test.pl 16.8 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This script is used to test Mongoose web server
# $Id: test.pl 516 2010-05-03 12:54:37Z valenok $

use IO::Socket;
use File::Path;
use Cwd;
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;

sub on_windows { $^O =~ /win32/i; }

my $port = 23456;
my $pid = undef;
my $num_requests;
my $dir_separator = on_windows() ? '\\' : '/';
my $copy_cmd = on_windows() ? 'copy' : 'cp';
my $test_dir_uri = "test_dir";
my $root = 'test';
21 22
my $test_dir = $root . $dir_separator. $test_dir_uri;
my $config = 'mongoose.conf';
23 24 25 26
my $exe_ext = on_windows() ? '.exe' : '';
my $mongoose_exe = '.' . $dir_separator . 'mongoose' . $exe_ext;
my $embed_exe = '.' . $dir_separator . 'embed' . $exe_ext;
my $unit_test_exe = '.' . $dir_separator . 'unit_test' . $exe_ext;
27 28
my $exit_code = 0;

29 30
my @files_to_delete = ('debug.log', 'access.log', $config, "$root/a/put.txt",
  "$root/a+.txt", "$root/.htpasswd", "$root/binary_file", "$root/a",
  "$root/myperl", $embed_exe, $unit_test_exe);
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

  unlink @files_to_delete;
  exit $exit_code;

sub fail {
  print "FAILED: @_\n";
  $exit_code = 1;
  exit 1;

sub get_num_of_log_entries {
  open FD, "access.log" or return 0;
  my @lines = (<FD>);
  close FD;
  return scalar @lines;

# Send the request to the$port and return the reply
sub req {
  my ($request, $inc, $timeout) = @_;
56 57 58
  my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 6,
    PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $port);
  fail("Cannot connect to$port : $!") unless $sock;
59 60 61 62 63
  foreach my $byte (split //, $request) {
    last unless print $sock $byte;
    select undef, undef, undef, .001 if length($request) < 256;
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
  my ($out, $buf) = ('', '');
65 66
  eval {
    alarm $timeout if $timeout;
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
67 68
    $out .= $buf while (sysread($sock, $buf, 1024) > 0);
    alarm 0 if $timeout;
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
  close $sock;

  $num_requests += defined($inc) ? $inc : 1;
  my $num_logs = get_num_of_log_entries();

  unless ($num_requests == $num_logs) {
    fail("Request has not been logged: [$request], output: [$out]");

  return $out;

# Send the request. Compare with the expected reply. Fail if no match
sub o {
  my ($request, $expected_reply, $message, $num_logs) = @_;
  print "==> $message ... ";
86 87 88 89
  my $reply = req($request, $num_logs);
  if ($reply =~ /$expected_reply/s) {
    print "OK\n";
  } else {
90 91
#fail("Requested: [$request]\nExpected: [$expected_reply], got: [$reply]");
    fail("Expected: [$expected_reply], got: [$reply]");
92 93 94 95 96 97

# Spawn a server listening on specified port
sub spawn {
  my ($cmdline) = @_;
  print 'Executing: ', @_, "\n";
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
  if (on_windows()) {
    my @args = split /\s+/, $cmdline;
    my $executable = $args[0];
    Win32::Spawn($executable, $cmdline, $pid);
    die "Cannot spawn @_: $!" unless $pid;
  } else {
    unless ($pid = fork()) {
      exec $cmdline;
      die "cannot exec [$cmdline]: $!\n";
  sleep 1;

sub write_file {
  open FD, ">$_[0]" or fail "Cannot open $_[0]: $!";
  binmode FD;
  print FD $_[1];
  close FD;

sub read_file {
  open FD, $_[0] or fail "Cannot open $_[0]: $!";
  my @lines = <FD>;
  close FD;
  return join '', @lines;

sub kill_spawned_child {
  if (defined($pid)) {
    kill(9, $pid);
    waitpid($pid, 0);

####################################################### ENTRY POINT

unlink @files_to_delete;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
#local $| =1;

