index.html 7.88 KB
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
	<title>LCARS jQuery Plugin Website System</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet/less" href="demo.less" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
	<script src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="src/jquery.lcars.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
			screen: 'split', // Screen Types = Full, Panel, Split
			title: 'Main Title',
			subTitle: 'Sub Title',
			colors: { // defind your colors
				color1: 'orange',
				color2: 'purple'
			content: {
				padding: '0', // padding: top, right, bottom, left
				ele: '#content' // define the element for your main content area
			sidePanel: '#side-panel', // define the element for your side buttons
			upperContent: '#upper-content', // define the upper content area (only in Split screens)
			css: 'src/',
			debug: true // defaults to false
			color: 'blue',
			extended: true
			color: 'white',
			extended: true
			color: 'tan',
			extended: true,
			subTitle: {
				direction: 'right',
				text: 'KB'
			color: 'blue',
			extended: true
	function highlight(id){
			$(id).addClass('highlight-inner').wrap('<div class="highlight"></div>');
			setTimeout("highlight('"+id+"')", 2000);
	<noscript><h1><font color="red">Javascript is required to view this page!</font></h1></noscript>
	<ul id="side-panel">
		<li><a href="buttons.html">Buttons</a></li>
		<li><a href="css.html">CSS</a></li>
		<li><a href="debug.html">Debugger</a></li>
		<li><a href="mobile.html">Mobile</a></li>
		<li><a href="">On jQuery</a></li>
		<li><a href="OLD/index.html">Old System</a></li>
	<div id="upper-content">
		<div id="up-header">
			<h1>LCARS jQuery Plugin Website System v2</h1>
			Developed by Josh Messer
			<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0" align="right">
						<a onclick="highlight('#info');" class="info" style="text-align:left">Set-Up</a>
						<a onclick="highlight('#mark-up');" class="mark">Mark-Up</a>
						<a href="" class="download" style="text-align:left">Download</a>
						<a href="help.html" class="help">More Help</a>
		<div id="up-text">
				The LCARS Website System Plugin for Jquery is developed by Josh Messer AKA (Garrett00 on Trek BBS). <br /> This Plugin is Licensed under <a href="">GNU General Public License v3</a> this means you are free do to with this as you please.
			<br />

			I have been a Star Trek fan for a long time. After looking around the internet I never found anything that would let me make a LCARS sytle website quick and easy. So I just decided to make my own!

	<div id="content">
		<div style="float:right;text-align:center;">
			<img src="graphics/UFP.bmp" alt="United Federation of Planets" />
			<br />
			<h3>United Federation of Planets</h3>
		<div style="padding: 0 20px">
		<h2>Using the System:</h2>
		To use the system you only need to include a few things.
			<li>Jquery LCARS Plugin</li>
		<div id="info">
			How to add System to your website.
			<div class="mono">
				<span>// Include Jquery</span>
				<br />
				&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="">&lt;/script>
				<br /><span>// Include LCARS JS</span><br />
				&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.lcars.js">&lt;/script>
			After that all you need to do is decalare your options for the page.
		<div id="mark-up">
			<h2>Plugin Options:</h2>
			<p>The Plugin options are really simple. First you need to open a script tag.</p>
			<div class="mono">
				&lt;script type="text/javascript"> <br />
					<span class="javascriptHere">// Javascript Here</span>
					<span class="jqueryOnDOM" style="display:none">
						<br />
						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// Javascript Here
						<br />
				<br /> &lt;/script>
			After you've done that go ahead and add the <a href="#" onclick="$('span.javascriptHere, span.jqueryOnDOM').toggle();">Jquery on DOM shortcut</a> code. 
			<p>Now we will call the plugin and add some options.</p>
			<div class="mono">
				&lt;script type="text/javascript">
					<br />
					<br />
			<p>That is the bare bones most basic way to create a LCARS website page with this plugin. Here are all of your options.</p>
			<div class="mono">
	screen: 'split', <span>// Screen Types = Full, Panel, Split</span>
	title: 'Main Title',
	subTitle: 'Sub Title',
	colors: { <span>// defind your colors</span>
		color1: 'orange',
		color2: 'purple'
	content: {
		padding: '0', <span>// padding: top, right, bottom, left</span>
		ele: '#content'<span>// The element for your main content area</span>
<span>// define the element for your side buttons</span>
	sidePanel: '#side-panel', 
<span>// define the upper content area (only in Split screens)</span>
	upperContent: '#upper-content', 
<span>// The directory where the CSS file is kept
(relative to the file LCARS.js is being called from)</span>
	css: 'src/', 
	debug: true <span>// defaults to false</span>
			<p>I know this looks complex and it can be for newbies. But all you really need to do is copy what's above into to &lt;head> of your page.</p>
			<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1"><!-- options table -->
				<tr align="center">
					<td colspan="4">Options Table</td>
				<tr style="color:#ccf">
					<td>full, panel, split</td>
					<td>The screen type you want the page to be.</td>
					<td>The name of your page (only for panel)</td>
					<td>The sub name of your page (only for panel)</td>
					<td>color1, color2</td>
					<td>orange, purple</td>
					<td>The colors for your page.</td>
					<td>padding, ele</td>
					<td>0, '#content'</td>
					<td>The padding for your content area PLUS a selection for the content element.</td>
					<td>Selector for your side panel (AKA where the links are)</td>
					<td>Selector for your upper content (only for split page)</td>
					<td>foler location</td>
					<td>The location of the lcars.jquery.css file relative to the web page</td>
					<td>Turn on or off debuging</td>
			</table><!-- // options table -->
