Commit 28eb251c authored by Marko Mikulicic's avatar Marko Mikulicic

Merge pull request #567 from cesanta/move

Fossa merge
parents 75aadb3e b99dc95b
This diff is collapsed.
# Mongoose Build on Android
This is a small guide to help you run mongoose on Android. Currently it is
tested on the HTC Wildfire. If you have managed to run it on other devices
as well, please comment or drop an email in the mailing list.
Note : You dont need root access to run mongoose on Android.
- Clone Mongoose Git repo
- Download the Android NDK from [](
- Run `/path-to-ndk/ndk-build -C /path/to/mongoose`
That should generate mongoose/lib/armeabi/mongoose
- Using the adb tool (you need to have Android SDK installed for that),
push the generated mongoose binary to `/data/local` folder on device.
- From adb shell, navigate to `/data/local` and execute `./mongoose`.
- To test if the server is running fine, visit your web-browser and
navigate to `` You should see the `Index of /` page.
- `jni` stands for Java Native Interface. Read up on Android NDK if you want
to know how to interact with the native C functions of mongoose in Android
Java applications.
- TODO: A Java application that interacts with the native binary or a
shared library.
How To Create Basic Website With Mongoose
## 1. Create a directory which will contain your website files. For example, on drive `C:\`, create a directory called `my_website`:
## 2. Inside `my_website` directory, create a new file called "index". This will be the default web page shown when the website is visited.
## 3. Open index file with your favorite editor (for example, Notepad) and enter some HTML code:
## 4. Save this file as `index.html`:
## 5. Download Mongoose executable from and copy the executable inside `my_website` directory:
## 6. Double-click mongoose executable. An icon will appear on a system tray in the bottom right corner of the desktop:
## 7. Click on the mongoose icon and choose "Go to my address" menu:
## 8. A browser will popup displaying `index.html` file. Now, you can expand your website by adding more content.
# Mongoose Embedding Guide
Embedding Mongoose is done in two steps:
1. Copy
[mongoose.c]( and
to your application's source tree and include them in the build.
2. Somewhere in the application code, call `mg_create_server()` to create
a server, configure it with `mg_set_option()` and loop with
`mg_poll_server()` until done. Call `mg_destroy_server()` to cleanup.
Here's a minimal application `app.c` that embeds mongoose:
#include "mongoose.h"
int main(void) {
struct mg_server *server = mg_create_server(NULL, NULL);
mg_set_option(server, "document_root", "."); // Serve current directory
mg_set_option(server, "listening_port", "8080"); // Open port 8080
for (;;) {
mg_poll_server(server, 1000); // Infinite loop, Ctrl-C to stop
return 0;
To compile it, put `mongoose.c`, `mongoose.h` and `app.c` into one
folder, start terminal on UNIX or Visual Studio command line prompt on Windows,
and run the following command:
cc app.c mongoose.c -pthread -o app # on Unix
cl.exe app.c mongoose.c /TC /MD # on Windows
When run, this simple application opens port 8080 and serves static files,
CGI files and lists directory content in the current working directory.
It is possible to generate HTML page content. Mongoose can call user-defined
function when certain events occur.
That function is called _an event handler_, and it is the second parameter
to `mg_create_server()` function. Here is the example event handler function:
int event_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) {
switch (ev) {
case MG_AUTH: return MG_TRUE;
default: return MG_FALSE;
Event handler is called by Mongoose with `struct mg_connection *`
pointer and an event number. `struct mg_connection *conn`
has all information about the request: HTTP headers, POST or websocket
data buffer, etcetera. `enum mg_event ev` tells which exactly event is sent.
For each event, an event handler returns a value which tells Mongoose how
to behave.
The sequence of events for every connection is this:
* `MG_AUTH` - Mongoose asks whether this connection is authorized. If event
handler returns `MG_FALSE`, then Mongoose does not serve the request but
sends authorization request to the client. If `MG_TRUE` is returned,
then Mongoose continues on with the request.
* `MG_REQUEST` - Mongoose asks event handler to serve the request. If
event handler serves the request by sending a reply,
it should return `MG_TRUE`. Otherwise,
it should return `MG_FALSE` which tells Mongoose that request is not
served and Mongoose should serve it. For example, event handler might
choose to serve only RESTful API requests with URIs that start with
certain prefix, and let Mongoose serve all static files.
If event handler decides to serve the request, but doesn't have
all the data at the moment, it should return `MG_MORE`. That tells
Mongoose to keep the connection open after callback returns.