# Make sure we export only symbols that start with "mg_", and keep local
# symbols static.
if ($^O =~ /darwin|bsd|linux/) {
  my $out = `(cc -c mongoose.c && nm mongoose.o) | grep ' T '`;
  foreach (split /\n/, $out) {
    /T\s+_?mg_.+/ or fail("Exported symbol $_")

150 151 152 153 154
if (scalar(@ARGV) > 0 and $ARGV[0] eq 'unit') {
  exit 0;

155 156
# Make sure we load config file if no options are given.
# Command line options override config files settings
157 158
write_file($config, "access_log_file access.log\n" .
spawn("$mongoose_exe -listening_ports$port");
160 161 162 163 164
o("GET /test/hello.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Loading config file');
unlink $config;

# Spawn the server on port $port
my $cmd = "$mongoose_exe ".
  "-listening_ports$port ".
167 168 169 170
  "-access_log_file access.log ".
  "-error_log_file debug.log ".
  "-cgi_environment CGI_FOO=foo,CGI_BAR=bar,CGI_BAZ=baz " .
  "-extra_mime_types .bar=foo/bar,.tar.gz=blah,.baz=foo " .
  '-put_delete_auth_file test/passfile ' .
172 173
  '-access_control_list -,+ ' .
  "-document_root $root ".
  "-hide_files_patterns **exploit.PL ".
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
  "-enable_keep_alive yes ".
  "-url_rewrite_patterns /aiased=/etc/,/ta=$test_dir";
$cmd .= ' -cgi_interpreter perl' if on_windows();
178 179

180 181 182
o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1\nConnection: close\nRange: bytes=3-50\r\n\r\n",
  'Content-Length: 15\s', 'Range past the file end');

Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1\n\n   GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  'HTTP/1.1 200.+keep-alive.+HTTP/1.1 200.+close',
  'Request pipelining', 2);

my $x = 'x=' . 'A' x (200 * 1024);
my $len = length($x);
o("POST /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: $len\r\n\r\n$x",
  '^HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Long POST');

192 193 194 195
# Try to overflow: Send very long request
req('POST ' . '/..' x 100 . 'ABCD' x 3000 . "\n\n", 0); # don't log this one

o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'GET regular file');
196 197
o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\nContent-Length: -2147483648\n\n",
  'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Negative content length');
198 199 200 201 202
o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'Content-Length: 17\s',
  'GET regular file Content-Length');
o("GET /%68%65%6c%6c%6f%2e%74%78%74 HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'URL-decoding');

Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
203 204 205
# Break CGI reading after 1 second. We must get full output.
# Since CGI script does sleep, we sleep as well and increase request count
# manually.
206 207 208 209 210
my $slow_cgi_reply;
print "==> Slow CGI output ... ";
fail('Slow CGI output forward reply=', $slow_cgi_reply) unless
  ($slow_cgi_reply = req("GET /timeout.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 0, 1)) =~ /Some data/s;
print "OK\n";
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Sergey Lyubka committed
211 212 213
sleep 3;

214 215 216 217 218
# '+' in URI must not be URL-decoded to space
write_file("$root/a+.txt", '');
o("GET /a+.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'URL-decoding, + in URI');

# Test HTTP version parsing
219 220 221 222
o("GET / HTTPX/1.0\r\n\r\n", '^HTTP/1.1 500', 'Bad HTTP Version', 0);
o("GET / HTTP/x.1\r\n\r\n", '^HTTP/1.1 505', 'Bad HTTP maj Version', 0);
o("GET / HTTP/1.1z\r\n\r\n", '^HTTP/1.1 505', 'Bad HTTP min Version', 0);
o("GET / HTTP/02.0\r\n\r\n", '^HTTP/1.1 505', 'HTTP Version >1.1', 0);
223 224 225 226

