Commit 238bf1a2 authored by Alexander Alashkin's avatar Alexander Alashkin Committed by Cesanta Bot

Fix MSVC2015 warnings in mongoose

No related merge requests found
......@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ size_t mbuf_insert(struct mbuf *a, size_t off, const void *buf, size_t len) {
a->len += len;
} else {
size_t new_size = (a->len + len) * MBUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
size_t new_size = (size_t)((a->len + len) * MBUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER);
if ((p = (char *) MBUF_REALLOC(a->buf, new_size)) != NULL) {
a->buf = p;
memmove(a->buf + off + len, a->buf + off, a->len - off);
......@@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@ MG_INTERNAL struct mg_connection *mg_create_connection_base(
conn->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
conn->handler = callback;
conn->mgr = mgr;
conn->last_io_time = mg_time();
conn->last_io_time = (time_t) mg_time();
conn->flags = opts.flags & _MG_ALLOWED_CONNECT_FLAGS_MASK;
conn->user_data = opts.user_data;
......@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ void mg_if_accept_tcp_cb(struct mg_connection *nc, union socket_address *sa,
void mg_send(struct mg_connection *nc, const void *buf, int len) {
nc->last_io_time = mg_time();
nc->last_io_time = (time_t) mg_time();
if (nc->flags & MG_F_UDP) {
mg_if_udp_send(nc, buf, len);
} else {
......@@ -2298,7 +2298,7 @@ static void mg_recv_common(struct mg_connection *nc, void *buf, int len) {
nc->last_io_time = mg_time();
nc->last_io_time = (time_t) mg_time();
if (nc->recv_mbuf.len == 0) {
/* Adopt buf as recv_mbuf's backing store. */
......@@ -3174,7 +3174,7 @@ void mg_mgr_handle_conn(struct mg_connection *nc, int fd_flags, double now) {
if (!(fd_flags & (_MG_F_FD_CAN_READ | _MG_F_FD_CAN_WRITE))) {
mg_if_poll(nc, now);
mg_if_poll(nc, (time_t) now);
mg_if_timer(nc, now);
......@@ -3315,7 +3315,7 @@ time_t mg_mgr_poll(struct mg_mgr *mgr, int timeout_ms) {
if (num_timers > 0) {
double timer_timeout_ms = (min_timer - mg_time()) * 1000 + 1 /* rounding */;
if (timer_timeout_ms < timeout_ms) {
timeout_ms = timer_timeout_ms;
timeout_ms = (int) timer_timeout_ms;
if (timeout_ms < 0) timeout_ms = 0;
......@@ -3363,7 +3363,7 @@ time_t mg_mgr_poll(struct mg_mgr *mgr, int timeout_ms) {
return now;
return (time_t) now;
......@@ -4063,7 +4063,7 @@ static const char *mg_http_parse_headers(const char *s, const char *end,
if (!mg_ncasecmp(k->p, "Content-Length", 14)) {
req->body.len = to64(v->p);
req->body.len = (size_t) to64(v->p);
req->message.len = len + req->body.len;
......@@ -4292,7 +4292,7 @@ static void mg_send_ws_header(struct mg_connection *nc, int op, size_t len,
header[0] = (op & WEBSOCKET_DONT_FIN ? 0x0 : 0x80) + (op & 0x0f);
if (len < 126) {
header[1] = len;
header[1] = (unsigned char) len;
header_len = 2;
} else if (len < 65535) {
uint16_t tmp = htons((uint16_t) len);
......@@ -4448,8 +4448,7 @@ static void mg_ws_handshake(struct mg_connection *nc,
static void mg_http_transfer_file_data(struct mg_connection *nc) {
struct mg_http_proto_data *pd = mg_http_get_proto_data(nc);
int64_t left = pd-> - pd->file.sent;
size_t n = 0, to_read = 0;
