/* * * This is an example of how to use libvncserver. * * libvncserver example * Copyright (C) 2001 Johannes E. Schindelin <Johannes.Schindelin@gmx.de> * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef WIN32 #define sleep Sleep #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef __IRIX__ #include <netdb.h> #endif #include <rfb/rfb.h> #include <rfb/keysym.h> static const int bpp=4; static int maxx=800, maxy=600; /* TODO: odd maxx doesn't work (vncviewer bug) */ /* This initializes a nice (?) background */ static void initBuffer(unsigned char* buffer) { int i,j; for(j=0;j<maxy;++j) { for(i=0;i<maxx;++i) { buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+0]=(i+j)*128/(maxx+maxy); /* red */ buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+1]=i*128/maxx; /* green */ buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+2]=j*256/maxy; /* blue */ } buffer[j*maxx*bpp+0]=0xff; buffer[j*maxx*bpp+1]=0xff; buffer[j*maxx*bpp+2]=0xff; buffer[j*maxx*bpp+3]=0xff; } } /* Here we create a structure so that every client has it's own pointer */ typedef struct ClientData { rfbBool oldButton; int oldx,oldy; } ClientData; static void clientgone(rfbClientPtr cl) { free(cl->clientData); } static enum rfbNewClientAction newclient(rfbClientPtr cl) { cl->clientData = (void*)calloc(sizeof(ClientData),1); cl->clientGoneHook = clientgone; return RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT; } /* switch to new framebuffer contents */ static void newframebuffer(rfbScreenInfoPtr screen, int width, int height) { unsigned char *oldfb, *newfb; maxx = width; maxy = height; oldfb = (unsigned char*)screen->frameBuffer; newfb = (unsigned char*)malloc(maxx * maxy * bpp); initBuffer(newfb); rfbNewFramebuffer(screen, (char*)newfb, maxx, maxy, 8, 3, bpp); free(oldfb); /*** FIXME: Re-install cursor. ***/ } /* aux function to draw a line */ static void drawline(unsigned char* buffer,int rowstride,int bpp,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { int i,j; i=x1-x2; j=y1-y2; if(i==0 && j==0) { for(i=0;i<bpp;i++) buffer[y1*rowstride+x1*bpp+i]=0xff; return; } if(i<0) i=-i; if(j<0) j=-j; if(i<j) { if(y1>y2) { i=y2; y2=y1; y1=i; i=x2; x2=x1; x1=i; } for(j=y1;j<=y2;j++) for(i=0;i<bpp;i++) buffer[j*rowstride+(x1+(j-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1))*bpp+i]=0xff; } else { if(x1>x2) { i=y2; y2=y1; y1=i; i=x2; x2=x1; x1=i; } for(i=x1;i<=x2;i++) for(j=0;j<bpp;j++) buffer[(y1+(i-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*rowstride+i*bpp+j]=0xff; } } /* Here the pointer events are handled */ static void doptr(int buttonMask,int x,int y,rfbClientPtr cl) { ClientData* cd=cl->clientData; if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<maxx && y<maxy) { if(buttonMask) { int i,j,x1,x2,y1,y2; if(cd->oldButton==buttonMask) { /* draw a line */ drawline((unsigned char*)cl->screen->frameBuffer,cl->screen->paddedWidthInBytes,bpp, x,y,cd->oldx,cd->oldy); x1=x; y1=y; if(x1>cd->oldx) x1++; else cd->oldx++; if(y1>cd->oldy) y1++; else cd->oldy++; rfbMarkRectAsModified(cl->screen,x,y,cd->oldx,cd->oldy); } else { /* draw a point (diameter depends on button) */ int w=cl->screen->paddedWidthInBytes; x1=x-buttonMask; if(x1<0) x1=0; x2=x+buttonMask; if(x2>maxx) x2=maxx; y1=y-buttonMask; if(y1<0) y1=0; y2=y+buttonMask; if(y2>maxy) y2=maxy; for(i=x1*bpp;i<x2*bpp;i++) for(j=y1;j<y2;j++) cl->screen->frameBuffer[j*w+i]=(char)0xff; rfbMarkRectAsModified(cl->screen,x1,y1,x2,y2); } /* we could get a selection like that: rfbGotXCutText(cl->screen,"Hallo",5); */ } else cd->oldButton=0; cd->oldx=x; cd->oldy=y; cd->oldButton=buttonMask; } rfbDefaultPtrAddEvent(buttonMask,x,y,cl); } /* aux function to draw a character to x, y */ #include "radon.h" /* Here the key events are handled */ static void dokey(rfbBool down,rfbKeySym key,rfbClientPtr cl) { if(down) { if(key==XK_Escape) rfbCloseClient(cl); else if(key==XK_F12) /* close