Commit eb0b9031 authored by nextime's avatar nextime

Wow, how many typos in few lines of changes...

parent a3378560
......@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ class domotikaService(service.Service):
def manageStatusAction(self, status, res):
if status or (type(status).__name__=='str' and status=''):
if status or (type(status).__name__=='str' and status==''):
# detect if changed
oldstatus=yield dmdb.getStatusRealtime(res.status_name)
# NOTE: we have a changed status only if oldstatus exists
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def statusParser(trigger, sun, restype='string'):
return int(qr)
return 0
if qr in ['','false','0',0,'n','no',False,None]:
return False
return True
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