/* * noVNC: HTML5 VNC client * Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin * Copyright (C) 2013 Samuel Mannehed for Cendio AB * Licensed under MPL 2.0 or any later version (see LICENSE.txt) */ /*jslint browser: true, white: false, bitwise: false */ /*global window, Util */ // // Keyboard event handler // function Keyboard(defaults) { "use strict"; var that = {}, // Public API methods conf = {}, // Configuration attributes keyDownList = []; // List of depressed keys // (even if they are happy) // Configuration attributes Util.conf_defaults(conf, that, defaults, [ ['target', 'wo', 'dom', document, 'DOM element that captures keyboard input'], ['focused', 'rw', 'bool', true, 'Capture and send key events'], ['onKeyPress', 'rw', 'func', null, 'Handler for key press/release'] ]); // // Private functions // /////// setup function onRfbEvent(evt) { if (conf.onKeyPress) { Util.Debug("onKeyPress " + (evt.type == 'keydown' ? "down" : "up") + ", keysym: " + evt.keysym.keysym + "(" + evt.keysym.keyname + ")"); conf.onKeyPress(evt.keysym.keysym, evt.type == 'keydown'); } } // create the keyboard handler var k = KeyEventDecoder(kbdUtil.ModifierSync(), VerifyCharModifier( TrackKeyState( EscapeModifiers(onRfbEvent) ) ) ); function onKeyDown(e) { if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (k.keydown(e)) { // Suppress bubbling/default actions Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } else { // Allow the event to bubble and become a keyPress event which // will have the character code translated return true; } } function onKeyPress(e) { if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (k.keypress(e)) { // Suppress bubbling/default actions Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } else { // Allow the event to bubble and become a keyPress event which // will have the character code translated return true; } } function onKeyUp(e) { if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (k.keyup(e)) { // Suppress bubbling/default actions Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } else { // Allow the event to bubble and become a keyPress event which // will have the character code translated return true; } } function onOther(e) { k.syncModifiers(e); } function allKeysUp() { Util.Debug(">> Keyboard.allKeysUp"); k.releaseAll(); Util.Debug("<< Keyboard.allKeysUp"); } // // Public API interface functions // that.grab = function() { //Util.Debug(">> Keyboard.grab"); var c = conf.target; Util.addEvent(c, 'keydown', onKeyDown); Util.addEvent(c, 'keyup', onKeyUp); Util.addEvent(c, 'keypress', onKeyPress); // Release (key up) if window loses focus Util.addEvent(window, 'blur', allKeysUp); //Util.Debug("<< Keyboard.grab"); }; that.ungrab = function() { //Util.Debug(">> Keyboard.ungrab"); var c = conf.target; Util.removeEvent(c, 'keydown', onKeyDown); Util.removeEvent(c, 'keyup', onKeyUp); Util.removeEvent(c, 'keypress', onKeyPress); Util.removeEvent(window, 'blur', allKeysUp); // Release (key up) all keys that are in a down state allKeysUp(); //Util.Debug(">> Keyboard.ungrab"); }; that.sync = function(e) { k.syncModifiers(e); } return that; // Return the public API interface } // End of Keyboard() // // Mouse event handler // function Mouse(defaults) { "use strict"; var that = {}, // Public API methods conf = {}, // Configuration attributes mouseCaptured = false; var doubleClickTimer = null, lastTouchPos = null; // Configuration attributes Util.conf_defaults(conf, that, defaults, [ ['target', 'ro', 'dom', document, 'DOM element that captures mouse input'], ['notify', 'ro', 'func', null, 'Function to call to notify whenever a mouse event is received'], ['focused', 'rw', 'bool', true, 'Capture and send mouse clicks/movement'], ['scale', 'rw', 'float', 1.0, 'Viewport scale factor 0.0 - 1.0'], ['onMouseButton', 'rw', 'func', null, 'Handler for mouse button click/release'], ['onMouseMove', 'rw', 'func', null, 'Handler for mouse movement'], ['touchButton', 'rw', 'int', 1, 'Button mask (1, 2, 4) for touch devices (0 means ignore clicks)'] ]); function captureMouse() { // capturing the mouse ensures we get the mouseup event if (conf.target.setCapture) { conf.target.setCapture(); } // some browsers give us mouseup events regardless, // so if we never captured the mouse, we can disregard the event mouseCaptured = true; } function releaseMouse() { if (conf.target.releaseCapture) { conf.target.releaseCapture(); } mouseCaptured = false; } // // Private functions // function resetDoubleClickTimer() { doubleClickTimer = null; } function onMouseButton(e, down) { var evt, pos, bmask; if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (conf.notify) { conf.notify(e); } evt = (e ? e : window.event); pos = Util.getEventPosition(e, conf.target, conf.scale); if (e.touches || e.changedTouches) { // Touch device // When two touches occur