.htaccess 790 Bytes

# These rules tell apache to check if there is a cookie called "offline", with value set to the
# current angular version. If this rule matches the appcache-offline.manifest will be served for
# requests to appcache.manifest
# This file must be processed by Grunt in order to replace %ANGULAR_VERSION% with the actual version.

Options -Indexes
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE}      ng-offline="NG_VERSION_FULL"
RewriteRule appcache.manifest   appcache-offline.manifest

## Redirect to the latest manifest
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}        ^docs-next\.angularjs\.org$
RewriteRule appcache.manifest   http://code.angularjs.org/next/docs/appcache.manifest [R=301]

## HTML5 URL Support ##
RewriteRule ^(guide|api|cookbook|misc|tutorial)(/.*)?$    index.html