size_t n = 0, to_read = 0, left = (size_t)(pd-> - pd->file.sent);
if (pd->file.type == DATA_FILE) {
struct mbuf *io = &nc->send_mbuf;
......@@ -4457,7 +4456,7 @@ static void mg_http_transfer_file_data(struct mg_connection *nc) {
to_read = sizeof(buf) - io->len;
if (left > 0 && to_read > (size_t) left) {
if (left > 0 && to_read > left) {
to_read = left;
......@@ -4473,8 +4472,7 @@ static void mg_http_transfer_file_data(struct mg_connection *nc) {
} else if (pd->file.type == DATA_PUT) {
struct mbuf *io = &nc->recv_mbuf;
size_t to_write =
left <= 0 ? 0 : left < (int64_t) io->len ? (size_t) left : io->len;
size_t to_write = left <= 0 ? 0 : left < io->len ? (size_t) left : io->len;
size_t n = fwrite(io->buf, 1, to_write, pd->file.fp);
if (n > 0) {
mbuf_remove(io, n);
......@@ -4542,9 +4540,8 @@ MG_INTERNAL size_t mg_handle_chunked(struct mg_connection *nc,
struct mg_http_proto_data *pd = mg_http_get_proto_data(nc);
char *data;
size_t i, n, data_len, body_len, zero_chunk_received = 0;
/* Find out piece of received data that is not yet reassembled */
body_len = pd->chunk.body_len;
body_len = (size_t) pd->chunk.body_len;
assert(blen >= body_len);
/* Traverse all fully buffered chunks */
......@@ -4580,11 +4577,12 @@ MG_INTERNAL size_t mg_handle_chunked(struct mg_connection *nc,
memset(buf, 0, body_len);
memmove(buf, buf + body_len, blen - i);
nc->recv_mbuf.len -= body_len;
hm->body.len = pd->chunk.body_len = 0;
hm->body.len = 0;
pd->chunk.body_len = 0;
if (zero_chunk_received) {
hm->message.len = pd->chunk.body_len + blen - i;
hm->message.len = (size_t) pd->chunk.body_len + blen - i;
......@@ -5596,7 +5594,7 @@ void mg_http_serve_file(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm,
fseeko(pd->file.fp, r1, SEEK_SET);
fseek(pd->file.fp, r1, SEEK_SET);
fseek(pd->file.fp, (long) r1, SEEK_SET);
......@@ -7981,15 +7979,15 @@ void mg_send_mqtt_handshake_opt(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *client_id,
* keep-alive timer,
* 2: client_identifier_len, n: client_id
rem_len = 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + strlen(client_id);
rem_len = 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + (uint8_t) strlen(client_id);
if (opts.user_name != NULL) {
opts.flags |= MG_MQTT_HAS_USER_NAME;
rem_len += strlen(opts.user_name) + 2;
rem_len += (uint8_t) strlen(opts.user_name) + 2;
if (opts.password != NULL) {
opts.flags |= MG_MQTT_HAS_PASSWORD;
rem_len += strlen(opts.password) + 2;
rem_len += (uint8_t) strlen(opts.password) + 2;
mg_send(nc, &header, 1);
......@@ -8003,17 +8001,17 @@ void mg_send_mqtt_handshake_opt(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *client_id,
keep_alive = htons(opts.keep_alive);
mg_send(nc, &keep_alive, 2);
len = htons(strlen(client_id));
len = htons((uint16_t) strlen(client_id));
mg_send(nc, &len, 2);
mg_send(nc, client_id, strlen(client_id));
if (opts.flags & MG_MQTT_HAS_USER_NAME) {
len = htons(strlen(opts.user_name));
len = htons((uint16_t) strlen(opts.user_name));
mg_send(nc, &len, 2);
mg_send(nc, opts.user_name, strlen(opts.user_name));
if (opts.flags & MG_MQTT_HAS_PASSWORD) {
len = htons(strlen(opts.password));
len = htons((uint16_t) strlen(opts.password));
mg_send(nc, &len, 2);