# File with leading single dot
o("GET /.leading.dot.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'abc123', 'Leading dot 1');
o("GET /...leading.dot.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'abc123', 'Leading dot 2');
227 228
o("GET /../\\\\/.//...leading.dot.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'abc123', 'Leading dot 3')
  if on_windows();
229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243
o("GET .. HTTP/1.0\n\n", '400 Bad Request', 'Leading dot 4', 0);

mkdir $test_dir unless -d $test_dir;
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/not_exist HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  'HTTP/1.1 404', 'PATH_INFO loop problem');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 301', 'Directory redirection');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'Modified', 'Directory listing');
write_file("$test_dir/index.html", "tralala");
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'tralala', 'Index substitution');
o("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'embed.c', 'Directory listing - file name');
o("GET /ta/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'Modified', 'Aliases');
o("GET /not-exist HTTP/1.0\r\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 404', 'Not existent file');
mkdir $test_dir . $dir_separator . 'x';
my $path = $test_dir . $dir_separator . 'x' . $dir_separator . 'index.cgi';
write_file($path, read_file($root . $dir_separator . 'env.cgi'));
chmod(0755, $path);
245 246
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/x/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",
  'index.cgi execution');
247 248

my $cwd = getcwd();
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/x/ HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  "SCRIPT_FILENAME=$cwd/test/test_dir/x/index.cgi", 'SCRIPT_FILENAME');
251 252
o("GET /ta/x/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", "SCRIPT_NAME=/ta/x/index.cgi",
  'Aliases SCRIPT_NAME');
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
253 254
o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1\nConnection: close\n\n", 'Connection: close',
  'No keep-alive');
255 256 257 258 259 260 261

$path = $test_dir . $dir_separator . 'x' . $dir_separator . 'a.cgi';
system("ln -s `which perl` $root/myperl") == 0 or fail("Can't symlink perl");
write_file($path, "#!../../myperl\n" .
           "print \"Content-Type: text/plain\\n\\nhi\";");
chmod(0755, $path);
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/x/a.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\n", "hi", 'Relative CGI interp path');
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
262 263
o("GET * HTTP/1.0\n\n", "^HTTP/1.1 404", '* URI');

264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333
my $mime_types = {
  html => 'text/html',
  htm => 'text/html',
  txt => 'text/plain',
  unknown_extension => 'text/plain',
  js => 'application/x-javascript',
  css => 'text/css',
  jpg => 'image/jpeg',
  c => 'text/plain',
  'tar.gz' => 'blah',
  bar => 'foo/bar',
  baz => 'foo',

foreach my $key (keys %$mime_types) {
  my $filename = "_mime_file_test.$key";
  write_file("$root/$filename", '');
  o("GET /$filename HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    "Content-Type: $mime_types->{$key}", ".$key mime type");
  unlink "$root/$filename";

# Get binary file and check the integrity
my $binary_file = 'binary_file';
my $f2 = '';
foreach (0..123456) { $f2 .= chr(int(rand() * 255)); }
write_file("$root/$binary_file", $f2);
my $f1 = req("GET /$binary_file HTTP/1.0\r\n\n");
while ($f1 =~ /^.*\r\n/) { $f1 =~ s/^.*\r\n// }
$f1 eq $f2 or fail("Integrity check for downloaded binary file");

my $range_request = "GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1\nConnection: close\n".
"Range: bytes=3-5\r\n\r\n";
o($range_request, '206 Partial Content', 'Range: 206 status code');
o($range_request, 'Content-Length: 3\s', 'Range: Content-Length');
o($range_request, 'Content-Range: bytes 3-5/17', 'Range: Content-Range');
o($range_request, '\nple$', 'Range: body content');

# Test directory sorting. Sleep between file creation for 1.1 seconds,
# to make sure modification time are different.
mkdir "$test_dir/sort";
write_file("$test_dir/sort/11", 'xx');
select undef, undef, undef, 1.1;
write_file("$test_dir/sort/aa", 'xxxx');
select undef, undef, undef, 1.1;
write_file("$test_dir/sort/bb", 'xxx');
select undef, undef, undef, 1.1;
write_file("$test_dir/sort/22", 'x');

o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?n HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>11<.+>22<.+>aa<.+>bb<',
  'Directory listing (name, ascending)');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?nd HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>bb<.+>aa<.+>22<.+>11<',
  'Directory listing (name, descending)');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?s HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>22<.+>11<.+>bb<.+>aa<',
  'Directory listing (size, ascending)');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?sd HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>aa<.+>bb<.+>11<.+>22<',
  'Directory listing (size, descending)');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?d HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>11<.+>aa<.+>bb<.+>22<',
  'Directory listing (modification time, ascending)');
o("GET /$test_dir_uri/sort/?dd HTTP/1.0\n\n",
  '200 OK.+>22<.+>bb<.+>aa<.+>11<',
  'Directory listing (modification time, descending)');

