Commit 451d0771 authored by Sergey Lyubka's avatar Sergey Lyubka

cygwin target added

parent 30d15733
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
PROG= mongoose
@echo "make (linux|bsd|solaris|mac|windows|mingw)"
@echo "make (linux|bsd|solaris|mac|windows|mingw|cygwin)"
# Possible COPT values: (in brackets are rough numbers for 'gcc -O2' on i386)
# -DHAVE_MD5 - use system md5 library (-2kb)
......@@ -144,6 +144,16 @@ mingw:
$(CC) $(MINGWOPT) -Iwin32 mongoose.c main.c win32\res.o -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 \
-o $(PROG).exe
# Build for Windows under Cygwin
CYGWINOPT= -W -Wall -mthreads -Wl,--subsystem,console $(CYGWINDBG) -DHAVE_STDINT $(GCC_WARNINGS) $(COPT)
windres ./win32/res.rc ./win32/res.o
$(CC) $(CYGWINOPT) mongoose.c -lws2_32 \
-shared -Wl,--out-implib=$(PROG).lib -o $(PROG).dll
$(CC) $(CYGWINOPT) -Iwin32 mongoose.c main.c ./win32/res.o -lws2_32 \
-ladvapi32 -o $(PROG).exe
### Manuals, cleanup, test, release
......@@ -163,4 +173,4 @@ release: clean
F=mongoose-`perl -lne '/define\s+MONGOOSE_VERSION\s+"(\S+)"/ and print $$1' mongoose.c`.tgz ; cd .. && tar -czf x mongoose/{LICENSE,Makefile,bindings,examples,test,win32,mongoose.c,mongoose.h,mongoose.1,main.c} && mv x mongoose/$$F
rm -rf *.o *.core $(PROG) *.obj *.so $(PROG).txt *.dSYM *.tgz $(PROG).exe *.dll *.lib
\ No newline at end of file
rm -rf *.o *.core $(PROG) *.obj *.so $(PROG).txt *.dSYM *.tgz $(PROG).exe *.dll *.lib win32/res.o
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