Add some mooing

parent b1b4b486
......@@ -221,15 +221,18 @@ while not EXIT:
elif SM=="main":
netind = {}
fuck = "none"
while fuck not in netind.keys() and fuck.lower() not in ['e', 'r', 'q','s']:
while fuck not in netind.keys() and fuck.lower() not in ['e', 'r', 'q','s', 'm']:
netind = show_fuck_list(nets)
fuck = input("\n Choose a fucking one by index, or press E for edit, R to remove, S tore-scan, Q to shit the hell out: ")
fuck = input("\n Choose a fucking one by index, or press E for edit, R to remove, S to re-scan, Q to shit the hell out: ")
if fuck.lower()=='r':
elif fuck.lower()=='s':
elif fuck.lower()=='m':
print(sh("/usr/games/cowsay 'moo'"))
elif SM=="remove":
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