`mg_connection::connection_param` pointer is a placeholder to keep
user-specific data. For example, handler could decide to open a DB
connection and store DB connection handle in `connection_param`.
* `MG_POLL` is sent to every connection on every iteration of
`mg_poll_server()`. Event handler should return `MG_FALSE` to ignore
this event. If event handler returns `MG_TRUE`, then Mongoose assumes
that event handler has finished sending data, and Mongoose will
close the connection.
* `MG_HTTP_ERROR` sent when Mongoose is about to send HTTP error back
to the client. Event handler can choose to send a reply itself, in which
case event handler must return `MG_TRUE`. Otherwise, event handler must
return `MG_FALSE`
* `MG_CLOSE` is sent when the connection is closed. This event is used
to cleanup per-connection state stored in `connection_param`
if it was allocated.
Let's extend our minimal application example and
create an URI that will be served by user's C code. The app will handle
`/hello` URI by showing a hello message. So, when app is run, will say hello, and here's the code:
#include <string.h>
#include "mongoose.h"
static int event_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) {
if (ev == MG_AUTH) {
return MG_TRUE; // Authorize all requests
} else if (ev == MG_REQUEST && !strcmp(conn->uri, "/hello")) {
mg_printf_data(conn, "%s", "Hello world");
return MG_TRUE; // Mark as processed
} else {
return MG_FALSE; // Rest of the events are not processed
int main(void) {
struct mg_server *server = mg_create_server(NULL, event_handler);
mg_set_option(server, "document_root", ".");
mg_set_option(server, "listening_port", "8080");
for (;;) {
mg_poll_server(server, 1000); // Infinite loop, Ctrl-C to stop
return 0;
## Example code
Mongoose source code contains number of examples, located in the
[examples]( directory.
To build any example, go to the respective directory and run `make`.
## Compilation flags
Below is the list of compilation flags that enable or disable certain
features. By default, some features are enabled, and could be disabled
by setting appropriate `NO_*` flag. Features that are disabled by default
could be enabled by setting appropriate `USE_*` flag. Bare bones Mongoose
is quite small, about 30 kilobytes of compiled x86 code. Each feature adds
a couple of kilobytes to the executable size, and also has some runtime penalty.
Note that some flags start with `NS_` prefix. This is because Mongoose uses
[Net Skeleton]( as a low-level
networking engine. If user code has `#include <net_skeleton.h>`, then
all Net Skeleton functions will be available too.
-DMONGOOSE_NO_AUTH Disable MD5 authorization support
-DMONGOOSE_NO_CGI Disable CGI support
-DMONGOOSE_NO_DAV Disable WebDAV support
-DMONGOOSE_NO_DIRECTORY_LISTING Disable directory listing
-DMONGOOSE_NO_FILESYSTEM Disables all file IO, serving from memory only
-DMONGOOSE_NO_LOGGING Disable access/error logging
-DMONGOOSE_ENABLE_THREADS Enable mg_start_thread() function
-DMONGOOSE_NO_WEBSOCKET Disable WebSocket support
-DMONGOOSE_NO_USER No concept of a user on used platform.
(Platform does not provide getpwnam, setgid or setuid)
-DMONGOOSE_USE_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=X Idle connection timeout, default is 30
-DMONGOOSE_USE_LUA Enable Lua scripting
-DMONGOOSE_USE_LUA_SQLITE3 Enable sqlite3 binding for Lua
-DMONGOOSE_USE_POST_SIZE_LIMIT=X POST requests larger than X will be
rejected, not set by default
for static files, empty by default
-DNS_ENABLE_DEBUG Enables debug messages on stdout, very noisy
-DNS_ENABLE_IPV6 Enable IPv6 support
-DNS_ENABLE_HEXDUMP Enables hexdump of sent and received traffic
-DNS_STACK_SIZE=X Sets stack size to X for ns_start_thread()
-DNS_DISABLE_THREADS Disable threads support
-DNS_DISABLE_SOCKETPAIR For systems without loopback interface
-DMONGOOSE_SEND_NS_EVENTS Send Net Skeleton events to the event handler
in addition to the Mongoose events
# Mongoose FAQ
## My Antivirus Software reports Mongoose as a security threat
Mongoose doesn't contain any malicious logic. Antivirus reports a
[false positive](
This is when certain byte sequence in Mongoose accidentally matches
virus signature in the Antivirus database.
