Commit 24fcbec6 authored by nextime's avatar nextime

little fix

parent 1b6125b6
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class DMBoard(ANABoard, INPBoard, OUTBoard, BaseBoard):
class Board(object):
implements(IPlugin, iboards.IDMBoards)
def getBoard(self, core , host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(core, host, port, pwd, lang)
def getBoard(self, host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(self.core, host, port, pwd, lang)
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class DMBoard(INPBoard, ANABoard, OUTBoard, BaseBoard):
class Board(object):
implements(IPlugin, iboards.IDMBoards)
def getBoard(self, core, host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(core, host, port, pwd, lang)
def getBoard(self, host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(self.core, host, port, pwd, lang)
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class DMBoard(INPBoard, OUTBoard, BaseBoard):
class Board(object):
implements(IPlugin, iboards.IDMBoards)
def getBoard(self, core ,host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(core, host, port, pwd, lang)
def getBoard(self ,host, port, pwd, lang):
return DMBoard(self.core, host, port, pwd, lang)
......@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ class domotikaService(service.Service):
log.debug(" ".join(["ADDBoard", str(name), str(btype), str(fwver), str(ip)]))
if p:
pboard = p.getBoard(False, ip, webport, self.boardsyspwd, str(self.config.get('general', 'language')))
pboard = p.getBoard(ip, webport, self.boardsyspwd, str(self.config.get('general', 'language')))"Support module for "+str(btype)+" board LOADED")
pboard.initialize().addCallback(self.askForBoardData, btype, fwver, name, ptype, port)
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