unless (scalar(@ARGV) > 0 and $ARGV[0] eq "basic_tests") {
  # Check that .htpasswd file existence trigger authorization
  write_file("$root/.htpasswd", 'user with space, " and comma:mydomain.com:5deda12442309cbdcdffc6b2737a894f');
335 336 337 338
  o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1\n\n", '401 Unauthorized',
    '.htpasswd - triggering auth on file request');
  o("GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n", '401 Unauthorized',
    '.htpasswd - triggering auth on directory request');
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346

  # Test various funky things in an authentication header.
  o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: Digest   eq== empty=\"\", empty2=, quoted=\"blah foo bar, baz\\\"\\\" more\\\"\", unterminatedquoted=\" doesn't stop\n\n",
    '401 Unauthorized', 'weird auth values should not cause crashes');
  my $auth_header = "Digest username=\"user with space, \\\" and comma\", ".
    "realm=\"mydomain.com\", nonce=\"1291376417\", uri=\"/\",".
    "response=\"e8dec0c2a1a0c8a7e9a97b4b5ea6a6e6\", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"1a49b53a47a66e82\"";
  o("GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: $auth_header\n\n", 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'GET regular file with auth');
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354
  o("GET / HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: $auth_header\n\n", '^(.(?!(.htpasswd)))*$',
    '.htpasswd is hidden from the directory list');
  o("GET / HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: $auth_header\n\n", '^(.(?!(exploit.pl)))*$',
    'hidden file is hidden from the directory list');
  o("GET /.htpasswd HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: $auth_header\n\n",
    '^HTTP/1.1 404 ', '.htpasswd must not be shown');
  o("GET /exploit.pl HTTP/1.0\nAuthorization: $auth_header\n\n",
    '^HTTP/1.1 404', 'hidden files must not be shown');
355 356
  unlink "$root/.htpasswd";

Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed

358 359
  o("GET /dir%20with%20spaces/hello.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n",
      'HTTP/1.1 200 OK.+hello', 'CGI script with spaces in path');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'GET CGI file');
361 362
  o("GET /bad2.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\n", "HTTP/1.1 123 Please pass me to the client\r",
    'CGI Status code text');
363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
  o("GET /sh.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", 'shell script CGI',
    'GET sh CGI file') unless on_windows();
  o("GET /env.cgi?var=HELLO HTTP/1.0\n\n", 'QUERY_STRING=var=HELLO',
    'QUERY_STRING wrong');
  o("POST /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 9\r\n\r\nvar=HELLO",
    'var=HELLO', 'CGI POST wrong');
  o("POST /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 9\r\n\r\nvar=HELLO",
    '\x0aCONTENT_LENGTH=9', 'Content-Length not being passed to CGI');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\nMy-HdR: abc\n\r\n",
    'HTTP_MY_HDR=abc', 'HTTP_* env');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\nSOME_TRAILING_DATA_HERE",
    'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'GET CGI with trailing data');

  o("GET /env.cgi%20 HTTP/1.0\n\r\n",
    'HTTP/1.1 404', 'CGI Win32 code disclosure (%20)');
  o("GET /env.cgi%ff HTTP/1.0\n\r\n",
    'HTTP/1.1 404', 'CGI Win32 code disclosure (%ff)');
  o("GET /env.cgi%2e HTTP/1.0\n\r\n",
    'HTTP/1.1 404', 'CGI Win32 code disclosure (%2e)');
  o("GET /env.cgi%2b HTTP/1.0\n\r\n",
    'HTTP/1.1 404', 'CGI Win32 code disclosure (%2b)');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", '\nHTTPS=off\n', 'CGI HTTPS');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", '\nCGI_FOO=foo\n', '-cgi_env 1');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", '\nCGI_BAR=bar\n', '-cgi_env 2');
  o("GET /env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", '\nCGI_BAZ=baz\n', '-cgi_env 3');
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
388 389
  o("GET /env.cgi/a/b/98 HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", 'PATH_INFO=/a/b/98\n', 'PATH_INFO');
  o("GET /env.cgi/a/b/9 HTTP/1.0\n\r\n", 'PATH_INFO=/a/b/9\n', 'PATH_INFO');
390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408

