Add a "maybe" todo

parent 70150b5e
This isn't a todo list.
This is a "MAYBE" todo list.
That mean if i have time, code, inspiration, time to waste, maybe some day i will do it.
You can do it too and send me a merge request.
Or you can bulling me to do it. Good luck with that.
- "polite" mode, with less rudeness in the messages ( if enough or reasonable requests to do it will arrive )
- better managing of key-mgmnt modes
- support ad-hoc connections
- preup, postup custom external script
- checking the outcome of the connection.
- better config parser/format.
- better command line arguments parsing.
- better code in general.
- a monitor daemon? naahh, but maybe...
- a GUI? or just maybe a command line mode script friendly? Perhaps a pipe friendly one?
What i will NOT do:
- expanding it over wireless interfaces only
- expanding it over basic interface and route configuration ( but you can maybe use preup-postup scripts )
- managing AP mode: this is a client only manager.
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