within 500 ms of each other and are // closer than 20 pixels together a double click is triggered. if (down == 1) { if (doubleClickTimer == null) { lastTouchPos = pos; } else { clearTimeout(doubleClickTimer); // When the distance between the two touches is small enough // force the position of the latter touch to the position of // the first. var xs = lastTouchPos.x - pos.x; var ys = lastTouchPos.y - pos.y; var d = Math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys)); // The goal is to trigger on a certain physical width, the // devicePixelRatio brings us a bit closer but is not optimal. if (d < 20 * window.devicePixelRatio) { pos = lastTouchPos; } } doubleClickTimer = setTimeout(resetDoubleClickTimer, 500); } bmask = conf.touchButton; // If bmask is set } else if (evt.which) { /* everything except IE */ bmask = 1 << evt.button; } else { /* IE including 9 */ bmask = (evt.button & 0x1) + // Left (evt.button & 0x2) * 2 + // Right (evt.button & 0x4) / 2; // Middle } //Util.Debug("mouse " + pos.x + "," + pos.y + " down: " + down + // " bmask: " + bmask + "(evt.button: " + evt.button + ")"); if (conf.onMouseButton) { Util.Debug("onMouseButton " + (down ? "down" : "up") + ", x: " + pos.x + ", y: " + pos.y + ", bmask: " + bmask); conf.onMouseButton(pos.x, pos.y, down, bmask); } Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } function onMouseDown(e) { captureMouse(); onMouseButton(e, 1); } function onMouseUp(e) { if (!mouseCaptured) { return; } onMouseButton(e, 0); releaseMouse(); } function onMouseWheel(e) { var evt, pos, bmask, wheelData; if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (conf.notify) { conf.notify(e); } evt = (e ? e : window.event); pos = Util.getEventPosition(e, conf.target, conf.scale); wheelData = evt.detail ? evt.detail * -1 : evt.wheelDelta / 40; if (wheelData > 0) { bmask = 1 << 3; } else { bmask = 1 << 4; } //Util.Debug('mouse scroll by ' + wheelData + ':' + pos.x + "," + pos.y); if (conf.onMouseButton) { conf.onMouseButton(pos.x, pos.y, 1, bmask); conf.onMouseButton(pos.x, pos.y, 0, bmask); } Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } function onMouseMove(e) { var evt, pos; if (! conf.focused) { return true; } if (conf.notify) { conf.notify(e); } evt = (e ? e : window.event); pos = Util.getEventPosition(e, conf.target, conf.scale); //Util.Debug('mouse ' + evt.which + '/' + evt.button + ' up:' + pos.x + "," + pos.y); if (conf.onMouseMove) { conf.onMouseMove(pos.x, pos.y); } Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } function onMouseDisable(e) { var evt, pos; if (! conf.focused) { return true; } evt = (e ? e : window.event); pos = Util.getEventPosition(e, conf.target, conf.scale); /* Stop propagation if inside canvas area */ if ((pos.realx >= 0) && (pos.realy >= 0) && (pos.realx < conf.target.offsetWidth) && (pos.realy < conf.target.offsetHeight)) { //Util.Debug("mouse event disabled"); Util.stopEvent(e); return false; } //Util.Debug("mouse event not disabled"); return true; } // // Public API interface functions // that.grab = function() { //Util.Debug(">> Mouse.grab"); var c = conf.target; if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { Util.addEvent(c, 'touchstart', onMouseDown); Util.addEvent(window, 'touchend', onMouseUp); Util.addEvent(c, 'touchend', onMouseUp); Util.addEvent(c, 'touchmove', onMouseMove); } else { Util.addEvent(c, 'mousedown', onMouseDown); Util.addEvent(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); Util.addEvent(c, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); Util.addEvent(c, 'mousemove', onMouseMove); Util.addEvent(c, (Util.Engine.gecko) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel); } /* Work around right and middle click browser behaviors */ Util.addEvent(document, 'click', onMouseDisable); Util.addEvent(document.body, 'contextmenu', onMouseDisable); //Util.Debug("<< Mouse.grab"); }; that.ungrab = function() { //Util.Debug(">> Mouse.ungrab"); var c = conf.target; if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { Util.removeEvent(c, 'touchstart', onMouseDown); Util.removeEvent(window, 'touchend', onMouseUp); Util.removeEvent(c, 'touchend', onMouseUp); Util.removeEvent(c, 'touchmove', onMouseMove); } else { Util.removeEvent(c, 'mousedown', onMouseDown); Util.removeEvent(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); Util.removeEvent(c, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); Util.removeEvent(c, 'mousemove', onMouseMove); Util.removeEvent(c, (Util.Engine.gecko) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel); } /* Work around right and middle click browser behaviors */ Util.removeEvent(document, 'click', onMouseDisable); Util.removeEvent(document.body, 'contextmenu', onMouseDisable); //Util.Debug(">> Mouse.ungrab"); }; return that; // Return the public API interface } // End of Mouse()