## Download page doesn't work
Please make sure Javascript is enabled in your browser, and that the
antivirus software is not blocking the download.
## MacOS message: " is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash"
This happens on newer MacOS systems. The reason for the message
is the fact is not digitally signed.
Mongoose download procedure changes the app on the fly by injecting
user information in the binary, making any prior digital signature void.
Open "System Preferences" -> "Security" and set "Allow apps downloaded from"
to "Anywhere". Revert the settings once Mongoose is installed.
## PHP doesn't work: getting empty page, or 'File not found' error
The reason for that is wrong paths to the interpreter. Remember that with PHP,
correct interpreter is `php-cgi.exe` (`php-cgi` on UNIX). Solution: specify
full path to the PHP interpreter, e.g.:
mongoose -cgi_interpreter /full/path/to/php-cgi
## Mongoose fails to start
If Mongoose exits immediately when run, this
usually indicates a syntax error in the configuration file
(named `mongoose.conf` by default) or the command-line arguments.
Syntax checking is omitted from Mongoose to keep its size low. However,
the Manual should be of help. Note: the syntax changes from time to time,
so updating the config file might be necessary after executable update.
### Embedding with OpenSSL on Windows might fail because of calling convention
To force Mongoose to use `__stdcall` convention, add `/Gz` compilation
flag to the Visual Studio project settings.
How To Share Files With Mongoose
## 1. Download Mongoose executable from and copy the executable inside the directory you want to share:
## 2. Double-click mongoose executable. A browser will start automatically, an icon will appear on a system tray in the bottom right corner of the desktop:
## 3. Click on the mongoose icon
## 4. Click on "Go to my address" to launch a browser locally. Or, to access a folder from another machine, launch a browser and type in the URL:
# Mongoose Internals
Mongoose has single-threaded, event-driven, asynchronous, non-blocking core.
`mg_create_server()` creates a web server instance. An instance is a container
for the config options and list of active connections. To do the actual
serving, user must call `mg_poll_server()`, which iterates over all
active connections, performing `select()` syscall on all sockets with a
timeout of specified number of milliseconds. When `select()` returns, Mongoose
does an IO for each socket that has data to be sent or received. Application
code must call `mg_poll_server()` in a loop.
Mongoose server instance is designed to be used by a single thread.
It is an error to have more then
one thread calling `mg_poll_server()`, `mg_set_option()` or any other function
that take `struct mg_server *` parameter. Mongoose does not
mutex-protect `struct mg_server *`, therefore the best practice is
to call server management functions from the same thread (an IO thread).
On a multi-core systems, many server instances can be created, sharing the
same listening socket and managed by separate threads (see [multi_threaded.c](
It is an error to pass and store `struct mg_connection *` pointers for
later use to send data. The reason is that they can be invalidated by the
next `mg_poll_server()` call. For such a task,
there is `mg_iterate_over_connections()` API
exists, which sends a callback function to the IO thread, then IO thread
calls specified function for all active connection.
When mongoose buffers in HTTP request and successfully parses it, it calls
appropriate URI handler immediately for GET requests. For POST requests,
Mongoose delays the call until the whole POST request is buffered in memory.
POST data is available to the callback as `struct mg_connection::content`,
and POST data length is in `struct mg_connection::content_len`.
Note that websocket connections are treated the same way. Mongoose buffers
websocket frame in memory, and calls URI handler when frame is fully
buffered. Frame data is available `struct mg_connection::content`, and
data length is in `struct mg_connection::content_len`, i.e. very similar to
the POST request. `struct mg_connection::is_websocket` flag indicates
whether the request is websocket or not. Also, for websocket requests,
there is `struct mg_connection::wsbits` field which contains first byte
of the websocket frame which URI handler can examine. Note that to
reply to the websocket client, `mg_websocket_write()` should be used.
To reply to the plain HTTP client, `mg_write()` should be used.
# Mongoose Configuration Options
### access\_control\_list
An Access Control List (ACL) allows restrictions to be put on the list of IP
addresses which have access to the web server. In the case of the Mongoose
web server, the ACL is a comma separated list of IP subnets, where each
subnet is prepended by either a `-` or a `+` sign. A plus sign means allow,
where a minus sign means deny. If a subnet mask is omitted, such as `-`,
this means to deny only that single IP address.
Subnet masks may vary from 0 to 32, inclusive. The default setting is to allow
all accesses. On each request the full list is traversed, and
the last match wins. Example: `$ mongoose -access_control_list -,+192.168/16` to deny all acccesses except those from `192.168/16` subnet. Note that if the option is set, then all accesses are forbidden
by default. Thus in a previous example, `-` part is not necessary.
