Commit 594a37d5 authored by Sergey Lyubka's avatar Sergey Lyubka

refactored should_keep_alive() for better readability

parent 50719782
......@@ -827,11 +827,14 @@ static int match_prefix(const char *pattern, int pattern_len, const char *str) {
static int should_keep_alive(const struct mg_connection *conn) {
const char *http_version = conn->request_info.http_version;
const char *header = mg_get_header(conn, "Connection");
return !(conn->must_close == 1 ||
conn->request_info.status_code == 401 ||
mg_strcasecmp(conn->ctx->config[ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE], "yes") != 0 ||
(header != NULL && mg_strcasecmp(header, "keep-alive") != 0) ||
(header == NULL && http_version && strcmp(http_version, "1.1")));
if (conn->must_close == 1 ||
conn->request_info.status_code == 401 ||
mg_strcasecmp(conn->ctx->config[ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE], "yes") != 0 ||
(header != NULL && mg_strcasecmp(header, "keep-alive") != 0) ||
(header == NULL && http_version && strcmp(http_version, "1.1"))) {
return 0;
return 1;
static const char *suggest_connection_header(const struct mg_connection *conn) {
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