
noUiSlider is lightweight plugin, developed to be a jQuery UI alternative. It features cross-browser support, a just-another-input-type style of getting and setting values, a wide range of options and support for a bunch of touch devices. It works wonders on Android phones, iPhone & iPad, Windows phone and touch-screen laptops and tablets. It works excellent on the desktop too; All modern browsers and IE7+ are supported. The end result? A lean, extendible and bloat-less plugin that'll just do its job. To add even more flexibility, noUiSlider is compatible with both jQuery and Zepto.js. Oh, and the licensing terms are simple: just do what you want.


An extensive documentation, including examples, options and configuration details, is available here: noUiSlider documentation.


Changelog for version 5.0.0:

Please note: noUiSlider 5 is a major revision, which means it isn't 100% compatible with version 4. The Javascript API is compatible, but your stylesheet might break.

  • Added support for dragging the slider range.
  • Added option to disable 'tap'.
  • Added extend settings, which allows for designs where the handles fit within the slider bar.
  • Added rebuild method.
  • Brand new design, improved class structure.
  • Compatibility with Google Closure compiler in Advanced mode.

Version numbering

Version numbering follows the 'Semantic versioning' style.
You'll find an excellent documentation at

Compression and Error checking

CSS (CSSMinifier)
The stylesheet is trimmed to remove whitespace and comments to provide a min version.

JS (Google Closure Compiler)
The plugin is compressed using the Google Closure compiler. The source was adapted to facilitate the ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS level.

Code (JsLint)
The plugin code is checked using JsLint. Any remaining errors and warnings are intentional.

Known issues

There are some minor issues remaining in noUiSlider. It is a priority to fix these issues, but they may be fixed by browser updates in the future.

  • Firefox and Safari on Windows will emulate mouse-events on touch screens, but prefer scrolling to dragging the slider.