Commit 724f5f3e authored by Michael J. Lyons's avatar Michael J. Lyons

Adding more SPI master test scripts, including loopback, which verifies the...

Adding more SPI master test scripts, including loopback, which verifies the non-XPS implementation works at up to 28mbps
parent 74ff52fb
from cheetah_py import *
import time
class SpiComm:
"""Controls a Cheetah USB/SPI adapter to talk over SPI to the spiifc
_port = 0 # Change if using multiple Cheetahs
_mode = 3 # spiifc SPI mode
_bitrate = 28000 # kbps
handle = None # handle to Cheetah SPI
class SpiCommError(Exception):
"""There was some error interacting with the Cheetah SPI adapter"""
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __init__(self):
self.handle = ch_open(self._port)
if (self.handle <= 0):
raise SpiCommError("Unable to open Cheetah device on port %d.\nError code = %d (%s)" % (self._port, self.handle, ch_status_string(self.handle)))
ch_spi_configure(self.handle, (self._mode >> 1), self._mode & 1,
ch_spi_bitrate(self.handle, self._bitrate)
#ch_spi_queue_oe(self.handle, 1)
def __del__(self):
def SendToSlave(self, byteArray):
byteCount = len(byteArray) + 1
data_in = array('B', [0 for i in range(byteCount)])
actualByteCount = 0
ch_spi_queue_oe(self.handle, 1)
#ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x2)
#ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 0xCC)
ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x1)
ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 1) # Sending data to slave
for byte in byteArray:
ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, byte)
#ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x2)
#ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 0xCC)
ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0)
ch_spi_queue_oe(self.handle, 0)
(actualByteCount, data_in) = ch_spi_batch_shift(self.handle, byteCount)
def RecvFromSlave(self, byteCount):
totalByteCount = byteCount + 1 # Extra byte for cmd
data_in = array('B', [0 for i in range(totalByteCount)])
actualByteCount = 0
ch_spi_queue_oe(self.handle, 1)
#ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x2)
#ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 0xCC)
ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x1)
ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 3) # Receive data from slave
ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, byteCount, 0x56)
#ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x2)
#ch_spi_queue_byte(self.handle, 1, 0xCC)
ch_spi_queue_ss(self.handle, 0x0)
ch_spi_queue_oe(self.handle, 0)
(actualByteCount, data_in) = ch_spi_batch_shift(self.handle,
return data_in[1:]
from cheetah_py import *
from time import *
import sys
import spilib
import time
import datetime
import random
def print_usage():
print \
usage: PORT
# SingleBytePacketTest:
# Sends a predefined pattern of single-byte SPI transmissions (master-out)
def SingleBytePacketsSendTest():
packetsToSend = [[0x55],[0xAA],[0x33],[0x66],[0xCC],[0x99],[0xF0],\
packetIndex = 0
while True:
dataToSend = packetsToSend[packetIndex]
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
sys.stdout.write("Sending: [")
for sendByte in dataToSend:
sys.stdout.write(" 0x%02x" % (sendByte))
sys.stdout.write(" ]\n")
packetIndex = (packetIndex + 1) % len(packetsToSend)
packetIndex + 1
# MultiBytePacketSendTest:
# Sends a predefined single multi-byte packet over SPI (master-out)
def MultiBytePacketSendTest():
dataToSend = [0x01, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x33, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x99, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0F]
sys.stdout.write("Sending: [")
for sendByte in dataToSend:
sys.stdout.write(" 0x%02x" % (sendByte))
sys.stdout.write(" ]\n")