down server, disconnecting clients */ rfbShutdownServer(cl->screen,TRUE); else if(key==XK_F11) /* close down server, but wait for all clients to disconnect */ rfbShutdownServer(cl->screen,FALSE); else if(key==XK_Page_Up) { initBuffer((unsigned char*)cl->screen->frameBuffer); rfbMarkRectAsModified(cl->screen,0,0,maxx,maxy); } else if (key == XK_Up) { if (maxx < 1024) { if (maxx < 800) { newframebuffer(cl->screen, 800, 600); } else { newframebuffer(cl->screen, 1024, 768); } } } else if(key==XK_Down) { if (maxx > 640) { if (maxx > 800) { newframebuffer(cl->screen, 800, 600); } else { newframebuffer(cl->screen, 640, 480); } } } else if(key>=' ' && key<0x100) { ClientData* cd=cl->clientData; int x1=cd->oldx,y1=cd->oldy,x2,y2; cd->oldx+=rfbDrawCharWithClip(cl->screen,&radonFont,cd->oldx,cd->oldy,(char)key,0,0,cl->screen->width,cl->screen->height,0x00ffffff,0x00ffffff); rfbFontBBox(&radonFont,(char)key,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); rfbMarkRectAsModified(cl->screen,x1,y1,x2-1,y2-1); } } } /* Example for an XCursor (foreground/background only) */ #ifdef JUST_AN_EXAMPLE static int exampleXCursorWidth=9,exampleXCursorHeight=7; static char exampleXCursor[]= " " " xx xx " " xx xx " " xxx " " xx xx " " xx xx " " "; #endif /* Example for a rich cursor (full-colour) */ static void MakeRichCursor(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen) { int i,j,w=32,h=32; rfbCursorPtr c = rfbScreen->cursor; char bitmap[]= " " " xxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx " " xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx " " xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xx x xxxxxxxxxxx " " xxx xxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " " "; c=rfbScreen->cursor = rfbMakeXCursor(w,h,bitmap,bitmap); c->xhot = 16; c->yhot = 24; c->richSource = (char*)malloc(w*h*bpp); c->cleanupRichSource = TRUE; for(j=0;j<h;j++) { for(i=0;i<w;i++) { c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+0]=i*0xff/w; c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+1]=(i+j)*0xff/(w+h); c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+2]=j*0xff/h; c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+3]=0; } } } /* Initialization */ int main(int argc,char** argv) { rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen = rfbGetScreen(&argc,argv,maxx,maxy,8,3,bpp); rfbScreen->desktopName = "LibVNCServer Example"; rfbScreen->frameBuffer = (char*)malloc(maxx*maxy*bpp); rfbScreen->alwaysShared = TRUE; rfbScreen->ptrAddEvent = doptr; rfbScreen->kbdAddEvent = dokey; rfbScreen->newClientHook = newclient; rfbScreen->httpDir = "../classes"; rfbScreen->httpEnableProxyConnect = TRUE; initBuffer((unsigned char*)rfbScreen->frameBuffer); rfbDrawString(rfbScreen,&radonFont,20,100,"Hello, World!",0xffffff); /* This call creates a mask and then a cursor: */ /* rfbScreen->defaultCursor = rfbMakeXCursor(exampleCursorWidth,exampleCursorHeight,exampleCursor,0); */ MakeRichCursor(rfbScreen); /* initialize the server */ rfbInitServer(rfbScreen); #ifndef BACKGROUND_LOOP_TEST #ifdef USE_OWN_LOOP { int i; for(i=0;rfbIsActive(rfbScreen);i++) { fprintf(stderr,"%d\r",i); rfbProcessEvents(rfbScreen,100000); } } #else /* this is the blocking event loop, i.e. it never returns */ /* 40000 are the microseconds to wait on select(), i.e. 0.04 seconds */ rfbRunEventLoop(rfbScreen,40000,FALSE); #endif /* OWN LOOP */ #else #if !defined(LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBPTHREAD) #error "I need pthreads for that." #endif /* this is the non-blocking event loop; a background thread is started */ rfbRunEventLoop(rfbScreen,-1,TRUE); fprintf(stderr, "Running background loop...\n"); /* now we could do some cool things like rendering in idle time */ while(1) sleep(5); /* render(); */ #endif /* BACKGROUND_LOOP */ free(rfbScreen->frameBuffer); rfbScreenCleanup(rfbScreen); return(0); }