<?php // Prevent loading this file directly defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; if ( ! class_exists( 'WCQD_METABOX_Date_Field' ) ) { class WCQD_METABOX_Date_Field extends WCQD_METABOX_Field { /** * Enqueue scripts and styles * * @return void */ static function admin_enqueue_scripts() { $url = WCQD_METABOX_CSS_URL . 'jqueryui'; wp_register_style( 'jquery-ui-core', "{$url}/jquery.ui.core.css", array(), '1.8.17' ); wp_register_style( 'jquery-ui-theme', "{$url}/jquery.ui.theme.css", array(), '1.8.17' ); wp_register_style( 'wp-datepicker', WCQD_METABOX_CSS_URL ."datepicker.css", array( 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme' ), '1.8.17' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', "{$url}/jquery.ui.datepicker.css", array( 'wp-datepicker' ), '1.8.17' ); // Load localized scripts $locale = str_replace( '_', '-', get_locale() ); $file_paths = array( 'jqueryui/datepicker-i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $locale . '.js' ); // Also check alternate i18n filename (e.g. jquery.ui.datepicker-de.js instead of jquery.ui.datepicker-de-DE.js) if ( strlen( $locale ) > 2 ) $file_paths[] = 'jqueryui/datepicker-i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . substr( $locale, 0, 2 ) . '.js'; $deps = array( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ); foreach ( $file_paths as $file_path ) { if ( file_exists( WCQD_METABOX_DIR . 'js/' . $file_path ) ) { wp_register_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n', WCQD_METABOX_JS_URL . $file_path, $deps, '1.8.17', true ); $deps[] = 'jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n'; break; } } wp_enqueue_script( 'rwmb-date', WCQD_METABOX_JS_URL . 'date.js', $deps, WCQD_METABOX_VER, true ); } /** * Get field HTML * * @param mixed $meta * @param array $field * * @return string */ static function html( $meta, $field ) { return sprintf( '<input type="text" class="rwmb-date" name="%s" value="%s" id="%s" size="%s" data-options="%s" />', $field['field_name'], $meta, isset( $field['clone'] ) && $field['clone'] ? '' : $field['id'], $field['size'], esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $field['js_options'] ) ) ); } /** * Normalize parameters for field * * @param array $field * * @return array */ static function normalize_field( $field ) { $field = wp_parse_args( $field, array( 'size' => 30, 'js_options' => array(), ) ); // Deprecate 'format', but keep it for backward compatible // Use 'js_options' instead $field['js_options'] = wp_parse_args( $field['js_options'], array( 'dateFormat' => empty( $field['format'] ) ? 'yy-mm-dd' : $field['format'], 'showButtonPanel' => true, ) ); return $field; } } }