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    <title>Pie and Donut Charts</title>

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    .jqplot-data-label {
      /*color: #444;*/
/*      font-size: 1.1em;*/

<p>jqPlot bakes up the best pie and donut charts you've ever tasted!  Like bar and filled line plots, pie and donut slices highlight when you mouse over.</p>

<div id="chart1" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>

<pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>

<p>Too many calories in that pie?  Get all the taste without the filling!  Highlighting and data labels are still supported.  You can even cut out the slices!</p>

<div id="chart2" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>

<pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>

<p>Coming straight from the same bakery, donut plots have nearly identical options as pie charts.</p>

<div id="chart3" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>

<pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
<script class="code" type="text/javascript">
  var data = [
    ['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14], 
    ['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]
  var plot1 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart1', [data], 
      seriesDefaults: {
        // Make this a pie chart.
        renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer, 
        rendererOptions: {
          // Put data labels on the pie slices.
          // By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
          showDataLabels: true
      legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }

<script class="code" type="text/javascript">
  var data = [
    ['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14], 
    ['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]
  var plot2 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart2', [data], 
      seriesDefaults: {
        renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer, 
        rendererOptions: {
          // Turn off filling of slices.
          fill: false,
          showDataLabels: true, 
          // Add a margin to seperate the slices.
          sliceMargin: 4, 
          // stroke the slices with a little thicker line.
          lineWidth: 5
      legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }

<script class="code" type="text/javascript">
  var s1 = [['a',6], ['b',8], ['c',14], ['d',20]];
  var s2 = [['a', 8], ['b', 12], ['c', 6], ['d', 9]];
  var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [s1, s2], {
    seriesDefaults: {
      // make this a donut chart.
        // Donut's can be cut into slices like pies.
        sliceMargin: 3,
        // Pies and donuts can start at any arbitrary angle.
        startAngle: -90,
        showDataLabels: true,
        // By default, data labels show the percentage of the donut/pie.
        // You can show the data 'value' or data 'label' instead.
        dataLabels: 'value'

<!-- End example scripts -->

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    <script class="include" type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.jqplot.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shCore.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushJScript.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushXml.min.js"></script>
<!-- End Don't touch this! -->

<!-- Additional plugins go here -->

    <script class="include" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.pieRenderer.min.js"></script>
    <script class="include" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.donutRenderer.min.js"></script>

<!-- End additional plugins -->

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           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="multipleBarColors.html">Bar Colors Example</a></div>
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           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="theming.html">Chart Theming</a></div>
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           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="dashedLines.html">Dashed Lines with Smoothing</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="cursor-highlighter.html">Data Point Highlighting, Tooltips and Cursor Tracking</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="point-labels.html">Data Point labels</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="date-axes.html">Date Axes</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="dateAxisRenderer.html">Date Axes 2</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="rotatedTickLabelsZoom.html">Date Axes, Rotated Labels and Zooming</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="canvas-overlay.html">Draw Lines on Plots - Canvas Overlay</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="draw-rectangles.html">Draw Rectangles on Plots</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_engel.html">Engel Curves</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="bandedLine.html">Error Bands and Confidence Intervals</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="area.html">Filled (Area) Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="axisScalingForceTickAt.html">Force Plot to Have Tick at 0 or 100</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="hiddenPlotsInTabs.html">Hidden Plots</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="customHighlighterCursorTrendline.html">Highlighting, Dragging Points, Cursor and Trend Lines</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="line-charts.html">Line Charts and Options</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_lorenz.html">Lorenz Curves</a></div>
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           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="candlestick-charts.html">Open Hi Low Close and Candlestick Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="pieTest.html">Pie Charts and Options</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="pieTest4.html">Pie Charts and Options 2</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="pie-donut-charts.html">Pie and Donut Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="selectorSyntax.html">Plot Creation with jQuery Selectors</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="zooming.html">Plot Zooming and Cursor Control</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_pdf.html">Probability Density Function Chart</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_pyramid_by_age.html">Pyramid Chart By Age</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_pyramid.html">Pyramid Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_pyramid2.html">Pyramid Charts 2</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="kcp_quintiles.html">Quintile Pyramid Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="resizablePlot.html">Resizable Plots</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="rotated-tick-labels.html">Rotated Labels and Font Styling</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="smoothedLine.html">Smoothed Lines</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="bar-charts.html">Vertical and Horizontal Bar Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="waterfall.html">Waterfall Charts</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="waterfall2.html">Waterfall Charts 2</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="zoomOptions.html">Zoom Options</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="zoomProxy.html">Zoom Proxy - Control one plot from another</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="zoom1.html">Zooming</a></div>
           <div class="example-link"><a class="example-link" href="dateAxisLogAxisZooming.html">Zooming with Date and Log Axes</a></div>

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