added image2surface

parent 35d612ae
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from PIL import Image
import os
import subprocess
def get_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Convert image to a surface for OpenSCAD and a .stl if desired.')
parser.add_argument('imagefile', metavar='IMAGEFILE', type=str, help='The path to the image file you want to convert to a surface.')
parser.add_argument('-i', dest='inverse', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Defaults to white as a background, this option makes black the background.')
parser.add_argument('-r', dest='removebase', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Remove base layer from surface. Only applies if exporting to .scad and/or .stl.')
parser.add_argument('-d', dest='maxdim', type=int, default=150, help='The maximum size in mm to make the x or y dimension. Only applies if exporting to .scad and/or .stl.')
parser.add_argument('-z', dest='zheight', type=int, default=5, help='The max z-height of the text, defaults to 5')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='filename', type=str, default='image2surface.dat', help='By default, this script just outputs textsurface.dat, which can be imported into an OpenSCAD document. If you specify a .scad filename for this parameter, the script will also output a .scad file which imports the surface. If you specify a .stl filename, the script will go further and generate a .stl file.')
return parser.parse_args()
def get_image_data(imagefile):
im =
return [list(im.getdata()), im.size[0], im.size[1]]
def create_dat(data, zheight, filename, inverse):
white = 255*len(data[0])
textbuffer = ''
line = []
lines = []
for i in range(len(data)):
if i%width == 0 and i != 0:
line = []
# To data
for line in lines:
textbuffer += '\n'
for pixel in line:
ratio = float(sum(pixel))/white
if not inverse:
ratio = 1-ratio
# Numbers (with decimal places) must be reversed so
# that when the entire textbuffer is reversed later,
# numbers will be correct
textbuffer += (' '+repr(ratio*zheight))[::-1]
datfilename = filename if filename[-4:] == '.dat' else 'temp_image2surface.dat'
f = open(datfilename, 'w')
print 'Surface is in '+datfilename
return datfilename
def create_scad(datfilename, filename, removebase, width, height, maxdim):
if width > height:
scale = [float(maxdim)/width, (maxdim*float(height)/width)/height, 1]
scale = [(maxdim*float(width)/height)/width, float(maxdim)/height, 1]
scadfilename = filename if filename[-5:] == '.scad' else 'temp_image2surface.scad'
f = open(scadfilename, 'w')
if removebase:
f.write('translate([0, 0, -1]) difference() {\n\t')
f.write('scale('+repr(scale)+') translate([0, 0, 1]) surface("'+datfilename+'", center=true, convexity=5);')
if removebase:
f.write('\n\tcube(['+repr(scale[0]*width)+', '+repr(scale[1]*height)+', 2], center=true);\n}')
print 'SCAD file is '+scadfilename
return scadfilename
def create_stl(filename, scadfilename):
openscadexec = 'openscad'
windows = 'C:\Program Files\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe'
mac = '/Applications/'
if os.path.exists(windows):
openscadexec = windows
elif os.path.exists(mac):
openscadexec = mac
stlfilename = filename
command = [openscadexec, '-m', 'make', '-s', filename, scadfilename]
print 'Exporting to STL'
print 'STL file is '+stlfilename
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = get_args()
# Generates an RGBA array, given an image file
[data, width, height] = get_image_data(args.imagefile)
# Outputs a .dat file that OpenSCAD can use with the surface command
datfilename = create_dat(data, args.zheight, args.filename, args.inverse)
# Generate .scad and/or .stl
if args.filename[-5:] == '.scad' or args.filename[-4:] == '.stl':
# Outputs a .scad file that can be used to create a .stl file
scadfilename = create_scad(datfilename, args.filename, args.removebase, width, height, args.maxdim)
if args.filename[-4:] == '.stl':
# Outputs a printable .stl file
create_stl(args.filename, scadfilename)
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