# LoopbackTest:
# Sends randomly generated blocks of data over SPI, then reads back
# data. Assumes that slave is using a common read and write buffer
# and reads the block of data back. The test verifies that the block of
# data is identical to the one sent. The test will run continuously
# until a received packet does not match the sent packet.
def LoopbackTest():
passCount = 0
loopbackErrors = 0
packetByteSize = 4096
while loopbackErrors == 0:
print("PassCount: %d" % (passCount))
dataToSend = []
for randIndex in range(packetByteSize):
dataToSend.append(random.randint(0, 255))
print("Sending [0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x ...]" % (
dataToSend[0], dataToSend[1], dataToSend[2],
dataToSend[3], dataToSend[4]))
# Send some data to the slave
sys.stdout.write("Sending data to slave...");
port = int(sys.argv[1])
mode = 3
bitrate = 30000 # kbps
byteCount = 4096 # bytes
# Receive some data from the slave
recvData = spi.RecvFromSlave(packetByteSize)
# Open the device
handle = ch_open(port)
if (handle <= 0):
print "Unable to open Cheetah device on port %d" % port
print "Error code = %d (%s)" % (handle, ch_status_string(handle))
# Make sure bytes sent match bytes received
if len(recvData) != packetByteSize:
sys.stdout.write("[FAIL] Did not receive 4096 bytes from spiifc\n")
for byteIndex in range(packetByteSize):
if recvData[byteIndex] != dataToSend[byteIndex]:
sys.stdout.write("[FAIL] mismatch at index %d: sent=0x%x, recv=0x%x\n" \
% (byteIndex, dataToSend[byteIndex], recvData[byteIndex]))
loopbackErrors = loopbackErrors + 1
if loopbackErrors >= 5:
if 0 == loopbackErrors:
sys.stdout.write("[PASS] All loopback SPI bytes match.\n");
passCount = passCount + 1
# Print number of passed tests before failure
print("PassCount: %d" % (passCount))
# PrintCliSyntax:
# Displays the syntax for the command line interface (CLI)
def PrintCliSyntax():
print """
Syntax: test [random-seed]
Valid tests (case sensitive):
- SingleBytePacketsSend
- MultiBytePacketSend
- Loopback
# Main
# Parse CLI
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
print "Opened Cheetah device on port %d" % port
# Retreive specified test function(s)
cliTest = sys.argv[1]
testMapping = {'SingleBytePacketsSend' : [SingleBytePacketsSendTest],
'MultiBytePacketSend' : [MultiBytePacketSendTest],
'Loopback' : [LoopbackTest]}
if cliTest not in testMapping:
sys.stderr.write('%s is not a valid test.\n' % (cliTest,))
testsToRun = testMapping[cliTest]
ch_host_ifce_speed_string = ""
if (ch_host_ifce_speed(handle)):
ch_host_ifce_speed_string = "high speed"
# Seed random number generator
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
seed = int(sys.argv[2])
ch_host_ifce_speed_string = "full speed"
print "Host interface is %s" % ch_host_ifce_speed_string
# Ensure that SPI subsystem is configured
ch_spi_configure(handle, (mode >> 1), mode & 1, CH_SPI_BITORDER_MSB, 0x0)
print "SPI configuration set to mode %d, MSB shift, SS[2:0] active low" % mode
# Set the bitrate
bitrate = ch_spi_bitrate(handle, bitrate)
print "Bitrate set to %d kHz" % bitrate
# Create 4KB of fake data so we can exchange it for real data
data_in = array('B', [0 for i in range(byteCount)])
ch_spi_queue_oe(handle, 1)
ch_spi_queue_ss(handle, 0x1)
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 1) # Sending data to FPGA
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0xFF) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0xF0) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x33) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x55) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x12) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x34) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x56) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x78) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x9A) # Sending bytes
ch_spi_queue_ss(handle, 0)
(actualByteCount, data_in) = ch_spi_batch_shift(handle, byteCount)
for i in range(actualByteCount):
sys.stdout.write("%x " % data_in[i])
ch_spi_queue_oe(handle, 1)
ch_spi_queue_ss(handle, 0x1)
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 3) # Receiving data from FPGA
for i in range(1024):
ch_spi_queue_byte(handle, 1, 0x00) # Sending bytes (1024 bytes of gibberish)
ch_spi_queue_ss(handle, 0)
(actualByteCount, data_in) = ch_spi_batch_shift(handle, byteCount)
for i in range(actualByteCount):
sys.stdout.write("%x " % data_in[i])
seed = datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond
# Initialize Cheetah SPI/USB adapter
spi = spilib.SpiComm()
# Seed random
print("Random seed: %d" % seed)
# Run specified test
for testToRun in testsToRun:
# Close and exit
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