For example, `$mongoose access_control_list +`
means disallow all, allow subnet 10/8 only.
To learn more about subnet masks, see the
[Wikipedia page on Subnetwork](
Default: not set, all accesses are allowed.
### access\_log\_file
Path to a file for access logs. Either full path, or relative to the
mongoose executable. Default: not set, no query logging is done.
### auth_domain
Authorization realm used in `.htpasswd` authorization. Default: ``
### cgi_interpreter
Path to an executable to be used use as an interpreter for __all__ CGI scripts
regardless script extension. Default: not set, Mongoose looks at
[shebang line](\).
For example, if both PHP and perl CGIs are used, then
`#!/path/to/php-cgi.exe` and `#!/path/to/perl.exe` must be first lines of the
respective CGI scripts. Note that paths should be either full file paths,
or file paths relative to the directory where mongoose executable is located.
If all CGIs use the same interpreter, for example they are all PHP, then
`cgi_interpreter` option can be set to the path to `php-cgi.exe` executable and
shebang line in the CGI scripts can be omitted.
**Note**: PHP scripts must use `php-cgi.exe`, not `php.exe`.
### cgi_pattern
All files that match `cgi_pattern` are treated as CGI files. Default pattern
allows CGI files be anywhere. To restrict CGIs to a certain directory,
use `/path/to/cgi-bin/**.cgi` as a pattern. Note that **full file path** is
matched against the pattern, not the URI.
When Mongoose starts CGI program, it creates new environment for it (in
contrast, usually child program inherits the environment from parent). Several
environment variables however are inherited from Mongoose's environment,
it is also `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. On Windows it is also `COMSPEC`, `SYSTEMROOT`,
`SystemDrive`, `ProgramFiles`, `ProgramFiles(x86)`, `CommonProgramFiles(x86)`.
Default: `**.cgi$|**.pl$|**.php$`
### dav\_auth\_file
Authentication file for WebDAV mutation requests: `PUT`, `DELETE`, `MKCOL`.
The format of that file is the same as for the `.htpasswd` file
used for digest authentication. It can be created and managed by
`mongoose -A` command. Default: not set, WebDAV mutations are disallowed.
### document_root
A directory to serve. Default: current working directory.
### enable\_directory\_listing
Enable directory listing, either `yes` or `no`. Default: `yes`.
### enable\_proxy
Enable proxy functionality, either `yes` or `no`. If set to `yes`, then
browsers can be configured to use Mongoose as a proxy. Default: `no`.
### extra\_mime\_types
Extra mime types to recognize, in form `extension1=type1,extension2=type2,...`.
Extension must include dot. Example:
`mongoose -extra_mime_types .cpp=plain/text,.java=plain/text`. Default: not set.
### global\_auth\_file
Path to a global passwords file, either full path or relative to the mongoose
executable. If set, per-directory `.htpasswd` files are ignored,
and all requests are authorised against that file. Use `mongoose -A` to
manage passwords, or third party utilities like
Default: not set, per-directory `.htpasswd` files are respected.
### hide\_files\_patterns
A pattern for the files to hide. Files that match the pattern will not
show up in directory listing and return `404 Not Found` if requested. Pattern
must be for a file name only, not including directory name, e.g.
`mongoose -hide_files_patterns secret.txt|even_more_secret.txt`. Default:
not set.
### index_files
Comma-separated list of files to be treated as directory index
files. Default: `index.html,index.htm,index.cgi,index.shtml,index.php`
### listening_port
Port to listen on. Port could be prepended by the specific IP address to bind
to, e.g. `mongoose -listening_port`. Otherwise Mongoose
will bind to all addresses. To enable SSL, build Mongoose with
`-DNS_ENABLE_SSL` compilation option, and specify `listening_port` as
`ssl://PORT:SSL_CERTIFICATE.PEM`. Example SSL listener:
`mongoose -listening_port ssl://8043:ssl_cert.pem`. Note that PEM file should
be in PEM format, and must have both certificate and private key in it,
concatenated together. More than one listening port can be specified,
separated by comma,
for example `mongoose -listening_port 8080,8000`. Default: 8080.
### run\_as\_user
Switch to given user credentials after startup. UNIX-only. This option is
required when mongoose needs to bind on privileged port on UNIX, e.g.