  # Check that CGI's current directory is set to script's directory
  my $copy_cmd = on_windows() ? 'copy' : 'cp';
  system("$copy_cmd $root" . $dir_separator .  "env.cgi $test_dir" .
    $dir_separator . 'env.cgi');
  o("GET /$test_dir_uri/env.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    "CURRENT_DIR=.*$root/$test_dir_uri", "CGI chdir()");

  # SSI tests
  o("GET /ssi1.shtml HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    'ssi_begin.+CFLAGS.+ssi_end', 'SSI #include file=');
  o("GET /ssi2.shtml HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    'ssi_begin.+Unit test.+ssi_end', 'SSI #include virtual=');
  my $ssi_exec = on_windows() ? 'ssi4.shtml' : 'ssi3.shtml';
  o("GET /$ssi_exec HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    'ssi_begin.+Makefile.+ssi_end', 'SSI #exec');
  my $abs_path = on_windows() ? 'ssi6.shtml' : 'ssi5.shtml';
  my $word = on_windows() ? 'boot loader' : 'root';
  o("GET /$abs_path HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    "ssi_begin.+$word.+ssi_end", 'SSI #include abspath');
410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
  o("GET /ssi7.shtml HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    'ssi_begin.+Unit test.+ssi_end', 'SSI #include "..."');
  o("GET /ssi8.shtml HTTP/1.0\n\n",
    'ssi_begin.+CFLAGS.+ssi_end', 'SSI nested #includes');

  # Manipulate the passwords file
  my $path = 'test_htpasswd';
  unlink $path;
  system("$mongoose_exe -A $path a b c") == 0
    or fail("Cannot add user in a passwd file");
  system("$mongoose_exe -A $path a b c2") == 0
421 422 423 424 425 426
    or fail("Cannot edit user in a passwd file");
  my $content = read_file($path);
  $content =~ /^b:a:\w+$/gs or fail("Bad content of the passwd file");
  unlink $path;

429 430 431

sub do_PUT_test {
432 433
  # This only works because mongoose currently doesn't look at the nonce.
  # It should really be rejected...
434 435 436 437 438
  my $auth_header = "Authorization: Digest  username=guest, ".
  "realm=mydomain.com, nonce=1145872809, uri=/put.txt, ".
  "response=896327350763836180c61d87578037d9, qop=auth, ".
  "nc=00000002, cnonce=53eddd3be4e26a98\n";

  o("PUT /a/put.txt HTTP/1.0\nContent-Length: 7\n$auth_header\n1234567",
440 441
    "HTTP/1.1 201 OK", 'PUT file, status 201');
  fail("PUT content mismatch")
442 443
  unless read_file("$root/a/put.txt") eq '1234567';
  o("PUT /a/put.txt HTTP/1.0\nContent-Length: 4\n$auth_header\nabcd",
444 445
    "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 'PUT file, status 200');
  fail("PUT content mismatch")
446 447
  unless read_file("$root/a/put.txt") eq 'abcd';
  o("PUT /a/put.txt HTTP/1.0\n$auth_header\nabcd",
    "HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required", 'PUT 411 error');
  o("PUT /a/put.txt HTTP/1.0\nExpect: blah\nContent-Length: 1\n".
450 451
    "HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed", 'PUT 417 error');
  o("PUT /a/put.txt HTTP/1.0\nExpect: 100-continue\nContent-Length: 4\n".
453 454 455 456
    "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue.+HTTP/1.1 200", 'PUT 100-Continue');

sub do_unit_test {
  my $target = on_windows() ? 'wi' : 'un';
Sergey Lyubka's avatar
Sergey Lyubka committed
  system("make $target") == 0 or fail("Unit test failed!");
460 461

print "SUCCESS! All tests passed.\n";