/** * A trivial bootstrap class that simply adds the path to the * .js file as an argument to the Rhino call. This little hack * allows the code in the .js file to have access to it's own * path via the Rhino arguments object. This is necessary to * allow the .js code to find resource files in a location * relative to itself. * * USAGE: java -jar jsrun.jar path/to/file.js */publicclassJsRun{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){String[]jsargs={"-j="+args[0]};String[]allArgs=newString[jsargs.length+args.length];System.arraycopy(args,0,allArgs,0,args.length);System.arraycopy(jsargs,0,allArgs,args.length,jsargs.length);org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main.main(allArgs);}}