$ sudo mongoose -listening_port 80 -run_as_user nobody
Default: not set.
### url\_rewrites
Comma-separated list of URL rewrites in the form of
`uri_pattern=file_or_directory_path`. When Mongoose receives the request,
it constructs the file name to show by combining `document_root` and the URI.
However, if the rewrite option is used and `uri_pattern` matches the
requested URI, then `document_root` is ignored. Instead,
`file_or_directory_path` is used, which should be a full path name or
a path relative to the web server's current working directory. Note that
`uri_pattern`, as all mongoose patterns, is a prefix pattern. If `uri_pattern`
is a number, then it is treated as HTTP error code, and `file_or_directory_path`
should be an URI to redirect to. Mongoose will issue `302` temporary redirect
to the specified URI with following parameters:
If `uri_pattern` starts with `@` symbol, then Mongoose compares
it with the `HOST` header of the request. If they are equal, Mongoose sets
document root to `file_or_directory_path`, implementing virtual hosts support.
# Redirect all accesses to `.doc` files to a special script
mongoose -url_rewrites **.doc$=/path/to/cgi-bin/handle_doc.cgi
# Implement user home directories support
mongoose -url_rewrites /~joe/=/home/joe/,/~bill=/home/bill/
# Redirect 404 errors to a specific error page
mongoose -url_rewrites 404=/cgi-bin/error.cgi
# Virtual hosts example: serve domain from different directory
mongoose -url_rewrites
Default: not set.
How To Create A PHP Website With Mongoose
## 1. Create a directory which will contain your website files. For example, on drive `C:\`, create a directory called `my_website`:
## 2. Inside `my_website` directory, create a new file called "index". This will be the default web page shown when the website is visited.
## 3. Open index file with your favorite editor (for example, Notepad) and enter some HTML / PHP code:
## 4. Save this file as `index.php`:
## 5. Download Mongoose executable from and copy the executable inside `my_website` directory:
## 6. Double-click mongoose executable. An icon will appear on a system tray in the bottom right corner of the desktop:
## 7. Download PHP 5.3 zip (do NOT download PHP 5.5 cause you might have missing DLLs problem) from and extract it to `C:\php5` directory:
## 8. Click on the mongoose icon and choose "Edit Settings" menu.:
## 9. A settings dialog will appear. Click on `cgi_interpreter` button:
## 10. Choose `C:\php5\php-cgi.exe` and click "Save Settings":
## 11. Click on the mongoose icon and choose "Go to my address" menu:
## 12. A browser will popup displaying `index.php`.
This diff is collapsed.
# Mongoose SSL guide
SSL is a protocol that makes web communication secure. To enable SSL
in mongoose, 2 steps are required:
1. Create valid SSL certificate file
2. Append SSL certificate file path to the `listening_ports` option
Below is the `mongoose.conf` file snippet for typical SSL setup:
document_root www_root # Serve files in www_root directory
listening_ports 80,ssl://443:cert.pem # Listen on ports 80 and 443
## How to create SSL certificate file
SSL certificate file is a text file that must contain at least two
1. A private key
2. A certificate
Both sections should be chunks of text in PEM format. When PEM file is
opened in a text editor, it looks like this:
Two aforementioned sections are clearly seen. Typically, those section
are bigger then in the example shown. The text between the `BEGIN` and
`END` is the text representation of binary data, a private key and a
certificate. Therefore, in order to create a certificate file,
* private key must be converted to PEM format
* certificate must be converted to PEM format
* those two should be concatenated into a single file
If the certificate chain in used, a chain file also needs to be
converted into PEM format and appended to the certificate file.
## How SSL works
SSL is a protocol that can encrypt communication between two parties. If third
party observes all messages passed by, it would be very
hard for the third party (though not impossible) to decrypt the communication.
The idea is based on so-called public key encryption. Communicating parties
have two keys: a public key and a private key. A public key is advertised
to everybody, and it is contained in a certificate. A private key is kept
secret. Security algorithm works in a way that anybody can encrypt
a message using public key, and only private key can decrypt it.
This is why web server needs both private key and certificate: private key
is used to decrypt incoming messages, and certificate is used to tell the
public key to the other party. When communication starts, parties exchange
their public keys, and keep private keys to themselves. Man-in-the-middle
who observes the communication is unable to decrypt the messages cause
private keys are required for decryption.
Encryption algorithms are built on top of hard mathematical problem, which
makes it very expensive for man-in-the-middle to compute private keys.