mg_send(nc, opts.password, strlen(opts.password));
......@@ -8047,7 +8045,7 @@ void mg_mqtt_publish(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *topic,
size_t len) {
size_t old_len = nc->send_mbuf.len;
uint16_t topic_len = htons(strlen(topic));
uint16_t topic_len = htons((uint16_t) strlen(topic));
uint16_t message_id_net = htons(message_id);
mg_send(nc, &topic_len, 2);
......@@ -8071,7 +8069,7 @@ void mg_mqtt_subscribe(struct mg_connection *nc,
mg_send(nc, (char *) &message_id_n, 2);
for (i = 0; i < topics_len; i++) {
uint16_t topic_len_n = htons(strlen(topics[i].topic));
uint16_t topic_len_n = htons((uint16_t) strlen(topics[i].topic));
mg_send(nc, &topic_len_n, 2);
mg_send(nc, topics[i].topic, strlen(topics[i].topic));
mg_send(nc, &topics[i].qos, 1);
......@@ -8103,7 +8101,7 @@ void mg_mqtt_unsubscribe(struct mg_connection *nc, char **topics,
mg_send(nc, (char *) &message_id_n, 2);
for (i = 0; i < topics_len; i++) {
uint16_t topic_len_n = htons(strlen(topics[i]));
uint16_t topic_len_n = htons((uint16_t) strlen(topics[i]));
mg_send(nc, &topic_len_n, 2);
mg_send(nc, topics[i], strlen(topics[i]));
......@@ -8503,7 +8501,7 @@ int mg_dns_encode_record(struct mbuf *io, struct mg_dns_resource_record *rr,
io->buf[off] = u16 >> 8;
io->buf[off + 1] = u16 & 0xff;
} else {
u16 = htons(rlen);
u16 = htons((uint16_t) rlen);
mbuf_append(io, &u16, 2);
mbuf_append(io, rdata, rlen);
......@@ -8540,7 +8538,7 @@ void mg_send_dns_query(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *name,
/* TCP DNS requires messages to be prefixed with len */
if (!(nc->flags & MG_F_UDP)) {
uint16_t len = htons(pkt.len);
uint16_t len = htons((uint16_t) pkt.len);
mbuf_insert(&pkt, 0, &len, 2);
......@@ -8702,7 +8700,7 @@ static void dns_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
msg.flags = 0x8081;
mg_dns_insert_header(io, 0, &msg);
if (!(nc->flags & MG_F_UDP)) {
uint16_t len = htons(io->len);
uint16_t len = htons((uint16_t) io->len);
mbuf_insert(io, 0, &len, 2);
mg_send(nc, io->buf, io->len);
......@@ -8752,7 +8750,7 @@ void mg_dns_send_reply(struct mg_connection *nc, struct mg_dns_reply *r) {
size_t sent = r->io->len - r->start;
mg_dns_insert_header(r->io, r->start, r->msg);
if (!(nc->flags & MG_F_UDP)) {
uint16_t len = htons(sent);
uint16_t len = htons((uint16_t) sent);
mbuf_insert(r->io, r->start, &len, 2);
......@@ -9445,7 +9443,7 @@ static char *coap_add_uint16(char *ptr, uint16_t val) {
static char *coap_add_opt_info(char *ptr, uint16_t val, size_t len) {
if (len == sizeof(uint8_t)) {
*ptr = val;
*ptr = (char) val;
} else if (len == sizeof(uint16_t)) {
ptr = coap_add_uint16(ptr, val);
......@@ -9529,7 +9527,7 @@ uint32_t mg_coap_compose(struct mg_coap_message *cm, struct mbuf *io) {
/* ver: 2 bits, msg_type: 2 bits, toklen: 4 bits */
*ptr = (1 << 6) | (cm->msg_type << 4) | (cm->token.len);
*ptr = (1 << 6) | (cm->msg_type << 4) | (uint8_t)(cm->token.len);
/* code class: 3 bits, code detail: 5 bits */
......@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
#pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* missing c99 support */
#include <assert.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <errno.h>
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