Commit d798572d authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

Add native base64 test (atob and btoa).

Interestingly it turns out that using the native base64 routines does
not improve performance. Likely because the actual time is in
marshalling/unmarshalling between strings and arrays (and associated
garbage collection overhead) which has to be done either way.
parent 77c7a454
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Native Base64 Tests</title>
<script src="include/util.js"></script>
<h1>Native Base64 Tests</h1>
<textarea id="debug" style="font-size: 9px;" cols=80 rows=25></textarea>
function debug(str) {
cell = $('debug');
cell.innerHTML += str + "\n";
cell.scrollTop = cell.scrollHeight;
function assertRun(code, result) {
try {
var actual = eval(code);
} catch (exc) {
debug("FAIL: '" + code + "' threw an exception");
fail += 1;
return false;
if (actual !== result) {
debug("FAIL: '" + code + "' returned '" + actual + "', expected '" + result + "'");
fail += 1;
return false;
debug("PASS: '" + code + "' returned expected '" + result +"'");
pass += 1;
return true;
window.onload = function() {
var str;
fail = 0;
pass = 0;
assertRun('window.btoa("hello world")', 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=');
assertRun('window.atob("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")', 'hello world');
assertRun('window.atob("YQ==")', 'a');
assertRun('window.atob("YWI=")', 'ab');
assertRun('window.atob("YWJj")', 'abc');
assertRun('window.atob("YWJjZA==")', 'abcd');
assertRun('window.atob("YWJjZGU=")', 'abcde');
assertRun('window.atob("YWJjZGVm")', 'abcdef');
assertRun('window.btoa("a")', 'YQ==');
assertRun('window.btoa("ab")', 'YWI=');
assertRun('window.btoa("abc")', 'YWJj');
assertRun('window.btoa("abcd")', 'YWJjZA==');
assertRun('window.btoa("abcde")', 'YWJjZGU=');
assertRun('window.btoa("abcdef")', 'YWJjZGVm');
assertRun('window.btoa("abcdefg")', 'YWJjZGVmZw==');
assertRun('window.btoa("abcdefgh")', 'YWJjZGVmZ2g=');
assertRun('typeof window.btoa', 'function');
assertRun('window.btoa("")', '');
assertRun('window.btoa(null)', '');
assertRun('window.atob(window.btoa(window))', window.toString()); // "[object DOMWindow]"
assertRun('window.btoa("\\u0080\\u0081")', 'gIE=');
debug("Tests failed: " + fail);
debug("Tests passed: " + pass);
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