connect_http(mgr, ev_handler_1, "", NULL, NULL);
* nc3 = mg_connect_http(mgr, ev_handler_1, "my_server:8000/form_submit/",
* NULL, "var_1=value_1&var_2=value_2");
* nc3 = mg_connect_http(
* mgr, ev_handler_1, "my_server:8000/form_submit/",
* "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
* "var_1=value_1&var_2=value_2");
* ----
struct mg_connection *mg_connect_http(struct mg_mgr *mgr,
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