For example, RSA algorithm is based on a mathematical problem of factorization.
It is easy to generate two very large prime numbers `P` and `Q` and make
a product `P * Q`. But given a product, it is very hard to recover these
two prime numbers - this is called factorization.
# Mongoose User Guide
Mongoose is small and easy to use web server built on top of
mongoose library. It is designed with maximum simplicity in mind. For example,
to share any directory, just drop mongoose executable in that directory,
double-click it (on UNIX, run it from shell) and launch a browser at
[http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) Note that 'localhost' should
be changed to a machine's name if a folder is accessed from other computer.
On Windows and Mac, Mongoose iconifies itself to the system tray when started.
Right-click on the icon to pop up a menu, where it is possible to stop
mongoose, or configure it.
On UNIX, `mongoose` is a command line utility. Running `mongoose` in
terminal, optionally followed by configuration parameters
(`mongoose [OPTIONS]`) or configuration file name
(`mongoose [config_file_name]`) starts the
web server:
$ mongoose -document_root /var/www # Running mongoose with cmdline options
$ mongoose /etc/my_config.txt # Running mongoose with config file
$ mongoose # Running with no parameters. This will
# serve current directory on port 8080
Mongoose does not detach from terminal. Pressing `Ctrl-C` keys
stops the server.
When started, mongoose first searches for the configuration file.
If configuration file is specified explicitly in the command line, then
specified configuration file is used.
Otherwise, mongoose would search for file `mongoose.conf` in the same directory
where binary is located, and use it. Configuration file can be absent.
Configuration file is a sequence of lines, each line containing
command line argument name and it's value. Empty lines and lines beginning
with `#` are ignored. Here is the example of `mongoose.conf` file:
# This is a comment
document_root C:\www
listening_port 80
ssl_certificate C:\mongoose\ssl_cert.pem
Command line arguments are highest priority and can override
configuration file settings. For example, if `mongoose.conf` has line
`document_root /var/www`, and mongoose has been started as
`mongoose -document_root /etc`, then `/etc` directory will be used as
document root.
Note that configuration options on the command line must start with `-`,
and their names are the same as in the config file. Exampli gratia,
the following two setups are equivalent:
$ mongoose -listening_port 1234 -document_root /var/www
$ cat > mongoose.conf
listening_ports 1234
document_root /var/www
$ mongoose
Mongoose can also be used to modify `.htpasswd` passwords file:
$ mongoose -A .htpasswd user_name user_password
Unlike other web servers, mongoose does not require CGI scripts be located in
a special directory. CGI scripts can be anywhere. CGI (and SSI) files are
recognized by the file name pattern. Mongoose uses shell-like glob
patterns. Pattern match starts at the beginning of the string, so essentially
patterns are prefix patterns. Syntax is as follows:
** Matches everything
* Matches everything but slash character, '/'
? Matches any character
$ Matches the end of the string
| Matches if pattern on the left side or the right side matches.
All other characters in the pattern match themselves. Examples:
# Pattern Meaning
**.cgi$ Any string that ends with .cgi
/foo Any string that begins with /foo
**a$|**b$ Any string that ends with a or b
To restrict CGI files only to `/cgi-bin/` directory, use this setting:
$ mongoose -cgi_pattern /cgi-bin/*.cgi # Emulate /cgi-bin/ restriction
# This program is used to embed arbitrary data into a C binary. It takes
# a list of files as an input, and produces a .c data file that contains
# contents of all these files as collection of char arrays.
# Usage: perl <this_file> <file1> [file2, ...] > embedded_data.c
foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
open FD, '<:raw', $ARGV[$i] or die "Cannot open $ARGV[$i]: $!\n";
printf("static const unsigned char v%d[] = {", $i);
my $byte;
my $j = 0;
while (read(FD, $byte, 1)) {
if (($j % 12) == 0) {
print "\n";
printf ' %#04x,', ord($byte);
print " 0x00\n};\n";
close FD;
print <<EOS;
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
static const struct embedded_file {
const char *name;
const unsigned char *data;
size_t size;
} embedded_files[] = {
foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
print " {\"$ARGV[$i]\", v$i, sizeof(v$i) - 1},\n";
print <<EOS;
const char *find_embedded_file(const char *name, size_t *size) {
const struct embedded_file *p;
for (p = embedded_files; p->name != NULL; p++) {
if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
if (size != NULL) { *size = p->size; }
return (const char *) p->data;
return NULL;
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